The Party must fall. It's Inevitable, the original wild idealism and revolutionary emotion has been replaced by nightmarish shortages and sluggish bureaucracy.
You are Comrade Novak, Senior veteran of the civil war and keeper of the nations pride. Your goal is to replace the Marxist government with insane conservative fascism.
Weapon- Party issued revolver (12 rounds total)
You have convinced two other idealist to join your cause
Comrade Winston,served in the gulag as a guard for eight years before joining the secret police. Cruel and masochistic.
Weapons- Large Knife, Party issued revolver(6 rounds total)
Comrade Wallenstein, family executed in the anti jewish purges, has risen through the ranks as an esteemed bureaucrat and decision maker. Inability to feel emotion.
Weapons-Silver Letter Opener, cyanide pills
Your Target-
Comrade Amoeth, Chairman of the Party, a lazy playboy who squanders our nations wealth on whores and wine.
Weapons-400,000 soldiers, 12,000 Aircraft, several hundred million tons of explosive,1,000 armored units, and a nations adoration.
Your rabble meets in a old warehouse that used to store shoes. There, you discuss Your plan of attack... What is Novak's plan?
Welcome to Coup, a game set in a surreal Marxist, Orwellian, postmodern world full of concrete and smokestacks. Leave your answer of what should be done, and I will either pick what the decision that's more popular or what I like best.
-Bored Nihilist