Send some guys out to look for metal we can access without the use of any tools we lack.
You send a scouting expidition to look for metallic ores. They return with grand news; a enormous mound of copper ore, almost a full-sized hill, really! They begin mining operations right away, but your people need more skill to work the relatively hard metal with any precision. Some gold and silver is returned also, and is made into shiny weapondry for your warriors! Unfortunately the advanced weapons seem more fragile than stone weapons, even as they are sharper and more lethal.
Yeah, we need to depose those priests, they're getting rather powerful. But to depose them, we need firm control of the warriors.
Arm the warriors with whatever metal weaponry we eventually make/find. Promise the warriors that when they hunt, each will get a small portion of the food, as a payment. This will make them "wealthier" than most, over time, and hopefully they'll be grateful. If not, we'll deal with it, maybe through a few "accidents". So yeah, also don't let the priests get too much political power.
You promise the warriors payment for their service in the form of larger portions. They cheer your name and bow, thanking you for your gratiousness.
You also begin to maneuver against the priests politically. You speak to each tribesman personally to see which ways they want to go forward...
The Priest says:"MOA MOA is the most vitally important part of our society! We ask you, great chieftan, to build bigger temples, for grander worship of the gods, and to bring more sacrifices! The wealth and prosperity of our people is under the whims of the gods, we must keep them pleased!"
The Man on the Street says:"Me and my family are not religious people. We care little about the gods, or what they do, all we care about is finding enough to keep us occupied! Lately, me and my wife have been lounging about, and while that's great and all, I'd really like to do something productive for my people. Please sir, More jobs would make our whole tribe prosper, I'm sure of it."
The educated man says:" The pedestrian needs of the common man are best fufilled through rational thought and discourse. I represent a new system, which we call a Republic, which will divide the power amongst us... Er, I do mean, the people. Sure, sure, you may run the risk of being deposed by someone more skilled than you at talking, and perhaps he may not be the best suited for the job, but if that is what the people want, who are you to take that away?"
The warrior grunts:"Just kill everyone who dislikes you and everyone will love you right? And while you're at it you can kill off any pesky political issues as well."
MOA MOA says: nothing.
< Build more boats, for fishing, while we do that instruct a Wise Man (or 3) to think of something we can use to catch bigger fish easier.
How many Wise Men do we have anyway?
(Domination of the seas is GO!)
You decide to build more boats, presumably for fishing, but when you gather the wise men to think of new fishing techniques, one seems distracted by the floating pollen.
"I wonder where this is coming from?" He mutters before you smack him back to reality. The wise men have to disband but an hour later due to allergies, and little has come of their meeting.
Pollen floats from the northen bay
There is a plume of smoke from the Ash Mountain
The ocean is getting choppy.
The sky is cloudy. The fish are swarming! A huge harvest of fish is collected!
New tech researched: PRESERVATIVES A wise man runs from the ocean, shouting "I HAVE IT!" at the top of his lungs. It takes several minutes to calm him down enough to understand what he has, but everyone cheers when they hear the good news; salt! Boiled seawater will provide salt, which is not just a spice but a preservative, adding flavor and keeping meats fo a much longer time. Sadly, it seems less effective on fruits, and decidedly less tasty. Still, a grand discovery! You can now keep meat for so much longer!
The preistly caste is growing stronger and is beginning to exclude people.
Food is sacrificed daily to MOA MOA. He does not respond.