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Wait for Next Version, Use current (.40.24,) or use older release (.34.11?)

Wait for the next release. I want usable mugs damn it!
- 55 (71.4%)
We can use the current one. I like the big trees and slightly smarter dorfs.
- 17 (22.1%)
I'll take .34.11 thanks. I want to know I'll get to kill things for sure.
- 5 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 77

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Author Topic: [34.11] Spearbreakers - It shudders and begins to move  (Read 2258653 times)

Mr Frog

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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #300 on: March 05, 2012, 03:24:47 am »

1 Limestone 202
I finally got around to having that embarrassing error on the census data corrected:

Also, I’ve ordered the mining of a gold vein so that we can make sparkly things so that we can attract migrants:

Finally, out of curiosity, I checked our stock records and:

Booze time!

3 Limestone 202

Rodge clearly understands the benefits of regular recreation time.

Our smiths are busy with making armour, so I’m going to have the nuggets cut into cabochons to decorate things with. We’re a bit short on labourers, so I’ve ordered some fishery worker to assist with cutting gems.

6 Limestone 202
This is a very sad day for all of us. Nuri apparently dropped dead from dehydration while she was trying to navigate a doorway:

Fortunately -- as was previously touched upon -- one of the previous overseers had thoughtfully installed a respectable number of spare burial receptacles in the cloverleaf, so we’ll be able to get the corpse put away before it starts to smell.

9 Limestone 202
We seem to have finished mining that particular gold vein, so I’ve ordered the miners to dig out a dedicated work space for the jewellers:

I expect we’ll be able to get the still-unfinished textiles room to the left completed once some skilled labour comes in.

13 Limestone 202
I’ve designated a shale stockpile near the entrance hall so that our masons can spend less time hauling materials. I hope to see the entrance properly floored in a timely fashion.

17 Limestone 202
The human caravan has left. Fascinating... while I do commend their tenacity, I should think that it’d take far less than a month of waiting in the bloody rain looking at piles and piles of corpses to realise that we aren’t likely to be carving an entryway anytime soon.

Incidentally, I received a very cheerful letter from Talvieno today. She largely rambled through it without really settling on a specific topic, but it mainly concerned cavies and an individual by the name of Joseph (why do I recognize that name...?). Enclosed were what going from the text are seven of Talvieno’s toenail clippings and a piece of her lip-skin. I don’t recall anybody by the name of Joseph living in this site; I’ll have to double-check the census records.

19 Limestone 202
We seem to have enough chainmail now, so I’ve ordered the forges to slow production somewhat. We still need much more of everything else before our military will be fully-equipped.

Also, I’ve just now noticed a completely-empty room on the upper floor:

I have absolutely no idea as to what whoever ordered this built was intending to do with it; I can really only guess.

I was confused to find that we apparently do not have anybody by the name of Joseph living in this fortress. Perhaps I misread Talvieno’s letter?

24 Limestone 202
The stranded Spawn still remains up on its ledge:

I’ve tried to soundproof my bedroom, but the blasted thing’s shrieking seems to be able to penetrate undampened through any substance. The nightmares are becoming unbearable.
I’d really like some absinthe right about now, but I don’t think the stuff’s been invented here. Blasted dwarves and their blasted obsession with mushrooms.

28 Limestone 202
I was somewhat confused about the moniker of “Forgotten Beast” given to many of the subterranean caverns’ odder and more vicious inhabitants, considering that the vast majority of them have had both their physical and behavioural traits comprehensively documented, but I believe that I finally understand it now:

I confess that the presence of our dear Stumeb here had completely slipped my mind. I would have small holes carved in the cavern wall, that our dwarves may view this unique creature in its natural habitat, but apparently this one shoots webbing, and that stuff’s a bitch to clean up.

4 Sandstone 202

Our jewellers’ area is now complete, so I’ve ordered the cutting of native gold nuggets into cabochons. We’ll start getting migrants again once our stock of sparkly crap reaches a sufficient number.

