Got my Alpha Key and have been messing about for the past few days. The game is pretty impressive for something in Alpha, and it seems to have a lot of potential. The barebones strategic component is very exciting, and it's fun to see its direct impact on the battles. Also, I was particularly impressed with how the devs listen to and respond to the community (I've chatted with multiple devs every day I've been on at this point).
There is one gigantic, elephant in the room issue, though: The in-game community sucks and the devs listen to them.
The community seems to swing towards CoD players. Given how everything I've read about H&G strongly plays up the strategic elements of the game, it was very surprising to see the makeup of the current in-game community.
I literally saw some players asking the devs to remove the strategic part of the game because it was unbalancing battles (the whole point of strategy is to create imbalance and exploit it...). I've also seen many players in the forums and in-game supporting initiatives to make each side's weapons statistically identical reskins. To date, the devs have made some... questionable... balancing choices regarding tanks and guns; I'm hoping they are just stopgap measures for pre-beta before a tech tree or some such is put in, but it's fairly worrying.
There's a very real and concerning possibility that H&G could turn into a generic run-and-gun pea shooter CoD clone, and fade into obscurity without ever realizing any of its potential. I certainly haven't given up hope yet, but it genuinely seems like the devs haven't figured out what type of game they want to make H&G yet. Their actions in the next few months will be telling.