Ah, seems people are getting a little impatient. Time for action!
So, here's the plan.
We'll start on the Serenity server of the Epic cluster. This server is the Home to Jenn-Kellon and is both free and premium. The reason for an epic server is the faster skillgain and better item creation quality compared to the Freedom Isles, which will make the game much more enjoyable for everyone.
I'll log on now and find a good spot, not far from spawn with access to clay and iron. We'll build a temporary village an get some skills up, acquiring suits of armor and weapons for everyone along with various items we may need for future use.
Once we've done that, we'll head to the nearest lake, travel along its shores for about ten or twenty minutes until we find Tar and Clay, along with a heavily forested area and mountain tiles for mining near the aforementioned lake. This is where we'll build
The Twelfth Bay!
As for easy communication, I'd suggest everyone download
Mumble. It's a very high quality
free VOIP program that also allows text chat. Once downloaded, go to Connect > Add New > Then type these in to the appropriate.
Name: Games.on.net Mumble Server
Port: 64738
Username: <Whatever you want>
Once you've done that, Hit A on your keyboard until you see my name (You may have to open a few dropdowns, I'm usually in the Warband channel). Click on my name and tell me you're from Bay12, then find the General Chat tab and double click on any of them. We'll use that until we have a need for a specific Wurm Online channel.