8 Sandstone 202

The sheer distance that our soldiers have been running back and forth across to get equipment and store equipment and whatnot have been greatly irritating to me lately:

So I’ve ordered that a new room be dug out next to the barracks so that we can store equipment in that instead:

11 Sandstone 202
I’ve noticed lately that various important workers have been wasting precious dwarf-hours hauling stones and chamberpots and shit back and forth between stockpiles and dumping grounds and whatnot when they really should be doing useful things instead. We’re short-staffed enough as it is and our workers constantly interrupting their tasks to drag crap everywhere is completely unacceptable. I’ve told these workers in no uncertain terms that if they don’t get their priorities in gear then both the things I will do to them and the implements I will use to do those things with will be far beyond anything their cretinous stone-age backwater imaginations could possibly hope to entertain. The lazy bastards were far from happy about this – quite a few of the blasted rustics even went to far as to express their ire through actual physical violence against my person -- but I frankly think I was completely justified in my anger. In any case, they should stop now.

I now haven’t slept for two days because of that damned screeching. I believe the nightmares have had a Pavlovian conditioning effect so strong that it has actually managed to override my natural sleep cycle. I’ll look through the data on local subterranean fungi I’ve received; with any luck I’ll be able to cook something up, though the appalling state of scientific affairs in this iteration means that my tools will be limited to whatever I can fashion out of slate rocks and discarded Spawn bones.

In the meantime, I’m going to have a little chat with the brewers and see if we can’t come up with something a little stronger than this plump helmet crap. I’m sure nobody will mind if I prematurely introduce a few alcohol-related technological secrets. I don’t think booze ever fucked up history. Not by itself, at least.

14 Sandstone 202
Slightly alarming situation in the forge today:

It appears that, while clearing out stone for a gem stockpile below the jewelers’ room, I had mistakenly assigned some lignite to be dumped. It is now sitting at the bottom of the forge’s magma duct, burning and releasing a massive cloud of smoke. While I am extremely intrigued by the fact that it appears to be burning without any discernible oxygen source, it’s probably safer to just stay away from burning things. To that end, I’ve deactivated the garbage dump area and put in an order for the section to be walled off.

I’ve noticed a large amount of unused furniture lying around in a stockpile:

Hopefully we’ll be able to find a home for it all.

I had initially attempted to concoct a tranquilizer to aid sleep, but I abandoned it after the first use of it resulted in an extremely-unpleasant incident of sleep paralysis in which the socks on my floor appeared to turn into screaming dwarves being attacked by Spawn.

Fortunately, I managed to create a different compound that deadened sensory input, most notably hearing. The side-effects are extremely unpleasant and I won’t go into them here, and it unfortunately metabolizes too quickly to last an entire night, but I appear to be sleeping more soundly now that I can’t hear that blasted screeching so clearly.

I’ve toyed with the idea of using it in daylight – that screeching never fucking stops -- but I’m not sure how I’d explain it if one of the other dwarves notices something’s off.

I’ll just have to keep at the booze like always, I guess.

16 Sandstone 202

Clearly, we need far more sparkly crap.

20 Sandstone 202
We don’t have much use for mechanics at the moment. As such, I’ve ordered Mekkia to assist with gem-cutting operations:

She questioned why I wasn’t also helping as well. Really, I’m more suited to a supervisory role, I think.

Also, I’ve noticed that we seem to have a truly ridiculous amount of caged giant emus. I’m not sure why they’re here, but they’re more useful to us free, so I’ve ordered that the cages be set up so that the birds can be released:

Our military is now fully-equipped, so I’ve suspended armour production temporarily so that our bar stocks can recover. Once they get back up to an acceptable number, we can start forging some spare armour sets for any additional troops that we recruit in the future.

Our old garbage disposal has been blocked off – the lignite is somehow still burning – and I’ve ordered the digging of a new garbage shaft. This one goes straight into the magma sea, so it should be a bit safer:

24 Sandstone 202

At least you’re pretty.

