Brewster, unfortunately, I think only immigrants are historical figures. Since you're one of the starting seven, you were created out of whole cloth.
It says you are of "unknown parentage" and the only pre-fortress legends entry is your birth in 446.
Demonator, Fishybang, same issue as Brewster. "New" Fishybang and wastedlands, since both of yours are children, there's nothing really to bite into; however, you, like me, are both casual worshipers of Loli Beardedcloud the Granite Den.
Man, that's a downer. I was hoping the starting seven were also historical figures. To make up for it, here's the pantheon of The Lost Arch!
Based on his domain of mountains, and the fact that he seems to be the most active god in terms of causing werecreature and vampire curses, I can safely say that Etur is probably the chief god of the pantheon of the Lost Arch. I picture him as being stern but just, and perhaps a bit vain (since he doesn't react well to his temples being profaned, I'd say).
Probably depicted as capricious, fun-loving, and whimsical; this is fire, and not magma.
Trade, wealth, and jewels all go together, but fate is a rather strange addition. Perhaps he's associated with the fate of nations and cities, which can indeed turn on trade and wealth. Celestial broker, perhaps? And if so, does he go on break whenever you need him at the depot?
Well, we've got a zombie woman goddess. She's the creator of Veshvucar Taremngotol, "Dusturn the Fated Ghost," a billon slab detailing the secrets of life and death, which was claimed by the necromancer Erush Sensedshields and stored in the dwarven tower of Conjuredtools. Be very wary of any dwarf who claims to worship Vucar, because they are likely up to no good.
Zanos, I think, is responsible for taming the rages of Etur the Spine of Oil, making sure that he does not overextend his justice and cause undue suffering to dwarfkind. A dwarf who is afraid that they have offended Etur might make their appeal to Zanos to intercede on their behalf.
Male god plus fertility sphere means that his temples are renowned the world over for the height of their strangely-shaped pillars.
Bokbon is an oddity because she is listed as having several elven worshippers. Further investigation reveals that there are indeed elven members of our civilization; some of them even have dwarven names, indicating that they were born into dwarven society. This merits further research. Also, Bokbon created a vampire, which seems an odd form of consolation.
Nothing really to say about this one.
I'd say to be wary of anyone who worships Genlath, but maybe they're just bondage enthusiasts.
Apparently he mandated that every piece of writing must have a hilarious title.
I picture him as Etur's lieutenant, and possibly something of a rival. Fortresses and earth are about equal with mountains for dwarfiness.
Oth is the one who makes dwarves build walls from the wrong side and wander onto battlefields to claim socks. She's just a huge joker, is all.
Stay tuned for further research on how elves were integrated into the Lost Arch!