Spearbreakers Save just after my turn.I may as well put the housekeeping crap here then.
Karakzon, or LW if Karakzon doesn't respond:
-Jack and Domas' slabs are being built.
-The containment chamber is a bit of a failure. People wandering past become afraid by the spawn and drop their load. Civil Defense 1, 2 and Squad 3 Second Company are the best ones to deal with this; send them standing right next to the fortifications. They won't fire otherwise. Alternatively, send Fischer's squad in if you can convince the dwarves to pull the lever. Bit of an oversight, that one. I should've put the lever outside.
-The military is in desperate need of a recruitment drive. We lost eleven soldiers all told during the Spawn Sieges, and two more crippled. Move some of the strongest Second Squads up to First Squad to fill the holes that Jack Magnus left (there's another space anyway). Move Third squaddies up to second squad. Leave Civil Defense units alone; they're not soldiers except during the call of duty. They perform many tasks around the fortress.
Leave Squad 3 Second Company as is; unless you want to add marksdwarves to it.
the squad 'Returned Servicemen' is for those dwarves too crippled to be of use in any other roles but combat. Sus II with his broken spine and Uvash with her missing foot are the only members currently.
the squad 'The Infected' can be safely disbanded. I set it up to try and convince Mad-Dok to get into the holding cells. He eventually obeyed.
-Mad-Dok will almost certainly turn quite early into your turn. Thankfully he's stowed away inside a cell.
-You won't need to worry about food or drink for quite some time. I made sure about that. It would be a good idea to get rid of some mugs, be it in an offering or using them as trade goods.
-Keep the livestock industry rolling, but cage any you don't need. We need every bit of FPS we can muster. I had 15 for most of the year, 5 during intense combat situations. (2.0ghz dual core, 4gb ram)
-The majority of the fort's industry is in pretty good condition.
-Keep bolt production rolling- we will need it. Bone bolts work fine.
-And so on.
Thus ends my turn!