4 Timber 202
The dwarven caravan is scheduled to arrive soon. As our military is now at least somewhat combat-ready, I’ve ordered that the last bit of hillside be dug out so that the caravanners can access our depot:

There has been some mumbling amongst the other dwarves about how I’ve doomed the fort with this little act of magnanimity, but I have absolute faith in the combined forces of the F.R.O.G., our military, and the sturdy drawbridge in our entrance. We’ll be safe.

7 Timber 202

No sooner is our entrance completely opened than does one of our idiot workers go sprinting out into the wilderness to pilfer some socks from a corpse. I quickly issued a blanket-forbidding of all items outside, so no harm done, but I’m curious as to why our esteemed overseers didn’t order them to be forbidden to start with.

11 Timber 202
A dwarven caravan came today – slightly ahead of schedule, in fact. I’m impressed:

They also brought a diplomat, as expected:

My policy for diplomats arriving to ask potentially-uncomfortable questions regarding the grisly fate of their last caravan is one of truth, openness, and mild amnesiacs slipped into said diplomat’s drink. Unfortunately, we don’t have any amnesiacs (again, the state of science here is just appalling), so we’re just going to have to lie slightly.

I’m sure Splint will be able to smooth this over, in any case.

17 Timber 202

Mekkia appears to have gone into a strange mood. I put in a request for a phonograph. We could use some tunes in here, and The Master’s serenades floating out from the barracks aren’t quite doing it for me. Plus, it almost seems as though they’re addressed to a wooden pike, though of course the very thought is ridiculous.

A kobold ambush is sighted by the caravan guards:

I send for the military to ward them off. While they’re on their way, a lone axe-wielding guard bravely runs in and attempts to take them down on his lonesome:

The military is promptly told to return to their training, as their services apparently weren’t needed after all.

20 Timber 202
I am very pleased to report that the F.R.O.G. is working exactly as intended, earning a much-needed victory for science in this backwater dump:

It then goes on to catch no fewer than three other thieves:

The abnormal intensity of the kobold invasion this season is intriguing. They’ve already been kind enough to definitively prove that they aren’t a threat, however, so I’m not worried.

Shortly after the thieves escaped, I caught Bombzero attempting to run outside to satisfy her lust for carcasses:

Fortunately, I quickly located the horse skeleton that she’s apparently after and forbade it – it was at the bottom of the pit below the old drawbridge, so I had missed it. Unfortunately:

She decides to keep going after it anyways. Again, her single-minded dedication to her task is inspiring, though I am now somewhat questioning her intelligence.
She had just about gotten up to the drawbridge pit when she decided that the Spawn on the ledge was too scary and went back inside to get a drink. I suppose even those horrid Spawn are not entirely without merit.

I wasn’t sure what we needed from the caravan, so I had Splint order some cloth.

22 Timber 202
I traded a staggering amount of mugs to the caravan in exchange for some booze and wood. We haven’t even come close to getting rid of them all. Between the Spawn and these accursed mugs, this place will be the death of me.

I need a drink. I think I’ll select something from the caravan. I’m sure they brought something stronger than what we have here.

25 Timber 202

It appears that Mekkia’s finished gathering materials for her little project:

I’m still hoping for a phonograph, though I’d settle for an electric generator.

Bombzero just ran up to me, crying about how there’s no more corpses left for her to butcher:

I hadn’t realized that this was so important to her. I could definitely arrange to have some more corpses produced if it keeps one of our best workers happy and productive.

Finally, it appears the Mountainhomes are suffering from a grievous shortage of drinking containers:

Now I really need a drink.
(Oh, and the stuff the traders brought is also crap.)

The winter solstice is approaching. The year is rapidly drawing to a close.

