Paul Ryan has a new tax plan. It consists of:
-5.3 trillion in cuts, all of it to social programs, not much of it in Social Security or Medicare.
-4.3 trillion in tax cuts to wealthy people.
The senate and president will refuse to pass it, but it makes you wonder just how far this insanity can keep rolling before either they get their way and incite a revolution, or roll themselves so far right they become irrelevant.
I'd like to know when they intend to stop cutting taxes, if ever. The government is broke, so clearly we cut tax revenue...?

Just like every other time and situation....
_____________________________________________________________ soldier knows civs get to talk politics and you don't, especially not "as a soldier." Been like that basically forever. "Armed Forces Tea Party" facebook group.... The words "Armed Forces," invokes not just "as a soldier" capacity, but the military's capacity, which is hugely forbidden. Plus, he, as an NCO (Non Commissioned Officer), is encouraging other soldiers to break longstanding pentagon policy like him.... He was nicely asked to remove the page and temporarily did. Except then:
"He said he determined he was not in violation and relaunched the page." <--- No.... You check with stationed JAG, and personnel and have someone backing you from those departments in writing before you even think about anything like this. Pretty sure he didn't. [facepalm]
____________________________________________________ now we have even less investor protections, great.... [sigh] So companies just screwed us all over and now we're gonna let them flout the rules...? Calling it a "Small Business" doesn't make it "small business."
"....and allow smaller companies to sell up to $50 million in shares, compared with $5 million now, without filing some SEC paperwork.
So $50 Million is a small business huh?