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Author Topic: Modding Tool: Raw Explorer - Beta 13 - Updated 4/25/2013 - (It's BACK!)  (Read 172091 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Modding Tool: Raw Explorer (Beta 9 - Updated 8/27/2012 - Graphics!)
« Reply #420 on: October 02, 2012, 06:08:36 pm »

Looking good. I'm excited already.
CLA - an ASCII-like Graphic Pack with simplified letter-like creature graphics. The simple and clean looks of ASCII with distinct creature graphics - best of both worlds!


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Re: Modding Tool: Raw Explorer (Beta 9 - Updated 8/27/2012 - Graphics!)
« Reply #421 on: October 02, 2012, 11:02:28 pm »

I've started working on a proper icon... My lack of artistic skill should be apparent.  I'll gladly take submissions for a replacement if anyone is feeling motivated or creative.
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Raw Explorer - Easily navigate and edit your raw files via GUI! -
Tile Genie - Merge multiple tilesets -


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Modding Tool: Raw Explorer (Beta 9 - Updated 8/27/2012 - Graphics!)
« Reply #422 on: October 03, 2012, 12:30:07 pm »

husk dwarf icon! If i was home i could assist you gor a icon eother way 10 10 raw editor


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Beta 10 is now available!
Raw Explorer - Easily navigate and edit your raw files via GUI! -
Tile Genie - Merge multiple tilesets -


  • Bay Watcher
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Looks great so far! A few things:

When I start for the first time, I get a popup telling me to go to tools>options to set the path to my DF folder. However there are only three tabs (tileset, colors, website) in tools>options, none of which allow me to actually change any path.

Goblins, Humans, Elves and Dwarves don't get a color assigned to their various military icons, even if they have an ADD_COLOR token.

Haven't found any other problems. Can't wait for future releases.
CLA - an ASCII-like Graphic Pack with simplified letter-like creature graphics. The simple and clean looks of ASCII with distinct creature graphics - best of both worlds!


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Oops, I forgot to remove that message about setting paths when I changed the way the options worked a few versions back.  I'll also fix the ADD_COLOR while I'm in there.
Raw Explorer - Easily navigate and edit your raw files via GUI! -
Tile Genie - Merge multiple tilesets -


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mad Artificer
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I downloaded Beta 9 to try out maybe a few hours ago came back before I had done so, and... wow. Updated already  :P
There are words that make the booze plant possible. Just not those words.
Alright you two. Attempt to murder each other. Last one standing gets to participate in the next test.
DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.


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The stability fixes are very much appreciated. However, one beef I still have with the tool: the "Import raws ..." dialogue doesn't actually import anything, instead it replaces whatever was in the editing window with the new raws. Too bad, I was hoping to use it for merging mods and resolving conflicts right at the spot.

Also, a bug: Open the program, right-click on "Objects" in the lower left pane, pick "New Object ..." -> crash with NPE at ...

RawExplorer.NewObjectForm.cboType_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
DevExpress.XtraEditors.ComboBoxEdit.UpdatePopupEditValueIndex(Int32 prevIndex)
RawExplorer.NewObjectForm.NewObjectForm_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
(onLoad() and Windows boilerplate skipped)

EDIT: Another, rather annoying bug: While importing, the tool reads the definitions from non-textfiles (for example, from the jEdit backup files ending in "txt~"), resulting in lots of false import errors.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 04:12:04 am by Akjosch »


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The stability fixes are very much appreciated. However, one beef I still have with the tool: the "Import raws ..." dialogue doesn't actually import anything, instead it replaces whatever was in the editing window with the new raws. Too bad, I was hoping to use it for merging mods and resolving conflicts right at the spot.

Also, a bug: Open the program, right-click on "Objects" in the lower left pane, pick "New Object ..." -> crash with NPE at ...

RawExplorer.NewObjectForm.cboType_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
DevExpress.XtraEditors.ComboBoxEdit.UpdatePopupEditValueIndex(Int32 prevIndex)
RawExplorer.NewObjectForm.NewObjectForm_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
(onLoad() and Windows boilerplate skipped)

EDIT: Another, rather annoying bug: While importing, the tool reads the definitions from non-textfiles (for example, from the jEdit backup files ending in "txt~"), resulting in lots of false import errors.

Interesting, I never thought about using import that way.  I will look in to doing something like that for merging different sets of data. Thank you for that idea!  In the mean time you can add objects from other mods by copying the text for them from the raw file and pasting it in to the object tree.  Raw explorer will parse the text and generate objects from them.  I know it won't handle merge conflicts, and it's kind of slow for bringing in objects from multiple files.  I'll try and get your idea implemented as soon as I can though.
I'll get right on fixing those 2 bugs you mentioned too.

Curse you Microsoft!
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« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 09:06:27 am by BradUffner »
Raw Explorer - Easily navigate and edit your raw files via GUI! -
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  • Bay Watcher
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Yeah, you basically have to do something like ...

Code: [Select]
var text_files = Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.txt").Where(f => f.ToLower().EndsWith(".txt"));


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What graphics pack are you using?  I like your animals!


  • Bay Watcher
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What graphics pack are you using?  I like your animals!

