Comparatively, the rich spend less, based on income versus purchases. They also tend to take more from the system and pay less taxes, etc.
Sauce? Because that's pretty damn unbelievable, at least the taxes bit. And 'taking from the system' is too ill-defined to make sense in this context: Do tax breaks count? Or is it just immediate benefits? What about money the government gives to corporations? Etc etc.
A lot of the money the govt gives them will be put in investments or offshore accounts. The amount they spend versus the amount they get from the govt and society as a whole is usually not much of a net gain.
You implicitly consider the rich to be cows to be milked here, and not part of society themselves... If taxing was all about net gain, hardly anyone would have more than what's absolutely needed to survive.
Part of it is there's less of them, and if they run a business, they also hurt the economy by paying starvation wages and providing no benefits.
My mind boggles at the amount of generalizations you use, but this one takes the prize: You are claiming that there are no companies that pay decent wages! None! And that is quite obviously untrue. Same thing for benefits.
Really, besides the money they are worth in taxes, they are more of a detriment to the rest of society. So you have to make up for it by getting the optimal amount of taxes from them. Then you spend it on social programs, education, healthcare, etc that DOES benefit society.
Again, you are dehumanizing the rich. I know you're a Marxist, but I had hoped you were one of the post-Soviet kind... This all sounds like you want to start executing kulaks again.
Interestingly these very same things can in principle [if one is being willfully blind] be said about poor people: They take more than they provide - they get welfare after all, and the labor they do does not really contribute to society - and thus we need to squeeze them extra hard. And they don't invest at all, they just midlessly consume, so they do nothing to further the development of the economy!
If one looks closely, one can see rather easily that the arguments on both ends of the spectrum have the same form, the same structure. They just fill that structure with different words.
here's the difference between me "dehumanizing" the rich and the rich dehumanizing the poor.
The system that is in place supports the oppression of the poor, and props up the rich. Therefore, if I say something negative and generalized about the rich, it has no impact.
But if the rich say it about the poor, it can have lasting implications and has much more injury to it.
It's like the difference between a 200 lb dude coming up to you and saying he is going to kick your ass, and a 80 pound dude doing it. One of them has the strength to back it up.
The rich in this country do a lot of awful things and perpetuate the oppression of the poor, as well as actively work to make people poorer, which is a lot of what I'm talking about, the effects visible in America due to deregulation and tax cuts on the rich.
Most people like money because of the things it gets them. But the very rich like money for money's sake. They want to sit on it, and want more of it. They are willing to do what it takes to get as much money as possible. That is why they are so rich, a combination of having money, and wanting more money. That's a dangerous desire, as it seems to override any sense of morality a person might otherwise have.
As was said by Sheb, when you have one party that can set aside a portion of their income for investments etc, and one party that can not but must put it all directly back into the economy, the second party benefits the economy more. This shouldn't need a source, it is basic logic and economics.
I think the rich owe a debt to society. They have "earned" their wealth, one way or another, off the backs of other people. They should be willing to give some of that back to benefit those people. Otherwise, they are a blight, as many of the American rich are.
I don't feel too bad dehumanizing them because there is literally nothing I can do that will affect them. They regularly dehumanize me and mine, however, and they spend a lot of money to not have to pay taxes for things like mental health care, foodstamps, welfare, etc, and to shape laws in their favor.