I understand that the tradition is for the current Overseer to hand over their power to another around New Year’s. I must admit, this seems somewhat appealing to me at the moment. The drug I concocted is helping, but I’m still having terrible nightmares... and not always when I’m asleep.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 10:11:42 pm by Mr Frog »
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #301 on: March 05, 2012, 03:40:05 am »

Since Solpyre the dorf is still travelling towards the fort (as far as I know) here is something I made to discribe his ongoing journey.

On the way to Spearbreakers there is a cave. Engraved on the wall of the cave is an image of Solpyre the engraver and bogeymen by Solpyre. Solpyre is running. The bogeymen are cackling. The artwork relates to the nighttime adventures of the dwarf Solpyre in the week before he found this nice safe cave to sleep in.

Quote from: Neil Gaiman
George R.R. Martin is not your b****.

Mr Frog

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #302 on: March 05, 2012, 04:14:18 am »

I imagine that when he finally arrives and sees Spearbreakers in all its mug-ridden, corpse-strewn glory, he'll look back on those happy times with the bogeymen and cry wistfully.
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #303 on: March 05, 2012, 04:48:31 am »

Hooo boy will that poor bastard regret his choice of relocation.

9th Limestone, 202. Interm entry.
Mr Frog was insistent on some alleged error in the census records be corrected. I have abided by his request, even if it was a nonsensical one for such a silly slight. Why he's decided to cut the gold nuggets in decorations is beyond me when he knows damn well they'll likly end up on those mugs we have stacked to the ceiling. At this point we may as well have them made our official currency.

He also keeps muttering something about an iteration under his breath when ever the matters of our tools come up. He sould really invest in a new room further from the spawn if that thing screeching is keeping him up, as sleep depreviation may be getting to him. Or he's gone mad. Then again, I sleep on the same floor maybe a hundred to two hundred feet from it and it bothers me little, so perhaps I'm the mad one.

9th Sandstone, 202. Interm entry.
Mr Frog said something about the soldiers having to go too far from thier training areas to fetch thier weaponry, and had me pass along the orders for a new armory to be dug. If anyone had paid any attention, the soldiers were supposed to train by the depot so as to respond to threats to caravans quickly. In hindsight, what with Stova dying and all I admit that wasn't the absolute best plan ever, but I stand by it for rapid reaction sake.

11th Timber, 202. Interm entry.
The caravan arrived today, and according to Frog they got here ahead of schedual. How the hell would he know when they'd arrive? No matter. He wants me to put in an order for cloth, and evidently the capital needs, and Mr Frog will love this, mugs. Fucking mugs.

It's official. Mugs are now our currency. I'll see if I can get Mr Frog to ratify that.

- Following is an image of a dwarf and mugs in dimple dye. The dwarf is surrounded by the mugs and is cowering. The artwork relates to the sheer number of mugs accidently produced by Speabreakers in the years 200 -201.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #304 on: March 05, 2012, 05:12:20 am »

I imagine that when he finally arrives and sees Spearbreakers in all its mug-ridden, corpse-strewn glory, he'll look back on those happy times with the bogeymen and cry wistfully.
:D that is an excelent idea for an engraving as soon as my dorf finaly gets there.

Solpyre dorf and Mr Frog dorf sitting at table surronded with used and empty mugs drinking from mugs. Solpyre dorf has thought bubble over his head showing a picture of him runing from bogeymen but he must be drunk because in the thought bubble he is grining and the bogeymen are bright pink. Solpyre dorf is flicking away a single tear with a finger and mumbling 'good timesh was sum good timesh back then'. Mr Frog dorf is hunched over his drink and is sprinkling an unknown perception altering powder into it. Standing on Mr Frog dorf's shoulder are two socks, one of the socks has a jagged ripp in the middle and is chasing the other sock.
Quote from: Neil Gaiman
George R.R. Martin is not your b****.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #305 on: March 05, 2012, 06:01:20 am »

   Mitch's entry to the overseer suggestion box
                            5th Timber

As much as I know you love your mugs, rock mechanisms are a much more efficient trading option. Not only do mechanisms have an ulterior function (high-quality ones make for better traps!), but are also not made in threes. Equal total value to three mugs (and three mugs per rock), the mechanism needs only a third of the storage. And a third of the hauling.

