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Author Topic: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 14 Signup - TT S6, SF  (Read 261040 times)


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 2!
« Reply #270 on: August 05, 2012, 05:16:44 pm »

High TV elves aren't too bad, you did drag him down to 1 reroll after all. They tend to sort of implode when that happens to 'em -- surprised ank was able to manage.

Anyway, match validated.

Only game left this week is Charmander vs monk12. Again, it's only been 3 days, you guys still have plenty of time... but, how's it going?
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 2!
« Reply #271 on: August 05, 2012, 11:18:15 pm »

Between my working late and the timezone difference, we haven't been able to coordinate a game. Fortunately, my schedule is wide open Tuesday/Wednesday, so we should be able to get it done then at the latest.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 2!
« Reply #272 on: August 06, 2012, 02:59:00 am »

Thanks for the game Pies!

This was a seriously tough game that could have ended 3-2 instead.

That drugged up blitzer was sooo close to scoring.

Tuffgang is a Boss! He was clearly the MVP of the team, preventing a score by intercepting, and making an Epic dodge near the end, away from 5 elves.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 2!
« Reply #273 on: August 07, 2012, 09:00:24 pm »

"Sssstar player, huh? We're gonna ssssshow them what sssstars are!"

The first thing: 900,000 GP of inducements. That's almost a full roster. Most of the money went on three mercs and Morg 'n' Thorg, plus a wizard to wave his staff with a knob on the end from the stands. The star player alone is enough of a concern, all things said and done.

The humans boot off, and the skinks recover, laying out a fair amount of hurt off the bat. Ravv hands off to Novv, who sprints upfield, the rest of the lizards shutting down the human side, but the first injury goes to the Marauders as Novv is knocked out, the ball bouncing on the touchline. Scrambling to recover, Rijj ends up in the dirt, but managing to take down Edgar as well. By playing a little too aggressively to start, the skinks have found themselves a little overextended, the humans stronger in muscle compared to the majority of the skink side, and the blue-skinned team paying for it. As both teams converge on the ball, Rijj dives for it, intending to knock it off-field, but the bouncing ball is collected by Bertolf, the Marauder blitzer. In the chaos, Nirr goes down unconscious, too, dragged off by the skink subs before things got uglier... like they did for Mejj as a pair of humans put the boot in.

Bertolf sprints downfield, as Morg 'n' Thorg pummels Jarr into unconsciousness. Mazz goes down hard, and only Ravv can get into an appreciable position. Rijj gets KOed to join the others, the human side kicking in the downed, floundering skins, but the shunt from Knight Advar just leaves Bertolf in a rougher position... which he decides to rectify by pounding Ravv unconscious, as the rest of his backup kicks Vorr in the cloaca. Garr stages a daring one-skink defence which is dropped, the blitzer taking his sweet time to score, as Enan takes time to stomp on Takk. Garr scrambles up, but is easily tripped, letting the humans score in the final minutes of the first half.

Even the half-time fan barbecue's smell of roasting skink skin isn't enough to raise a single one of the Stormers from unconsciousness. With ten lizards, and the brittle Tyrr the Slipstreamed, the skinks kick the ball right off the pitch, leading to an easy touchback for the humans. Helmut receives readily, and the two teams get stuck in for the second half. Odamar goes down to Weyy's tail, the catcher in deep and a threat to the lizards, while Rexx finally gets retribution for a third of his team with a blow to knock Jorg out.

The lizards once more have to reposition, but Mejj smashes Knight's hand out of commission for the first actual injury of the game, the skinks shifting to try and clear out the blue side. A path is rather deftly cleared for Helmut, who surges forward, covered by Bertolf. Mazz shoves Odamar off-field, Rexx charging through the opened avenue... to only stumble, find his footing, and fall anyway. Tyrr goes down and out with a serious injury, for Helmut to just run through with less than half the half remaining.

