In the arcane and long-forgotten early days of Lathonsul, the Mythical Realms...
In those bygone ages of the world, where the land lay cloaked in mystery and magicks...
When terrible beasts and fearsome daemons still stalked the darkened corners of the world..
Before the great emperors and magistrates raised their boundless stone halls under the vaunted peaks...
Still before the great warlords and goblin-kings of yore ever raised their vast armies for centuries of toil and endless bloodshed...
There was only...
HARVEST DWARF BackgroundThis point of Harvest Dwarf is to create a
fully-functioning surviving medieval style agricultural community in Dwarf Fortress. This is the second iteration, the first was fairly successful and can be found
here. In keeping with this theme, there will be various restrictions and goals which will be different from your average fort. These will be enumerated in the rules/goals section. Role playing is encouraged! Happy Farmin'!
The Rules/GoalsI
(i) Turns are one year.
(ii) No digging more than 1 Z-level below ground. That means buildings can have a basement for storage purposes.
You can also use that level for mushroom farming. Basements should not exceed the dimensions of their structures.
II. The first rule should have made this obvious, but no mining either. Any materials one would usually have to acquire through mining should be imported instead.
III. Each dwarf should get his or her own house. Families will live in the same house. Each house should have a basement, with stores of clothes, food, and tools.
IV. Royalty/nobles should be given more luxurious holdings, such as houses of imported stone. They should be larger, and given additional protection(such as a wall.)
V. No professional military. Dwarves should keep weapons in their houses, and be ready to called for duty should the need arise.
VI. We should aim to have a full agricultural economy running. We should be growing most varieties of crops, farming several varieties of animals, hunting, spinning, crafting, etc. As this is an agricultural community, our success will be measured in volume/value of our exports as well as in survival.
VII. In general, try to make the community as 'real' as possible. Avoid exploits, don't just take the shortest route - do what makes the town the most alive.
VII. As mentioned above, role playing is welcomed, and encouraged! Even if you aren't mayor, writing journal entries or the like really helps to flesh out the game.
World Map:
Just post to get added to the mayor's/dwarfing list.
If you don't begin your turn within 3 days of it being assigned, you will be passed over. Once you have started your turn, check in at least once per week, and finish your turn within 3 weeks. If you take longer or do not check in, you will be passed over. Mayor's List Legend: [
Green = current,
Orange = passed,
Red = skipped,
Teal = upcoming]
Broseph Stalin
Urist McKiwi
LogicDwarfing ListCoolnesstod[farmer/brewer/hunter]
Vgray [blacksmith/farmer]
Hog[town cook/butcher]
Kirby [dragon hunter]
Broseph Stalin
Empfan[Animal trainer]
Urist Hilgendorf, Gentleman Explorer!(bowman/liar/conversationalist preferred)