7th of Hematite, 203
Mayor Draignean sure is a right nice dwarf - he's awful good to Splint, and he even came up with a new salute - we punch 'im in the face! It's good fun, and its helpin' ever'body keep the stress down. He seems to like it, calls it comradery or somethin'. If there's anything I could say bad about 'im, it's that he doesn't think about mugs at all. How could anyone in his right mind not think about mugs, I wonder? Anyhow...
I was watchin' my lil' cavies the other day, an' one of 'em found Draignean's calendar. I stopped readin' the words in it - most of 'em were too long for me to read, and I couldn't use 'em right none anyhow. That's what Mr Frog tole me. He wasn't too nice about it, but I think he just had a bad day, y' know? I offered to give him a massage and all, but he said no. I was sad. Oh, goodness me, I forgot what I was thinkin'! Okay, so, Georgette and Petunia, two of my cavies - they found Draignean's calendar, and they were nibblin' the edges. So I thoughts to myself, I thought... "Well, Talvi... It must be good if they eat it. Cavies are right smart, they is." So I took a nibble too, and by gods, it's a sight better'n the stuff they serve up at the dining hall!
9th of Hematite, 203
I was hungry, an' there weren't much to eat down at the dining hall - not much good for eatin', anyhow. I got a lil cravin' for some paper. See, I knew paper was good 'cause of Draignean's calendar that I ate yesterday. (I almost didn't eat one page - velutinous. It reminded me of my cavies... but I wanted to know what it tasted like still, so I hugged it a lil bit afore I ate it to make it right.) I knew Draignean had some calendars - a whole cabinet of 'em - down yonder in his room. So I went to get some.
His room's a bit plain, sofar as statues and such goes. The way he carries on 'bout himself and all, you'd've thought it'd be prettier inside. I nibbled one of the curtains on his bed, but it tasted bad, so I didn't eat no more of it. 'stead, I went to his cab'net and got out an armful of his lil calendars. I almost got caught on th' way back to my cavy room, though - The Master was walkin' up and down the hallways, rubbin' his pole with rock nut oil. Ever'body tells him to do that in his room, but he don't ever listen.
12th of Hematite, 203
I was rearragin' the books in Splint's office (big books go on the bottom shelf) and fixing them (all the q's, p's, d's and b's need their circles filled), when I noticed a name on his census sheet I hadn't seen before - Terrahex. I didn't know who it was, but I do know there's nobody like that here, so I erased the name. I wonder who wrote it... Doesn't matter none, though.
19th of Hematite, 203
I was hungry again. Joseph laughs and says I'm always hungry, but I told him I thoght he was rude and shoved him back under th' bed. He wanted me to take him to see the security systems for some reason - he called it the FROG... I tole him only frog I knew of was the Mister Frog. He groaned and tole me to go shove some calendar pages somewheres... think I might try that later. But I'll tell you what - I wanted those calendars. Sadly, tho - Draignean knew there were some missin'. I had to be more careful this time. Oh, if only Mr Frog had calendars... I'm in his room ev'ry night, it's be awful easy to get some if he had 'em.
I went into Draignean's room again and took some pages out of 'is calendars. I'm sure he won't miss 'em. I got the bad ones too - I made sure I got only the ones with words I didn't know how to use. I was bein' nice to 'im - affer all, what good's a word calendar if you don't know the words? Anyhow, when I's done, I had an awful good number of pages, and I took 'em all back to my room.
I wonder if I could make calendar beer...
19th of Malachite, 203
Oh, gods... I think I ate too many pages yesterday - that'r the pages had somethin' on 'em that isn't good for little cavies like me to eat. The pages were gross - made me sick an' all that. I didn't like them none good at all. I think from now on I'm gonna bring some other cavies with me - they's gots better noses than I've got. They'll know if the paper is bad.
I thought of a great idea - I'd take a little bite out of each page to see if they were bad. If I found a bad calendar, I wouldn't eat no more of it. If I found a good one, I'd take some pages. Good for me Draignean's not in his room much. It's odd, too, tho - his room is all pretty with gold (my room's better, tho', cause it's a cavy). Oh, and afore I forget - Petunia left a little something under the pillows on Draignean's bed. Maybe I'll remember to get it later.
Several pages are missing from the journal at this point, followed by writing in a curious shaky scrawl: "Calendars are better. Oh, I'm going to be sick"
13th of Galena, 203
Draignean's so awful nice! Makes me feel right good about eating the bad pages of his calendars. He gave us all pretty cabinets and chests! He said we ought to keep our books in such in it, but I don't have any books - only pages (and I sleep with those at night). So I'm gonna make the dressers and ever'thang into cavy nests. Cavies need beds too.
19th of Galena, 203
There's people attacking outside - Mr Frog thinks he's "been found out", Draignean thinks they're after his calendar, The Master swears up and down they're after his pole, and Bombzero jus' hauled a ton of corpses into her room an' locked the door for one reason or another. Anyhow, I let everyone into my room. I've got a big room, so it's good. I figured it might also keep anyone from findin' out about my pages, with so many people blockin' the way. Which is good, 'cause Draignean's been checking inside the new cabinets he's given anybody. I think he wants his pages back. Poor Draignean, if he only knew I'm keepin' him from gettin' sick. I've built up a tolerance to the poison he sprays on 'em (figured it out - Mr Frog makes it for him), so I eat those to keep him from feelin' bad from it.
Anyhow, last night I accidentally walked in on Mr Frog while he was still awake. He seemed awful upset about it, but I lied and said I was wonderin' if he could make a good poison. He seemed awful happy to talk after that. He's so smart, I want to be just like him someday. I saw him with a little glowy tablet - I couln't stop m'self afore I said "That looks like Joseph!" He wondered what I meant but I wouldn't say no more. Jospeh said he ought to be kept a secret. I'm doin' right good keepin' it a secret, too. Only my cavies know.
5th of Limestone, 203
Well, ever'one's still in my room, and happy, too - they like my cavies, and my cavies like the company. And the socks. I have my cavies trained to steal socks now. I'm only doin' it for their good - the socks need tasted to make sure Mr Frog and Draignean hain't sprayed no poison on 'em.
I've decided to not steal pages anymore - Draignean's too good about searchin' rooms. From now on when I'm hungry, I'm going to eat right out of his pages. That oughta fix the problem. I'll only eat bad parts of words - parts I can't pronounce good.
I really like Draignean bein' mayor. I hope he gets to keep his calendars afterwards.