So I saw Dariush And kissamies on there. Since the game is slightly hard to pick up, especially if you don't do the tutorial that's super hidden in the launcher, here's the basics.
You're a guy.
There are floating ships.
There's also a glider that gets you onto ships that are in the air.
Use your empty hands (1) to repair the ship with the tools at the front of the ship.
Use the torch (2) to light the fuse on a loaded cannon.
Use the cannonballs (3) to load cannonballs onto cannons (hurr durr).
Use the gunpowder (4) with LMB to load a cannon and make it a flamethrower, which has short range but burns people and balloons like all hell. Use with RMB to throw a gunpowder grenade, and the longer you keep it pressed, the further it will go. These will actually take out both people and ships.
Use the airmine launcher (5) with LMB to load cannons with rockets. You can load MULTIPLE by keeping LMB pressed. When you light the fuse, the rockets will fire in pairs over a stretch. Use the RMB to fire a rocket that turns into an air mine. The longer you click the further away the mine is going to be. Put it in front of enemy ships!
Use the telescope (6) with LMB to zoom in. LMB once zoomed to exit the zoomed view. RMB to announce an enemy ship.
Use the musket (7) with LMB or RMB to fire at enemy crews once they're close enough or to block. The musket ball explodes at a certain distance. If you can get it to burst next to an incoming cannonball you get 4 points and destroy the cannon ball. It's the same for most incoming projectives, such as rockets.
Use the sword (8) with LMB to swing your sword. The longer you press, the stronger the hit. RMB allows you to block, I think, but I've never used it.
Now, you move around with WASD as usual. What you want to do is get on a ship. To work a cannon, you press E while looking at it, or just mouse click with your empty hands. To load the cannon, you can't be aiming it. Press E again to get away from it, press (3)(4)(5) and load it, (2) to light it, and E to aim it. Rinse and repeat.
The engagement goes as follows: wait for the enemy ship to get into long range, and fire some rockets (load with airmine lancher, use torch to fire cannon). They need some lead. One they're at medium range, angle the cannon AS FAR UP AS IT GOES, and shoot cannon balls. If the enemy ship gets closer, you can aim the cannon down a bit. If you happen to get REAL close, load gunpowder and throw some MAGMA at those bastards.
To board ships, friendly OR OTHERWISE, just jump off your ship (SPACE to jump). Once you're below the enemy ship, press SPACE again. If you're close enough, you catch a rope. Use W to go up and S to go down the rope. Once you reach the top, you'll jump onto the ship. You can also use CTRL to let go. You can also throw gunpowder grenades using (4) RMB. This can either kill crew or send the whole ship crashing down, you with it.
To fly ships (and please don't do this if you haven't played before), you get on the wheel. W makes it go upwards, S go downwards, and A and D turn the wheel. You can leave the wheel and the boat will keep turning. The boat goes forwards on its own. You also have boosting, which is a way to temporarily gain speed in a direction. There's a little menu on the right. Use the mousewheel to go up or down the menu, and space will activate boost. After a few seconds, it'll be available again. Finally, next to the minimap, there's a little vertical gauge. If that goes straight up and touches the top, you'll drastically lose altitude, and, with non-trivial probability, your boat!
Me and Dariush and another guy did awesome. We got on the smaller ships, headed straight for a big enemy one, then, in great praise to Armok, boarded it and captured it. In the meantime, they had done the same to our ship, but we shot it down somehow. And then, we took a ship that had been taken by them.
It was most glorious.
I'd love to see a bigger B12 community!
Also, as it turns out, the Alpha is free.