I've found a little bug. If you try to define a menu like this:
it executes only the g flag
To fix this in the mouse.ahk change these lines:
global base, sidemenutypeoffset, pauseoffset, fullscreen
full := flags
flags := RegExReplace(flags, "\(.+\)", "")
Loop, parse, flags, `,
if (A_LoopField = "t")
side := ReadMemory(base+sidemenutypeoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
if (side <> 0)
SendInput, %A_ThisHotkey%
if (A_LoopField = "m")
Menu, context, show
if (A_LoopField = "pan")
IniWrite, %A_ThisHotkey%, config.ini, pass, dragkey
Run pan.exe
if (A_LoopField = "s")
if (A_LoopField = "l")
Run launch.exe
if (A_LoopField = "p")
pause := ReadMemory(base+pauseoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "p\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "p\(|\)", "")
if (match = "p")
WriteMemory(65536,base+pauseoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
if (match = "u")
WriteMemory(0,base+pauseoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
if (match = "g")
if (pause = "0")
WriteMemory(65536,base+pauseoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
WriteMemory(0,base+pauseoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
if (A_LoopField = "g")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "g\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "g\(|\)", "")
if (A_LoopField = "k")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "k\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "k\(|\)", "")
SendInput, %match%
if (A_LoopField = "a")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "a\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "a\(|\)", "")
WinRestore, Dwarf Fortress.exe
ControlSend,, %match%{Enter}, Dwarf Fortress.exe
if (A_LoopField = "r")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "r\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "r\(|\)", "")
Run, %match%
if (A_LoopField = "q")
IniRead, cursoron, config.ini, pass, cursoron
if (cursoron = "1")
IniWrite, 0, config.ini, pass, cursoron
WinClose, cursor.exe
Traytip,, Tracking Disabled!
IniWrite, 1, config.ini, pass, cursoron
Run cursor.exe
Traytip,, Tracking Enabled!
if (A_LoopField = "dc")
if not (A_PriorHotKey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500)
if (A_LoopField = "d")
IniWrite, %A_ThisHotkey%, config.ini, pass, dragkey
Run drag.exe
if (A_LoopField = "ru")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "ru\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "ru\(|\)", "")
if (match = "h")
IniWrite, %match%, config.ini, pass, flagvar
IniWrite, %A_ThisHotkey%, config.ini, pass, dragkey
Run rule.exe
IniRead, ruleon, config.ini, pass, ruleon
if ((match = "t") and (ruleon = "0"))
IniWrite, %match%, config.ini, pass, flagvar
IniWrite, 1, config.ini, pass, ruleon
Run rule.exe
if ((match = "t") and (ruleon = "1"))
WinClose, rule.exe
IniWrite, 0, config.ini, pass, ruleon
if (A_LoopField = "e")
Loop 5
SendInput {Escape}
Sleep 10
SendInput, {Enter}
with these:
global base, sidemenutypeoffset, pauseoffset, fullscreen
Loop, parse, flags, `,
full := A_LoopField
flag := RegExReplace(A_LoopField, "\(.+\)", "")
if (flag = "t")
side := ReadMemory(base+sidemenutypeoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
if (side <> 0)
SendInput, %A_ThisHotkey%
if (flag = "m")
Menu, context, show
if (flag = "pan")
IniWrite, %A_ThisHotkey%, config.ini, pass, dragkey
Run pan.exe
if (flag = "s")
if (flag = "l")
Run launch.exe
if (flag = "p")
pause := ReadMemory(base+pauseoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "p\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "p\(|\)", "")
if (match = "p")
WriteMemory(65536,base+pauseoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
if (match = "u")
WriteMemory(0,base+pauseoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
if (match = "g")
if (pause = "0")
WriteMemory(65536,base+pauseoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
WriteMemory(0,base+pauseoffset,"Dwarf Fortress")
if (flag = "g")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "g\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "g\(|\)", "")
if (flag = "k")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "k\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "k\(|\)", "")
SendInput, %match%
if (flag = "a")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "a\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "a\(|\)", "")
WinRestore, Dwarf Fortress.exe
ControlSend,, %match%{Enter}, Dwarf Fortress.exe
if (flag = "r")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "r\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "r\(|\)", "")
Run, %match%
if (flag = "q")
IniRead, cursoron, config.ini, pass, cursoron
if (cursoron = "1")
IniWrite, 0, config.ini, pass, cursoron
WinClose, cursor.exe
Traytip,, Tracking Disabled!
IniWrite, 1, config.ini, pass, cursoron
Run cursor.exe
Traytip,, Tracking Enabled!
if (flag = "dc")
if not (A_PriorHotKey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500)
if (flag = "d")
IniWrite, %A_ThisHotkey%, config.ini, pass, dragkey
Run drag.exe
if (flag = "ru")
throw := RegExMatch(full, "ru\(.*?\)", match)
match := RegExReplace(match, "ru\(|\)", "")
if (match = "h")
IniWrite, %match%, config.ini, pass, flagvar
IniWrite, %A_ThisHotkey%, config.ini, pass, dragkey
Run rule.exe
IniRead, ruleon, config.ini, pass, ruleon
if ((match = "t") and (ruleon = "0"))
IniWrite, %match%, config.ini, pass, flagvar
IniWrite, 1, config.ini, pass, ruleon
Run rule.exe
if ((match = "t") and (ruleon = "1"))
WinClose, rule.exe
IniWrite, 0, config.ini, pass, ruleon
if (flag = "e")
Loop 5
SendInput {Escape}
Sleep 10
SendInput, {Enter}