Mercifully, two skinks wake up... but so do both of the unconscious human teammembers, and the skinks only barely have a full team to play. Kicking off, Weyy picks up the short hoof... which is surprising, because Weyy is on the line of scrimmage. That motion alone throws the skinks for a loop, tactics changing in order to maintain possession. Not that it matters, as a fireball takes out Weyy and puts him out for the rest of the match, badly singed. Invv collects, while Mejj snaps Eman's arm, and the skinks establish a tackle line for anyone that goes for Invv.

Grant slips past Vorr's tackle with an almost-stumble, but can only shove the slippery Invv... though three other humans come to close him, and rookie Sorr, down. Invv slips away from the trio, before handing off to the fast-footed Garr, who sprints to bring the score 2-1 with too little time to score again. That doesn't mean they won't try. Garr goes doawn with a smashed jaw, but the apothecary snaps it back into position easily and leaves Garr able to participate next game. Helmut, meanwhile, collects the ball and tosses to Grant, who catches it after an initial fumble. Manfred gets KO'ed with a late punch from Mejj, but the play goes nowhere and the humans retain possession to win 2-1, and the skinks livid for a match that they should have won.

(Seriously. Five fucking KO's, first half. Not a single revival at half-time. You just can't come back from that unless you're elven. I hate this game almost as much as Nuffle hates me.)


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 3!
« Reply #274 on: August 07, 2012, 09:09:06 pm »

And even the elves will have a hard time with that few players...

Matchups for Week Three:

Kanil - Self Inflicted vs warhammer651 - Earth Strikers
Jartol - Manner Pylon vs Charmander - Sahagin Stormers
ndkid - Kobb's Khorne vs ank - w00t w00t
monk12 - Monk's Marauders vs Burnt Pies - Brunch's Big Bads

My thanks to all of you for playing all your games through the first two weeks, and best of luck to you all in your games this week.
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 2!
« Reply #275 on: August 07, 2012, 09:41:23 pm »

Whoo, won a game! 900k in inducements didn't hurt :P

Commentary of Charmander's commentary:

Turn 2: We were both very aggressive to start the game, and I paid for it as his skink got fairly deep in my territory with just about everyone tied up at the line of scrimmage (or worse, in the wrong end of the field.) With a little maneuvering, I managed to spring lowly lineman Edgar from the melee, who blitzed back to Novv and, with the help of a reroll, sent him off the pitch.

I got a lot of luck in the following turns of the first half, as I couldn't seem to roll anything other than Defender Down. I managed to get my muscle in one line and the skinks on the wrong side of it, and pummeled my way upfield while Morg 'n' Thorg kept the Saurians off my back. With not much in the way of a threat to ballcarrier Bertolf, I took my time in the last couple turns of the half, knowing I'd get the ball back to start the second.

My good fortune continued in the second half as none of the knocked out lizards got back on the field- I was gonna be happy if only Mejj stayed sidelined! Strength of numbers made up for some poor positioning on my part, and after the push up the left stalled I surged back toward the middle, with the humans taking the lizards on the left and Morg 'n' Thorg taking the Saurians on the right. My initial plan to pitch the ball back left to the Catcher took a blow when he was thrown bodily off the pitch, but the skinks he needed to do that meant I could spring a blitzer to cover Helmut as he ran in. There was a goal-line scare as a Saurian picked his way clean to Helmut, but he fell on his face before he could cripple the human.

My preternatural luck gave out at this point as I had trouble knocking down the elusive skinks, who didn't give me many good shots as they punched it in near the end of the half. There simply wasn't any time left on the clock for Charmander at that point- I hurt a skink and completed a pass to earn some SPPs, and the game ended.

About the only poor luck I got was my injuries, and even that wasn't so bad- a blitzer and a lineman will miss my game with Brunch's Big Bads, but at least they aren't dead or crippled. They'll heal. And hey, Bertolf Blitzer was player of the game, and is now my first level 2 player. All in all, the wise and merciful RNG was quite kind to me today- perhaps if I make the appropriate sacrifices, Lady Luck will smile on me next match as well.

Burnt Pies

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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 3!
« Reply #276 on: August 09, 2012, 11:24:25 pm »

Game ended Orcs 2, Humies 0.

