Thanks for the notes! I'm just blown away by how quickly everyone got together and defined the tokens! I really wasn't expecting this kind of response. Like I've said before. Raw Explorer would be useless without the correct argument definitions. All of it's fancy editors and syntax checking come directly from know what type each argument is. Without that data you would just be editing a string. Fantastic work guys!!!
The comments are going to be very tricky. Raw Explorer currently actually reads them and stores them in memory, but doesn't output them. So far I haven't come up with a decent way to know which token to attach them too. They are currently attached to the token that proceeds them in the raw file, but this isn't always correct, especially where comments are multiple lines. Take this snippet for example:
[RELSIZE:BY_CATEGORY:LIVER:300] Of course! Standard relative size for humanoids is 200.
Tendons and ligaments are currently very abstract, but adding these flags will let wounds occur that damage them. The number afterward is the healing rate. Lower is faster.
There are logically actually 2 separate comments here, but physically it is one continuous block of text. Raw explorer doesn't really have a way to correctly split this out. If you were to move the RELSZIE token up and down the token list, it would take the larger comment below it and move it too. I have a few ideas, but I don't know if it will work in all cases. It IS something I want to get working eventually though.
I hadn't noticed the superfluous ":" in the stand alone tokens on export. It should be an easy fix. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
The language tokens are actually going to be very tricky. I'm going to have to store them separately because they "conflict" with several of the other object IDs. For example the DWARF creature has the same objectId as the word DWARF. This causes raw explorer to think there is a conflict. I may have to do something like the BODYGLOSS Editor, where it is done in a separate interface. I love the idea of displaying all the translations side by side though!
Formatting is going to be another tricky one. Some of it can already be done using the "Sticks To" list in the definition editor. That will only handle situations where tokens should display on the same line as previous tokens. I have 2 things planned that should take care of most of the formatting. The first is similar to "Sticks To", which is "Contains", where you will be able to specifiy that tokens in the contained list will be indented under the token that contains them. The 2nd one will deal specifically with the caste issue. I'm adding a "scope" property to token definitions where you will be able to specifiy if the token is scoped at the Object level or the Caste level. Once that's done any caste level tokens will be able to automatically be indented under their caste.
I have some ideas about fixing the graphic set resizing bug too. I may push out another bug fix release tonight or tomorrow to fix some of these problems.