However, considering the shortage of goblets in the Mountainhome, continue making mugs until this is not the case. Keep up the 'good' work!
Signed, Mitch
Mitch cancels sleep: Interrupted by Clowns


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #306 on: March 05, 2012, 06:39:15 am »

The caravan arrived today, and according to Frog they got here ahead of schedual. How the hell would he know when they'd arrive? No matter. He wants me to put in an order for cloth, and evidently the capital needs, and Mr Frog will love this, mugs. Fucking mugs.

It's official. Mugs are now our currency. I'll see if I can get Mr Frog to ratify that.

- Following is an image of a dwarf and mugs in dimple dye. The dwarf is surrounded by the mugs and is cowering. The artwork relates to the sheer number of mugs accidently produced by Speabreakers in the years 200 -201.

Exactly as planned!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

P. S. Regarding an earlier idea...

> Urist McArtillerist cancels Load catapult: no ammo.

Udib McGunnerySargeant: "F███ing IMPROVISE! "
Urist McArtilleist: " 'kay..."
Dwarven catapult: *MUGSHOT!*

> The flying {-shale mug-} strikes the Spawn of holistic in third finger, left hand, shattering the nail!
> The flying {chalk mug} strikes the Spawn of Holistic in the right eye, bruising it!
> The Spawn of Holistic dodges the flying {+shale mug+}.
> The flying {*pitchblende mug*} strikes the Spawn of Holistic in the head, shattering the skull, driving the skull through the brain and tearing apart the brain!
> The {*pitchblende mug*} has lodged firmly in the wound!
Certainly you could argue that DF is a lot like The Sims, only... you know... with more vomit and decapitation.
If you launch a wooden mine cart towards the ocean at a sufficient speed, you can have your entire dwarf sail away in an ark.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #307 on: March 05, 2012, 10:57:20 am »

Mr Frog - Lol about Joseph. =P And the toenail clippings, I didn't quite see that coming. You're also very good at writing "start" and "goal" in the perfect humorous font... An art I didn't even realize was an art until today.

The barracks, as you mentioned them, aren't good for much besides archery practicing, for a good reason - they're very, very far from the entrance, but right next to the tower.

I'm surprised the caravan didn't have loads and loads of limestone - it's one of the few things I'm absolutely sure I remembered ordering. :\
(also, the sock nightmare was awesome. What better way to induce sympathy for the "dwarves" being slaughtered than having them be socks? lol)

SolPyre - your dwarf is drunk in the engraving?? :o That can't be a dwarf... Elf! Elf! Elf! Elf! :D Lol about the hallucinationns.

Mitchewawa - THIS! I even mentioned trading mechanisms during my turn. They're what I always trade. But yeah, looks like it'll be more productive to make more mugs... :-\

And finally, Sus - That last mug, the pitchblende one, might've torn through the brain, but it wouldn't have killed the spawn... not even close. :( Awesome idea, though... Lol

On a side note... nobody mentioned the manamaids... I knew I should've posted the full pic.
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #308 on: March 05, 2012, 12:09:51 pm »

Mechanisms as trade goods at this point would ruin the way this place is going. WE. RUN. ON. MUGS. It's kinda our thing now. And it helps keep things nice and messy, since we can produce mugs faster than mechanisms, what with those workers probably being close to legendary or if nothing else accomplished. Compared to my best mechanics, who I need making mechanisms for home (Wells, unfortunate accidents, traps, atom smasherpults) and I intend to make them a part of the overly complicated railgun production. But the main deal is mugs. MOAR MUGS. They is our thing now.

Mr Frog

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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #309 on: March 05, 2012, 01:57:03 pm »

Me trading mugs instead of mechanisms wasn't so much a matter of me thinking mugs were more efficient as a trade good as it was a matter of us having over 600 mugs.