540k in Inducements nets Monk a few Mercenaries and Griff Oberwald, along with an agility potion for the level 2 Blitzer. One of those Mercs turns out to be a replacement Ogre, taking position opposite my Troll on the front lines. The orcs win the toss and elect to receive.

The game started badly for Monk, the first block of the game resulting in Badruk the black orc Badly Hurting one of the linesmen on the line. The ball was picked up by one of the Linesmen, as Tuffgang and Mogram (The catcher) were too far away to do much. The orcs then proceeded to push, punch and bully the Human team in every way they could, most notably Griff Oberwald running into Morru the Blitzer's fist as he went for the tackle, Badly Hurting himself. By turn 6, the Orcs manage to Badly hurt another linesman, along with KOing two more, and open up a gap for the ball carrier, who promptly runs it in.

Upon receiving, Monk goes for it; sending the level 2 blitzer through my lines to receive the pass from the thrower. Unfortunately, the black orc he attempted to run past stuck out a foot, tripping the poor bastard and ending monks' turn with the ball still on the ground, undefended. Tuffgang goes in to get it, but I can't give him a proper defensive cage, and the Humans send him to the KO box post-haste. The Human thrower picks up the ball, but that marks the end of the half.

Both Human KOs and Tuffgang the Gobbo manage to stand up over half time, giving the Humans a 10 man team, and keeping my awesomest player in the running.

Next half starts out a bit better for Monk, the kick going high, allowing him to place a catcher directly beneath it. The Orcs soon get stuck in, however, knocking the poor human over and stealing the ball with relative ease. Monk knocks over my ball carrier after a while, resulting in a nasty little fight right next to the sidelines as both sides scramble for the Ball. The orcs' strength and numbers win out eventually, and the new Blitzer nabs the ball and runs for the goal line with a linesman giving support. Support doesn't matter, however, as a Human blitzer promptly knocks him over, nicks the ball and moves to the other side of the pitch, away from the biggest cluster of orcs. This doesn't help much, as a neglected orc group make their way over to the hapless ball carrier, and promptly steal the ball. As this goes on, Seneschal Sigrid, Human Blitzer discovers just how hard it can be to Blitz a Goblin; Tuffgang knocking him on his arse twice in a row. Unfortunately for fans of the diminutive greenskin, Tuffgang then Badly Hurts himself as he attempts to GFI, cementing my distrust of GFI rolls. More violence ensues, including the Human Thrower getting a Pinched Nerve, and a few more KOs/Badly Hurts for the poor Humans. Indeed, for the last few turns of the game, there are so few Humans around that I can keep most of them on the floor and away from my ball carrier. Eventually, the ball carrier makes a move from the safety of my punching line, but is cornered by a Blitzer and the Ogre. A bit of tactical blocking later, the way is opened again, and the Orc runs the ball in for a turn 16 Touchdown.

A nice result for me, this means two of my linesmen level up, along with Badruk being MVP and hitting Level 3. Not a bad set of results.

Injuries were something like 4 Badly Hurts and a Pinched Nerve for the Humans, and Tuffgang the Gobbo getting badly hurt for the Orcs.
I can read box now
Also, I am a bit drunk


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 3!
« Reply #277 on: August 09, 2012, 11:45:39 pm »

Got a taste of my own medicine there- my last match, Charmander suffered a series of Knockouts that put him at a significant disadvantage well into the second half, and this time I got to enjoy watching two players- one of them Griff Oberwald- go down Badly Hurt in the first four turns. And DANG I simply could not blitz Tuffgang- so many Attacker Downs! At least nobody died, right?

And does the game fill out your roster with merc lineman before inducements if you don't have enough players? I certainly didn't think I paid for the blighters, though they turned out to be the difference between a rout and a massacre.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 3!
« Reply #278 on: August 10, 2012, 01:32:33 am »

Match validated.

If you don't have 11 players, it gives you "free" linemen until you're at 11. They come with loner (Team rerolls fail 50% of the time) and can catch MVPs (annoyingly). Also, your inducements are only taken into account after the linemen... so you pay for them in TV, but not in gold.

