17th Granite, 210Lefton informed me that the deed is done. He also asked if he could take the elf's pants since his were a little worn out. I told him it was fine. The altercation consisted of two things according to him: An indignant response from the elf, and the elf being liberated of his arm and head.
I really wish this jerkass would hurry the hell up and make with the agreement making. I don't care about his family, I was just being polite! If he were one of my fortress residents, yes, I'd care deeply for his family and the concerns he has but... GAH. I'm tired of that northern baron's lackeys being all small talk for days on end. Just because he reports directly to the queen and I don't means nothing! NOTHING.
18th Granite, 210I.... I found a headstone, a headstone to my long passed loved one Stova.... I checked through the headstones we had engraved and I was setting up two to Jack, in honor of the two incidents where he was grievously injured in a manner that even Fischer probably would have succumbed, partially as a joke, but also in honor of his service. I've asked Rodge and Aussieevil to dig out a small shrine, as she was Among the first of may heroes to die and... Well, I just
-The remainder of the entry is smeared to unintelligibly-19th Granite, 210My report box is getting stuffed with complaints about lye shortages, no webs to collect, Rochia (with Talvi and Loud Whispers mixed in) letting me know of masterworks being made, and the occasional reports of regular rain. Oddly enough There hasn't been a blood rain in such a long time most of the blood has crusted up and gone into the soil. I'm sure that will be rectified shortly.
I'm also tempted to also order some of the female livestock slaughtered. Damned things are starting to pop out replacements for the animals we've been killing to thin them out.
Yup, there it is. Must've needed to go and fetch some more coalskins.