Wow, I'm a bit late here. lol I blame a masterwork power outage. ANYWAY... Awesome write-up for spring, Draignean! I lol'd through most of it (but yeah, get Bombzero to do the corpses from now on, more awesome that way (and semi-related - awesome choice for what to dwarf Solpyre as)). How much was that artifact worth, by the way? If it was too much, it's going to launch us forwards into spawn siege time...
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Adding this now. Epic quote, I'd have nominated it myself. lol
[...] upright spikes can and will hit [TRAPAVOID] creatures [...]
[...] make some [...] adamatine [...] spikes [...]
Perhaps use the spikes to make a Dodge-Me trap with more spikes on the bottom?*
Pity about the ballistas. Even if they're metal-tipped?
*Greetings and salutations, honoured companion. I was informed that you enjoy spikes, so I thusly took the liberty of placing spike traps in your spike trap such that you may impale whilst you impale.
Also, this. Everything here. We need spikes. Lots of 'em. Oh, and long bridges that we can raise to have spawn fall into.
Unrelated question: How the hell did we get an invisible necromancer? I never saw him either - he simply didn't exist, except for how he resurrected everything. Does Stonesense still work? I recall a bug where you could see phantom animals lined up at the edge of the map in Stonesense, but not DF... If this is the same thing (invisible creatures that exist in the game but not detectably), we ought to be able to see the necromancer...
A year and any legendary dorf (preferably a weapon or armorsmith) named Dariush please.
Aye, laddie... What Splint said... Ye've got yerself a bit of waitin' to do.
And finally... Moar mugs.