I don't particularly mind smaller 'city' sizes as long as you can join them together into regions like sim city 4 had.
But i know the kind of scale that existed in sim city 4 just wouldn't be possible in this new version.
I found an interesting thread with a few images that illustrated the actual size of the 2x2 km 'city' in real world geography.
http://community.simtropolis.com/topic/48300-simcity-city-tile-size/Specifically : "
Now, to prove how small 2x2 km actually is, take for example my home city Zoetermeer (the Netherlands). Population is 121,580 (a medium sized city to dutch terms) and it's build in one of the most densest populated countries in Europe. Most people here live in row homes, which makes this city smaller than an American city of the same population size. If you look at the city in Google Maps and you divide the city in squares, you'll get this."
"As you can see, even with not a really big city, you have to use 16 medium city tiles to re-create this city! With large city tiles, you only need 4 and the complete city will fit in one 8x8 tile.
So what does actually fit in one medium city tile? I've looked further on Google Maps but most cities and towns were bigger than that. The closest I could get is Weesp (Pop. 17,529), but it's not much and it even goes a bit off the map"
Looking at my own city Brisbane which has a population of 2 million, the densest urban sprawl is located in a roughly 20x20 kilometer box, each suburb is roughly a 2x2 kilometer area, even the Central business district is a little bigger than this.
Just resizing google maps untill the scale shows 2 km and dragging the map around the ruler is showing me some interesting things, i can see a few parks and a multitude of golf courses 1x0.5 kilometers and a few that are 1x1 km. In fact i see a couple of 2x2 km parks near my own suburb of albany creek, which i should mention will fit into a 2x2km block and has a population of 16,000.
Finally our moderately large international airport with 2 terminals, 1 large runway and one smaller runway is roughly 2km by 8 km.
Even if you wanted to ignore the noise and pollution and put houses right upto the runway you would still need at least a 200 meter wide taxiway just to squeeze 2 jumbo's past each other, and a 100 meter wide runway at least 4 kilometers long, now going by a medium SC4 area you've used at least 10% of the width of your city just on the taxiway and your runway needs to be contained within 2 continuious 'cities'.
Sim city 4 is sometimes criticized by how unrealistically 'dense' your cities can become, a little gaming the system and you can put 200,000-300,000 into the 2x2km area that real life could only fit perhaps 25,000, however if one avoids the densest zones you should get a somewhat realistic representation of a 'city'.
I think the point I'm trying to make is that the actual size of your city doesn't really matter since it's basically just a suburb, whereas the region is your true city, and the truely positive or negative aspect of the new game is the community aspect where you share that region with other city builders to create something unique and hopefully entertaining.
But i like to sandbox by myself and create something intricately controlled to my own exacting specifications, so what i'm seeing of this new game doesn't particularly interest me.
Also on another note, less hate and stuff please