I test most of the program using IronHand's graphic set.
Raw Explorer - Easily navigate and edit your raw files via GUI! -
Tile Genie - Merge multiple tilesets -


  • Bay Watcher
  • BradUffner has begun a mysterious construction.
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Re: Modding Tool: Raw Explorer (Beta 11 - Updated 11/20/2012 - (I forget)
« Reply #432 on: November 20, 2012, 11:25:17 pm »

I've released Beta 11.  This version doesn't have any new features, but it fixes various bugs that have been reported.  I don't remember all the details about what was changed because I've gotten myself distracted by writing an MMO inspired by the early Ultima Series games.  It's also heavily influenced by games like Dwarf Fortress, Morrowind, and Ultima Online.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 11:28:32 pm by BradUffner »
Raw Explorer - Easily navigate and edit your raw files via GUI! -
Tile Genie - Merge multiple tilesets -


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Modding Tool: Raw Explorer (Beta 11 - Updated 11/20/2012 - (I forget)
« Reply #433 on: November 27, 2012, 12:50:28 am »

This is a fantastic start!  How far do you plan on taking this?

Are you willing to share the code?  I have some ideas and I'd like to see the internal architecture of the application so I can perhaps propose some changes.

I can't find my original post I made a long, long time ago, so I'll try to give you a basic idea of where I was going.  My idea was based around a modding tool with version that would track the changes you made and had undo.  When you got your mod to a place you liked it you could publish it which would at least produce a set of packaged raw files with a change log.  However it would also be able to produce a simple plant/mineral/animal guide.

I've been editing and re-editing this email for at least 45 minutes now...*sigh*.  Might as well mention a couple of those ideas now that I've had a while to think about it :)

I was wonder about the option of a spreadsheet type view where, for example, each row of a datagridview is an object and each column is an attribute of the object.  Then add some filtering options.  For example, if one wanted to work on trees only, then they could bring up PLANTs in the grid view and filter down to only those have the TREE token.

Another thing I think would be handy is some sort of referential integrity.  For example, if you changed the USE_MATERIAL_TEMPLATE on the Acacia tree to say "ACACIA" the Raw Explorer doesn't automatically re-point the BASIC_MAT to ACACIA, it's still "STRUCTURE".

Oh my it's quite late.  I better stop now.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Modding Tool: Raw Explorer (Beta 11 - Updated 11/20/2012 - (I forget)
« Reply #434 on: November 27, 2012, 02:28:48 am »

This is a fantastic start!  How far do you plan on taking this?

Are you willing to share the code?  I have some ideas and I'd like to see the internal architecture of the application so I can perhaps propose some changes.

I can't find my original post I made a long, long time ago, so I'll try to give you a basic idea of where I was going.  My idea was based around a modding tool with version that would track the changes you made and had undo.  When you got your mod to a place you liked it you could publish it which would at least produce a set of packaged raw files with a change log.  However it would also be able to produce a simple plant/mineral/animal guide.

I've been editing and re-editing this email for at least 45 minutes now...*sigh*.  Might as well mention a couple of those ideas now that I've had a while to think about it :)

I was wonder about the option of a spreadsheet type view where, for example, each row of a datagridview is an object and each column is an attribute of the object.  Then add some filtering options.  For example, if one wanted to work on trees only, then they could bring up PLANTs in the grid view and filter down to only those have the TREE token.

Another thing I think would be handy is some sort of referential integrity.  For example, if you changed the USE_MATERIAL_TEMPLATE on the Acacia tree to say "ACACIA" the Raw Explorer doesn't automatically re-point the BASIC_MAT to ACACIA, it's still "STRUCTURE".

Oh my it's quite late.  I better stop now.

I don't really have any clear goals in mind for a place to stop, but I know that Raw Explorer isn't even close to being feature complete.  I have plans for an entire plugin system that hasn't even been started yet.  That system would allow anyone with .NET programming experience to write plugins for all the features you described and more!

I don't really have a problem releasing source code, but there are some things to keep in mind.  It makes HEAVY use of the WinForms control library from, which costs about $800 for a license.  No one would be able to compile the application from source without having a valid license.  That's a pretty big hurdle for most hobbiest programmers.

Your idea about recording changes is very similar to a feature I've been planning actually.  Raw Explorer would record the steps you take with the ability to export those steps to a "diff file" that would allow anyone to play back those changes to a different set of raws.  In effect allowing users to merge multiple mods together or apply mod changes to the base raws when a new version is released by Toady.  Using it to generate a change log and other assorted user fields would be a fairly easy thing to add to that feature.

There is already a basic spreadsheet view similar to what you describe for materials until the tools menu.  It's read only at the moment, but could be modified to allow changes to be bushed back to the library.

It would be great to hear any other ideas you have or that you come up with later.  Like I've said in previous posts, I don't do any modding myself, so it's really hard for me to guess what type of tools would make things easier on you guys.  Feedback and suggestions directly help to drive the features that Raw Explorer will get.
Raw Explorer - Easily navigate and edit your raw files via GUI! -
Tile Genie - Merge multiple tilesets -
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