A tone of great advice to be found, though some of the complaints are valid. While it's hilarious to beat enemies to death and them not react, some of the fun that was available in 2010 adv. mode is gone now.
Case in point: My best adventurer was able to beat enemies to death with a bag of stolen coins. THAT was fun. Not !!FUN!!, not bad fun where you die if the bandits have a single bowman, but good fun. Cause beating people to death with your money is fucking funny as hell when they explode against a wall/turn to mush.
Now my best adventurer is lucky if he doesn't get spotted from however the fuck many feet away. And there are those of us who don't like effectivly crawling the whole way there; It just flat takes to long and it's boring as hell having to go anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes depending on world size and where you're going just to avoid dying. After all, a game is meant to be fun, and indeed certainly be challenging, but when You get one shotted before you so much as even blink is zero fun.
I'd recommend ranged combat, but if they spot you or you miss (In my expierience) You're as good as dead, because they can practically zero in and litarally be in your face faster than you can even tell they moved, due to the nature of the game's engine.
Plus, while mauling animals is all well and good (and needed to not die outside of combat now) they rarely pose a challenge unless they're.... carp or sea lampry that can slap yo shit. And what amounts to time spent killing animals can probably 60-90% of the time be all for nothing, when a depleted uranium crossbow bolt coated in copper punches a hole through that iron helmet you borrowed from the local law giver.
Blah, pardon my rambling, but it felt good to get out. In short
Complaint is this not as fun as it used to be, because no skill douches bring you down before you even know wtf happened. There's a fine line between fun and utterly pointless to even try. What was said is it's becoming to the point where you might as well not bother if you wanna just have some good ol' fun beating the shit out of bandits. You have to play 2010 for that kind of fun now. Doesn't really help that the more meatshields you bring, the more enemies you have to deal with if it's a quest.
However, there is alot of sound advice here too, much of which I do myself in terms of minimizing contact and keeping out of sight of the archers as best I can (Time for the elf accusations: Against archers trees are your friends.) though I don't care for the whole no fast travel bit. I don't wanna spend 15+ minutes going from city to camp. That's boring as all hell.
Again, pardon my random babbling and complaining. Each side has valid points is all and I just felt that urge to dump my own outlook on the overkill difficulty/challenge included with the new version.