Alex drops his shirt back to normal and heads downstairs to the garage. Alex opens the door and opens the door. Completely dark except for light peaking out from the crack between the dusty concrete floor and garage door. Alex flips the switch on the wall...
... A buzzing noise is heard and then a click aaand...
There isn't much to see in the garage, no windows and a door to the outside aside from the main garage door, which has no motor but is opened manually. The garage is almost completely empty except for a small group of tools that Alex had bought for yard work ,a rake,a shovel, a trowel, a file, and a pulaski (nice!), all of which unused and shiny new except for the shovel which is dusty and has cracked paint.
The floor is cracked and dusty concrete and has a rusty drain in the center of the floor. The walls unpainted and old looking. The boiler is located here and makes a quiet whoosh. It looks like it is held together by rust and solder alone.
Alex walks down into the center where the drain is located and looks into it. Dark. Rusty. Dark.
A loud snap is heard under the small wooden staircase that leads up to the door to the kitchen. The snap makes Alex jump almost entirely out of his skin. Alex gasps and looks around the room before pipointing where it came from. Under the stairs is dark but it is illuminated enough to make out a small object.
An almost inaudible scraping noise can be heard from where the object is.
A LED flashlight is on Alex's keychain.