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I feel my beliefs align closest with;

Right wing 'Women are a mental disorder'
- 7 (4.8%)
Left wing 'For mother [insert nation]!
- 69 (47.3%)
Centrist 'Ummm...Arr.....Emmmmm im not sure'
- 22 (15.1%)
Liberatarian 'Government is darth vader'
- 21 (14.4%)
Anarchist 'Somalia doesnt look sooo bad to me....'
- 8 (5.5%)
Don't give a monkeys!
- 19 (13%)

Total Members Voted: 145

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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL  (Read 11519 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2012, 10:51:58 am »

Insofar as this poll is made of fail, I put myself down as a centrist. I'm generally left-of-center and tend to align with Democrats in a lot of areas, but at the end of the day, I'm a pragmatist. Screw the ideology, give me somebody or some policy that works. That was America's hallmark for a couple hundred years, and one of the things that guys like de Tocqueville were so enamored of--that when the chips were down we didn't care who came up with an idea, we didn't care if it wasn't perfect, as long as it worked. Somewhere along the line, we've lost that and we're paying the price.

Yeah, most of the people feel the same. That's why almost every politician in the world tries to convince people that no sir, he doesn't have any ideology at all. It's his opponents who don't have any facts to support their stance, so they are either blind fanatics or dangerous populists who just tell you what you want to hear (and already plan to screw you over once they win your support). On the other hand, he makes his decisions using cold, hard logic and actual science. All the best economists and sociologists support him (and those who don't are, obviously, quacks).

Seriously, the main prerequisite to sell any ideology is to convince enough people that it simply works. Your answer doesn't really tell anything. It's like someone asked you about your favorite juice and you answered "the tastiest one".

Sorry if that sounds aggressive, but you've just written something that's riling me up since a long time ago.

As for my ideology: well, I used to be a democratic socialist, but in the last few years I pretty much moved into red and black area.

Fair enough. But saying you support a given ideology or party without caring about the particulars of it is like saying "My favorite food is red things." In some cases, red things may be very tasty. In others, they may be red phosphorus and you wind up dead.

So, yeah I'm saying "I want food that tastes good". Because for a long time we've been offered the choice of Blue Shit Sandwich or Red Shit Sandwich, and told that one is WAY better than the other.

Remember, knowledge is power. The power to make other people feel stupid.
Quote from: Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Science is like an inoculation against charlatans who would have you believe whatever it is they tell you.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2012, 11:24:22 am »

Meh, I hate all the systems, so I vote Genghis Khan.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2012, 12:09:28 pm »

Heh, I've been spending too much time on DF lately, thought this was going to be about how pro-dwarf life/anti-nobility you were.

Anyway, I'm not really sure where to put myself. I hate labels like this. I'm quite liberal by Asian standards but conservative by Western standards, and boy are they different. In Asia, it's fine, even encouraged to beat a child. In Western society, it's fine to walk across the streets in a bikini during the summer. Yeah, somewhere between those two.

Authoritarianism... well, I believe the best government is one ruled by an elected autocrat. Monarchy sucks because the chosen autocrat is not always the best. I think a mediocre autocrat can do a better job than a democratically elected skilled leader. I mean, hell, all those spoiled European kings managed to conquer half the world, and your ivy league elected presidents can't even hold together a non-corrupt nation at its peak of power.

I'm neither bent towards government nor anarchy.. I say if you have a stupid gov, figure out what works, and if you can't fix it, topple the gov and replace. Too often, people forget the 'figure out what works' bit and end up with an even worse gov than before. If you don't have a better idea of what gov could do, then don't replace them, work with them. I think short terms are an incredibly stupid idea; it punishes long term thinking. Hating a gov when they're tied between making a bad decision and making a really bad decision is stupid. People have become spoiled by the right to choose their leaders.

Hate people using money as means to boast, rather than simply making themselves comfortable. A bowling alley in your house or a gold plated statue of yourself will hardly make you happier, nor will it make people respect you, though a private helicopter or personal cook might actually increase your productivity. If you really have too much money, spend it on charity. I absolutely hate the modern capitalist thinking of "they're poor because they're lazy", which I can rant an entire hour on.

On the whole overall politics thing, I believe in no bullshit. Very annoyed by conservatives using religion as a shield or atheists using atheism as a sword. Don't like rich people pushing for tax cuts for the rich. Don't like non-smokers babbling on about how evil smoking is. Or people who don't watch TV (or use internet or video games or cellphones or recreational drugs) suddenly making an attempt to ban something they don't have experience or knowledge with just because someone else says that it's bad, and they're fine with living without it.

I hate most political debates, because they're not meant to show that you have a better solution. They're all attacks, trying to prove your opponent to be incompetent in some way.