I've pretty much decided that Dorf!Talvi is now Dorf!Mr Frog's crazy stalker :p As you can no doubt see, the last few seasons have been reasonably uneventful, so I've had to make up character-based drama to keep it interesting.

I'm a bit iffy about Dorf!Mr Frog's blowup on 11 Sandstone; in retrospect, it seems a bit out-of-the-blue :-\
« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 02:10:16 pm by Mr Frog »
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #310 on: March 05, 2012, 05:53:45 pm »

been reading the battlefailed series for entertainment while waiting for my turn, yup were right on par with awesome succession forts for first few years.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #311 on: March 05, 2012, 07:07:54 pm »

I've pretty much decided that Dorf!Talvi is now Dorf!Mr Frog's crazy stalker :p As you can no doubt see, the last few seasons have been reasonably uneventful, so I've had to make up character-based drama to keep it interesting.

I'm a bit iffy about Dorf!Mr Frog's blowup on 11 Sandstone; in retrospect, it seems a bit out-of-the-blue :-\
Oh, god... Talvi is crushing on Mr Frog now?? o.O   Ehhh, I suppose it makes sense, in a way... she did think he was awesomeness personified. (also, refer to her as Talvi from now on, if that's all right - maybe change her name, I don't know, to make it easier - she's a girl, it'd be better if her name ended with an "i" - sounds more natural of a female name.) Now I'm going to make a journal entry to that effect...

been reading the battlefailed series for entertainment while waiting for my turn, yup were right on par with awesome succession forts for first few years.
Battlefailed is epicness. Pure epicness. If we could match that or come close, then this thread is a success. Ours isn't quite as doomed-from-the-start, but we're doomed, nevertheless... We can't defeat the spawn, only hold them off. Not even a fully candy-coated spearman would stand a chance against an ambush, I think. Our strength is in numbers and training. And mugs.
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand

Mr Frog

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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #312 on: March 05, 2012, 08:55:55 pm »


Made it to spring. Pretty boring winter. Going to start on the writeup at some point tonight.

Got a goblin ambush right at the end; I raised the drawbridge so that the next overseer can decide how to deal with them.

We're pretty stable now; our military's fully-equipped, if unskilled and only training sporadically. We're going to be in deep trouble if we don't get some more migrants soon, however.

I'd like to stress the fact that the Spawn are evil horror-monsters and that, until our military is much larger and more skilled, we should probably just turtle whenever they attack.

Since the potential for game-ending !!FUN!! is a lot higher for this fortress than most, I think it'd be a good idea if I (and others) put a link to their saves in the thread itself as well as PMing it directly to the next in line. That way, if one of the overseers ends up flat-out killing the fort due to their own undercompetence, we can just pass them over and use the most recently-posted save to continue.


After sending this transmission, the author dug an object out from under his bed; the object was small, square, and contained more textual information than a necromancer's entire library. Bringing up his personal journal, he added the following entry:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 05:24:06 am by Mr Frog »
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #313 on: March 05, 2012, 11:53:47 pm »

loving the deranged corporation angle. Also, I had an idea for a new weapon: Mug rifle. It shoots mugs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs.
« Reply #314 on: March 05, 2012, 11:54:09 pm »

Then it begins... The beginning of the end. The last of the great champions of the Spawn Wars have fallen from the throne - it is now up to their successors, as brilliant as they may be, to pick up the torch, and continue onwards in the bold name of Spearbreakers! Undaunted by the devilry that the demons disseminate dwarfwards, the daring dissidents of danger dare not to die, daintily dodging darts, deliberately digging downwards desperately towards death's door, distracting death itself with double doses of delicate devices, daring not to dreamily doze, distraught by dementia's deeds!

This is Spearbreakers, which the dastardly devils shall not, from dawn to dusk, destroy.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 02:05:40 am by Talvieno »
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand
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