Well in the meantime we all have forts to adventure through.
I just made an expedition to my own fort. Adventurer's name is Vuca Lurewhisper. She's a demigod harpy of absolutely incredible agility (1968 when unladen, around 1250 or so with the steel armor I nabbed on.) Being a harpy, and due to further negligence during planning, she initially had no weapons of any kind because she had no hands and couldn't hold anytihng with her feet. That's why I said to change the raws back there.
After solving that, I immediately set out to reach my fort. She actually started way down in the antarctic tundra, in a city in a desert called "the dunes of virginity."
Here's the full route I took, outlined in pink (full 4112x4112 pixels):
The route, visibly, took her through many wonderful lands. And some not-so-wondrous ones. She died many times, leaving me to savescum. Mostly, it was goblin ambushes. Then eaten by some gaint crows. With a healthy mix of bogeymen and dingoes.
The entire way, the land was temperate at best, freezing at worst, and hunger and thirst were constant concerns. The Great Valley is truly a terrifying place for the unexperienced adventurer, as the land is flat, and rife with beasts. When there is liquid water to be found, it usually contains some manner of fish to torment you. There were also platypi and turtles.
As you can see, she killed quite a few bogeymen. Being able to fly was a massive advantage against them, as well as the dingoes.
After reaching my fortress, she discovered to her horror that the titan I'd locked up in a narrow passage was now in the middle of the halls. It murdered a companion she picked up at a fort nearby, then the Head Craftsman of my fortress. It took her a long damn time to kill it with just a silver shortsword, but afterwords she became a hero. A hero to EVERYONE. except the kobold civs those two kobolds she killed belonged to; they still hate her.
[insert page after page of related entities here, all of them listing her as a hero except those kobolds.]
I'm not actually sure how long that list is, and I don't want to try to understand it.
The entire trip took more than a month in-game, two days IRL, and I accidentally navigated my way past the pass into the inland sea, and nearly hit the northern ocean itself. Actually up until that point I didn't have a map anyway; I had been flying blind, and finally decided to duplicate and give in to starvation so I could export one, then very roughly traced her route in paint, and continued from that lake she was adjacent to and began traveling south, to my fort.
Notes on my fort itself:
- I was apparently out of booze, as I couldn't find any in the normal stockpiles
- bird's egg-based cooked meals are apparently the most compact, weight-saving meals you can travel with, and my fort has a few in the store room under the dining hall.
- It's hard to find the dining hall in all that empty space. It's on the level below the floor at the bottom of the pit, on the East side. I met the titan on the way down.
- The dwarves managed to kill a forgotten beast that got inside as well.
- At the bottom of the main fortress stack, the very last level, the treasure room that was meant to wait at the end of the dungeon o' doom is still accessible. Tons of masterwork gold flasks, gold coins, a couple masterwork gold crutches, and obligatory masterwork and exceptional steel armor. Also an artifact steel war hammer in a bin. It's all in bins, mostly gold. Two of the flasks still have dwarven wine in them.
- You are NOT going to survive the dodge-pit trap. I tried it without armor, of course, and got chopped up by the disks, but even if you survived the chopping you'd probably have dodged into the pit and died at the bottom, or suffered permanent crippling injury.
So, where exactly are all the other forts? I intend to visit them all.
edit: update: The abstards gave Vuca the title "the Nude Lanterns!" What the hell, RNG.