I'm going to let Irony name everything, considering his character has the higher wisdom score
I'll get to work on that soon. Have you noticed everything that lives here is pretty in some fashion?
Also, just to clarify. I have no use for my influence until we get more population, unless I want to try to usurp the current ruler's orders?
And, I count as a unit of population, so I can run off and harvest wood or whatever just like a population unit?
And the rules are kinda vague and ill-defined so I can try to research things or build something that doesn't exist or something and it might or might not work? Any clues on that one, like whether we need a specific building to research things, or build certain things, or harvest certain resources?
Finally, it's occurred to me that your system of population growth, while somewhat realistic, is likely going to lead to problems, either because (in the long run) once someone gets ahead they tend to stay that way, and/or because everyone's going to explode in population and then crash and burn, and definitely because it'll take 52 turns for us to reach 3 population, then 52 more turns to reach 4 population, then 52
more turns to reach 6 population. I, uh, think things should be a bit more rapid and perhaps fluid (easier to lose population as well as gain it) than that.
NINJA'D: Awesome.