So I had an idea for a feature that I woud love to see in dwarf fortress. Personally, dwarf families are one of my favorite things and I love getting so many children with my migrants.
I agree with children not working, but I two alternative suggestions that I would enjoy:
1. Children can be assigned a labor, but instead of performing it, they observe a dwarf currently working at the associated labor. This would give them a small, possibly capped increase in skill in that labor and/or would make them gain levels faster in that labor later in life. They would also be socializing with dwarf as a result of the interaction (like with doctors and patients).
2. Teachers, their students and classrooms would be set up like military squads are set up now. The teacher teaches better based on his teaching skill and the students on their student skill.
Another feature that matters less, but that I think would be neat, would be to be able to set 'household' zones. Dwarves would get positive thoughts from living in the same household as family members and would not begrudge them for having a room above their status.
Ah, thank you. I hope I did this right. I love this game. I have been playing for years now, but was too shy to post. I have been an anonymous donator and silent supporter. I greatly respect the work that the two of you do. Thank you for dwarf fortress.