Cripts Clobbers 2-0 SLAYA'S SVENS
In revenge for him ending my zero loss streak I have ended Slaya's 100% win rate. I got another disconnection, but luckily it was before the game had even started. Although they do worry me.
The game started with Slaya receiving. He punched into my line with his Svens, and I punched right back. In the back field though his star Sven was having issues picking up the ball in the torrential downpour, failing twice before finally managing to pick it up on the third turn. From there silly Sven moved to the left flank, and the svens concentrated their efforts there, punching though the beastman line I had set up, they opened a hole that the scampering Sven ran though. However, my wizard threw a lightning bolt down from the crowd at the springily Sven, knocking poor old sad Sven down to the ground (and sending him into the casualty box badly hurt, though the apothecary managed to patch him up enough for the next drive). A beastman grabbed the ball and huddled up next to a chaos warrior, and with the line of skirmish in shatters and most of the players concentrating on their own battles none of the svens managed to get free, the beastman managed to make his way to get a goal on the very last turn of the half.
The second half saw me receiving, and unlike old sorry Sven my beastmen managed to grab the ball on the first try and move up. At this point a couple of svens were ko'd and a few more badly hurt, so the player number advantage lay with me. I caged up on the right side and punched my way though the waves of svens relatively uneventfully, scoring a goal on the fifth turn of the second half, practically guaranteeing the win. Although it did not have a large impact on the game, it was sorta funny to note that a werewolf (I think his name was sven) pushed with frenzy on one beastman every single turn for the whole drive. He managed to move him from the middle of the svens fields to halfway down the left side of my field. (I think the beastman only got knocked over like, once or twice.)
The last drive of the game saw me kick the ball out to the svens, but with the game practically over they decided to instead turn the last three turns of the game unto a brawl in the center field (and a smaller brawl between a few warriors, a beastman, a sven, and the big sven on the left field). Being chaos, I of course obliged this fight. The punches were many, although the only permanent injury was a smashed kneecap on a beastman, the apothecary suggested amputation, so the beastman has decided to forgo treatment.