I think there's a sea change coming in the United States with regard to homosexuality. It just feels like we've hit a tipping point where it's now mainstream enough that when anybody notable comes out, it's meh. (Just look at the Anderson Cooper non-event.)
And you have major corporations embracing gay marriage as a marketing gimmick (see General Mills, Google, et al). (Okay, maybe they actually are doing it out of a sense of humanitarianism, but I'm cynical enough to think they've done their homework and realized that it's a winning issue and a good long-term sell). The demographics are that homosexuality is just not a big deal to most people under 30 or so.
It's kinda funny with my kids. The other day my daughter just said, apropros of nothing, "Some days I just feel like a boy, even though when I look in the mirror I'm a girl."
And then you have my 2-year old son, who likes to have his hair tied up in a topknot, pushes dolls around in a stroller and gives his best friends at daycare a goodbye hug and kiss...including other boys. The teachers always have a nervous laugh and say things like, "Oh he's so...nurturing!"
Yeah, you totally think my kid is going to be gay. Frankly, could care less. Gender identity is completely unfixed at this age, and I'm glad he's not overly aggressive and physical. It's a nice balance for all those other times when he's pretending to be a dinosaur or what have you, and wreaking utter havoc.