Ok, so in the case of an OD'ing mother, we are of the opinion the State & local health care providers should stand by and hope for the best.
What about laws regarding harmful behavior?
Should the mother be held accountable for attempted/actual murder in the above case?
What about a woman deliberately throwing herself down the stairs? Arrested? Charged? (in all cases, we're assuming the most extreme case of the woman being full-term)
And then 'risky' behavior- should skydiving mommas be illegal? If not, could she be held liable for manslaughter if the child is lost in a mishap resulting directly from the 'risky' behavior?
Hm, howabout a shit sandwich.
Say a mother just got diagnosed with aggressive cancer at 22 weeks pregnant, (the earliest reasonable fetal personhood). Lets say she's had a dozen kids already, isn't particularly enamored by the most recent addition, and wants to get surgery for the cancer & begin aggressive chemotherapy immediately, child be damned.
Let's also say she's against pre-term labor induction & c-section, for the sake of making a rather graceless-but-convenient hypothetical.
Can she get the full dose? Is she responsible for injury to the child, and in taking full doses committing a crime? Are the doctors liable for enabling it?
Should she be limited by law to low-doses or of only 'safe' types of chemo-treatment? (potentially sacrificing her health for that of the babe) Are the doctors liable for withholding treatment?
Ooh, in the case of the drugged-up mom & impending damage to the fetus: if not surgery, what about other non-voluntary/forced treatments? Say a Narcan injection, or somehow force-feeding a self-poisoned lady activated charcoal?