Polyphasic sleep schedule isn't possible for most people. It takes an iron will, determination, discipline, very little social life and a crapload of alarm clocks. But you don't have to be a super soldier to pull it off. I know why most people don't believe it, there isn't much scientific data. But do you think everybody just coordinated and talked with each other to lie? There is a map of people who is doing or prepearing to do it. Yes there is no proof if these are real people. But I don't think people would just try to go for a global trolling attempt like this.
No, it isn't a giant trolling attempt, people are just deluded. Millions of people believe in homoeopathy, or that vaccines cause autism. Unfortunately, science is not a democracy. The rules of biology don't change because a lot of people want them to.
Also, there is actually quite a bit of scientific data on sleep patterns. The overwhelming consensus is that when humans are exposed to natural light and are allowed to sleep whenever they want, they'll fall into a biphastic schedule.
It seems impossible but it isn't. It's just very difficult. Adapting your body to only take REM sleep may sound crazy but lots of things used to sound crazy. Hundreds of years ago, if you say "Hey dudes, I think the world is like, round" everybody would just label you as a madman.
It's not impossible, just extremely unhealthy. The fact that you need to be constantly setting alarm clocks and desperately trying to stay awake is an indication of how unnatural it is.
Sometimes I'm sleep for 14 hours and I still feel sleepy. It doesn't matter how much I sleep. My sleep schedule is already crap, how much crappier can it get?
The reason you sleep for 14 hours in a row and still feel sleepy is likely because you are sleep deprived. Many people have a "binge/purge" style of sleep.
The only guy who pulled of Dymaxion stopped because his wife wanted him to stop. Dymaxion is the most hardcore and close to the impossible.
I registered to a forum and told about my sleeping schedule. Let's see what people are going to say. You might want to register and troll them if you don't think this is possible
Cool, sounds like you found a great echo chamber. I'm sure everyone there is unbiased and base all of their claims on scientific evidence.
Oh and, REM sleep is nessecity and there are mammals who sleep with a polyphasic schedule.
...But not our closest relatives, the great apes. They have a biphastic sleep schedule, just like us.
Show me some scientific evidence that this is a healthy lifestyle. Blog and forum posts are not scientific evidence.