They're strictly worse than a regular lineman, so it's better to have your own -- but they're free and can get their faces smashed in on the LoS without you caring, so there's that.
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 3!
« Reply #279 on: August 10, 2012, 08:35:36 pm »

Ah, that explains it, thanks! Lucky for me, my MVP was the Blitzer who couldn't knock down a goblin, on two separate occasions, reroll be damned. I guess the commentators liked his tenacity :P  But he, he leveled from it, so who am I to complain?


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 3!
« Reply #280 on: August 12, 2012, 10:50:02 am »

Week 3: Kobb's Khorne vs. w00t w00t

Khorne elects to kick.

w1: In deference to the ability of the wood elves to dodge around, Khorne pulls both TAB and another beastman back in deep coverage. w00t w00t gets an extra reroll. The kick goes deep, and the passer picks it up. The elven front line, anchored by the treeman, knocks over the Khorne front line. A catcher runs down field, ending up beside TAB. A wardancer falls over trying to jump and blitz over the line.

K1: TAB stuns his catcher with an assist; the catcher on the line also goes down. NATAB runs downfield toward the passer.

w2: A lineman runs downfield. The catcher on the line stands up, dodges out, and gets free near the sideline at midfield. The passer moves to that side of the field. A wardancer with a couple of friends knocks over a chaos warrior. A pair of linemen trying to take down NATAB leaves one lying on the ground.

K2: The minotaur is too busy peeing to block the treeman. A warrior knocks the catcher at midfield out. A beastman with a one-die block double-skulls.

w3: The passer tosses to the downfield lineman, who runs it in for the touchdown.

K3: A rock stuns NATAB. TAB goes deep to receive. The minotaur decides to pee on the treeman rather than block him again. Speedy and another beastman pull back to guard the front of TAB.

w4: The elves blitz down one of TAB's defenders... four elves total end up beside him and his companion.

K4: NATAB finally stands up, breaks the tackle of the elf beside him, and starts downfield. TAB breaks from the pack, rolls to his right, and muffs the pass, letting the ball fall beside him.

w5: TAB goes down to a wardancer blitz. A catcher picks it up and tosses it to a lineman, who takes it in for the touchdown.

K5: With TAB deep again, the fans invade the pitch. When it's done, 5 Khorne and 3 elves are down, with two of those elves stunned. One of those Khorne is TAB, lying beside the ball. Enough Khorne gets around the treeman to knock him over. A beastman runs back to the ball and, amazingly, picks it up.

w6: The treeman fails to stand up. A lineman and a wardancer run the ball carrier over. A wardancer falls over trying to leap again.

K6: TAB's blitz fails to knock over the lineman. As a result, Khorne just stacks as many of its men as possible beside the ball.

w7: The elves also collapse around the ball. Blocks leave two Chaos warriors standing beside it only.

K7: With some block help, TAB makes two dodges, picks up the ball, runs it forward, and tosses it to NATAB. NATAB gets two beastmen training him for protection.

w8: A lineman and a wardancer pull back to try and get beside NATAB. The treeman and another lineman also get to the area, as do two linemen coming from behind.

K8: One of the rearguard beastman clears an elf off the front of NATAB. He originally looks dead, but it turns out to just be a broken hand. NATAB takes the hole and runs the ball in to score.

Halftime Score: w00t w00t 2 - 1 Kobb's Khorne

K9: At this point, the formations are pretty static. The elves get a blitz. The kick was also well-placed, landing just behind the Khorne line. A wardancer jumps her way beside the landing zone, but the other wardancer falls over trying. The left-hand wing of beastmen pull back to knock over the wardancer. TAB picks up the ball and tosses it to the soft-handed Warrior. He runs forward, with two Warriors and two beastman flanking him closely.

w9: Elves close in on the wall.

K10: Khorne pushes elves off the wall.

w10: The elves peel back one side of the wall, but leave the ball carrier standing, with six elves surrounding him.

K11: After a couple of blocks, the ball carrier hands the ball to NATAB. He runs toward the opposite sideline, with one beastman on his side.

w11: A wardancer fails a leap.

K12: NATAB runs to beside the sideline, and watches as his teammates attempt to knock down every standing elf. They get most of the way there.

w12: Elves dodge toward NATAB.

K13: NATAB runs the ball in for the touchdown.

w13: Soft-hands is the deep defender for Khorne this time. The bright sun also makes an appearance. The passer picks up the ball. Another wardancer fails to leap.

K14: NATAB blitzes the passer down. He tries to nab the ball, but all three of his hands fail him, and the ball ends up beside the sideline.

w14: Three elves knock NATAB over. A lineman picks up the ball and hands it back to the passer. Both wardancers are in Khorne's backfield.

K15: half the team runs toward the wardancers. NATAB stands up and knocks the passer out, picking up the ball in the process.

w15: The three elven linemen knock NATAB down. A fourth picks up the ball, handing it to a nearby catcher. The catcher runs downfield and tosses the ball to a wardancer. The wardancers leaps over the warrior and runs the ball in.

K16: Khorne makes the three blocks it can, then a foul.


Final Score: w00t w00t 3 - 2 Kobb's Khorne

Final Thoughts:
A pretty classic matchup, at this stage in the league. The question is always whether Khorne can inflict enough damage to overwhelm the wood elves, because while my Khorne team is an odd mix of STR and AGL, it *can't* out AGL the elves, and the elven speed is killer. I thought I'd be able to hold for a tie, but no such luck. My biggest mistake was probably before the game, when I decided to buy the beer rather than spending 20k to cost ank one of his rerolls. But, with some luck (and horrible wardancer jumping luck for Ank), I managed to keep the first half close (I was afraid it was going to be a 3-0 blowout). Then it was a matter of how long I could keep posession in the second half, which wasn't long enough. Even then, a bad roll by Ank left me a potential opening, but his last minute shennanigans sealed the deal, complete with finally succeeding at a leap, which was quite the poetic ending!


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 3!
« Reply #281 on: August 12, 2012, 01:52:16 pm »

My biggest mistake was probably before the game, when I decided to buy the beer rather than spending 20k to cost ank one of his rerolls.

Inducements do not work like that. If you spend petty cash, it raises your team value. So instead of being 80 TV behind, if you spend 20k you're suddenly only 60 TV behind, and you're only getting 60k in inducements -- again, just totaling to 80k and not enough for the reroll denial. You'd have to spend 100k in petty cash to have enough to buy the reroll, and ank would then get 20k inducements himself -- since your team's adjusted TV would be 20 higher than his.

I don't know anyone who actually thinks this system makes sense... but that's how it works.

Also, match validated. Just one more this week.
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 3!
« Reply #282 on: August 13, 2012, 03:57:24 pm »

Kanil, is the last match this week yours? Any idea when it will happen?


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 3!
« Reply #283 on: August 13, 2012, 04:26:04 pm »

The last match is Jartol versus Charmander, scheduled for tomorrow morning.

My match was played some days ago, but wasn't posted about -- the R&S was updated accordingly, though.
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 5, Week 3!
« Reply #284 on: August 14, 2012, 10:43:39 am »

"You can't catch ussss out thisss time, Nuffle! We're not ssssssaying anything gloaty in this presss conferenssse!"

580k of ratty inducements culminate in two mercenaries, a master chef, drugs, booze, and a reroll loss. Not the best start ever, but at least it isn't another thrice-damned ogre like last match.

The skinks elect to receive, the ball sailing through the air. A quick snap at the cost of every skink reroll leaves the ball in Ravv's claws, but the initial rush fals short as Jarr proves his worthlessness. Scalpad charges forth and smashes Ravv down, running to the ball and grabbing it for a very early kicking team touchdown. Mazz slips past the rat defence to bring down Scalpad, and the ball bounces to Ravv, still staggered from standing and helping the block and unable to do anything with it. Rhiel is KO'd with a smack from Mejj, but only Novv is able to help out with the ball.

In the end, it doesn't matter as Deelutch smashes into Ravv, the ball bouncing to the repositioned Skread. With a bit of frentic bullying, Sorr shoves Skread and grabs the ball, but gets a fist to the back of the head after a charge from Deelutch. The ball goes free, and the downed Knidle has a chance to scramble up and score, but the sheer numbers of skink around him precludes anything more than ending back on his face in the astrogranite. A few more shoves leaves Weyy with the ball in his claws, escaping the rat ogre and his prehensile tail, but tripping up on a thrown bottle as he goes for it, looking to make a long pass to the deep Garr. Kindle runs deep, sitting in the endzone, as Deelutch grabs the dead ball and hurls it, safely and accurately, for the rats to go 1-0 up with a little under quarter of the match gone.

At the kickoff, Mejj smashes down the recruit Rhiel, then stomps on his face hard and rips up his face. Rexx mimics that with a cleaner punch, putting Deelutch out, while Takk makes it three for three on the line of scrimmage with a snapped neck, but Garr messes things up as he fumbles a hand-off from Rijj. Scalpad knocks the unsure-clawed Garr down with a thump, KOing him. In return, the skinks shove the ball-collecting Knidle almost off the pitch, boxing the dodgy rat in. A few tackles and a rat ogre bearing down on the skink defence puts Deelutch in possession of the ball once more, but the lizards can't do anything against the plague-ridden side, only able to shove Deelutch with time ticking away.

Deelutch in turn sends the ball to an awaiting runner in the endzone, or... tries, at least. The ball goes wide, out of range of almost anyone. A few creative blocks and Mazz dives for the ball, slipping past the guard and grabbing the ball, sending it on a long bomb to the awaiting Novv... who, against all odds, catches the perfect pass and runs it in to equalise as the half draws to a close. A token skaven kickoff leaves a few bruised skink, but after actually having scored a touchdown, they go to halftime rather elated.

The second half starts with Ravv utterly failing to kick the ball an appreciable distance, instead being plainly given to Knidle. A short pass leaves the ball in the agile paws of Deelutch, boxed in safely by the ratty muscle. A sudden blitz from Rexx leaves him sprawling, the ball bouncing through ten or fifteen pairs of claws before settling next to four lizard and one skaven, which rapidly becomes more even. Scalpad takes advantage of the situation, slipping past a diving Nirr to get within reach of the endzone. Three lizards pile on, but the rat is too slippery, sliding past the tackle and running in the ball easily.

At the kick off, the ball goes high, allowing Tyrr the Slipstreamed to catch it easily. Novv surges forward after Tyrr dumps it to him, but he goes down hard after receiving a rack of horn to the face from the mutated Scalpad. Deelutch grabs the ball in turn, passing it over the heads of Nirr and Vorr to get to Knidle, who ends up safely boxed in.

Well, allegedly, anyway. With a little support, Takk shoves downKnidle and... picks up the ball in his clumsy claws, replacing his position in the middle. Almost at once most every Stormer runs in, boxing in the box with a lot of blue-scaled muscle. Unfortunately, Broslash seems more interested in licking himself, as Novv is shoved off-pitch, and the box seems more intent on picking off the squishy skinks rather than the threat of lizardly muscle. Takk breaks free, running endzone-wards, the rest of the skaven team hemmed in by being down and surrounded by lizards. Nirr manages to bring down Scalpad, letting Takk and his foul breath to grace the team with a touchdown to equalise with less than a quarter of the match to go.

The next kick off sees Knidle receiving easily, quickly throwing the ball to Deelutch. His support, Broslash, is once more licking himself excitedly, and the skinks falter on their initial push, holding at the halfway line. The lizards respond by defending hard, a wall of blue scales inbetween the ball and their endzone. Jarr ends up stunned for his efforts, but Deelutch fails to make good on a pass to Knidle. Rexx scores an almost-fatality, the apothecary doing his job for once and bringing back Knidle from the brink. However, the ball remains dead, and the skinks can't score in the time remaining, ending with a well-deserved draw.

(I got... really lucky with three consecutive injuries. And a long pass that landed. Against a team that are basically my speciality with knobs on (being slippery and fast), I'll take a draw...)
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