Mostly pissed by this little daily media circus about people arguing why a cinema has to be 5 mins from my house instead of 15 mins away (mostly by people who don't even live here). Petty bullshit. It solves fucking nothing, and decisions are made on either being stubbornly defensive or wanting to spite the other side. And yet, everything, from abortions to illegal immigration to capital punishment follow this bullshit pattern about politicians arguing things they don't even believe in, and yet never mentioning the real agenda behind their arguments.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #48 on: February 19, 2012, 01:12:31 pm »

I don't particularly well match any of the options, but if I had to pick the one I'm closest to it's probably left wing.  Which would surely give my family fits.  My family is traditionally right wing, but heaven help me I hate some of the ideas that are traditionally attached to that.  Some of which my family generally adhere to.

Not that left wing is perfect, mind you.

Really though, like most things, staying away from the extremes is probably the best approach.  There's valid ideas on both sides of the centerline.  I just happen to fall on the left side more than the right.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #49 on: February 19, 2012, 01:51:17 pm »

I noticed this before the poll anyways, that the majority of posters on the forum are progressives/ liberals or lean toward such views.

Haven't quite figured out why that is the case, unless it's just coincidence.



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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #50 on: February 19, 2012, 01:53:32 pm »

Why are all the options on your poll terrible? Are you trying to start a fight or something? Not to mention you seem to have left out the views that have any actual majority behind them.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #51 on: February 19, 2012, 02:07:15 pm »

I guess I lean toward the left, but I don't have enough political knowledge to say any absolutes. From what I do know, I would hazard a guess that pretty much everybody here has more complicated views than simply left, right, or middle. Having a poll like that hardly seems effective in capturing the views we have, and I doubt any poll like that could be accurate without having dozens of paragraph long options that each have one vote. I prefer Muz's method of going down a list of relevant issues and giving your view on each of them.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #52 on: February 19, 2012, 02:11:58 pm »

Why are all the options on your poll terrible? Are you trying to start a fight or something? Not to mention you seem to have left out the views that have any actual majority behind them.

Something called satire, making fun of the worst - putting light with the heavy. OP meant no harm :P


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #53 on: February 19, 2012, 02:23:48 pm »

I'm a leftist, socially and economically, but philosophically I'm a mix of the two. I don't think patriotism or (heaven help us) nationalism should be a hallmark of a civilized society; at the same time, I still think Western civilization is the best thing since sliced bread, I think education should still be based on Long and Boring Books, maths, science, history and foreign languages, and that society needs to produce well-rounded individuals who know their way around logical fallacies, know the difference between fascism and communism (and why we still need to be on guard against totalitarianism), and aren't arrogant when travelling overseas. Yoga is not a major.

@Footjob, you can microwave most grains I've tried pretty easily through the microwave, even if they aren't packaged for it.

Sir Finkus

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #54 on: February 19, 2012, 02:48:33 pm »

Ehh, libertarianish.  I believe the government's main job should be national defense (this doesn't mean "world police") and ensuring that every citizen has equal legal protections.  I'm about as liberal as you can get when it comes to social issues and civil liberties.  There are a few exceptions I feel strongly about.  For instance, I feel that everyone should receive a fully secular state-sponsored education.  None of this private religious school nonsense.  Pretty much any policies that are traditionally associated with liberalism in the United States that give any group special treatment or protections I'm firmly against.  Government should provide equal legal protections, but it's impossible for the state to provide equality. I feel any attempt to try is merely divisive.

My main problem with giving the government power is that any power you give to the current government, you're also giving to a future government.  Any power that a reasonable politician or party may give to themselves will also be given to that asshole politician you hate. 

If there's ever a tossup between liberty and security, I'll take liberty every time.

I think government should be rather slower than it is now in the US.  New laws should take a long time to pass, and there should never be "kneejerk" legislation such as The Patriot Act.

uber pye

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #55 on: February 19, 2012, 03:07:20 pm »

CENTRALIST YEAH! i go all ways
"Immortal" just means that you haven't killed it hard enough

the mad immortal child! xmas themed


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #56 on: February 19, 2012, 03:12:57 pm »

I am a progressive right wing liberal royalist. I think a government main priorities are protection, equal rights and prosperity. And I totally made these three thing up for the sake of this post so I probably change my mind after a minute or so :P


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #57 on: February 19, 2012, 04:48:07 pm »

I'm a democratic socialist, so I lie on the left. I don't understand how people think that cutting taxes and reducing government spending/intervention will work. It's a system that will fail, time and time again. Socialism has not been given a fair chance. If it was properly implemented, it would function far better than what we have today.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 04:51:33 pm by Epithemius »


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #58 on: February 22, 2012, 08:06:51 am »

I was actually called a "dastardly socialist" in jest today by a fellow moonbat. If I ever run for office, I'm definitely going to have my PR department create signs and pins that say "Dastardly Socialist 2040"...

@Footjob, you can microwave most grains I've tried pretty easily through the microwave, even if they aren't packaged for it.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Political Affiliation POLL
« Reply #59 on: February 22, 2012, 08:12:30 am »

oh, i remember doing one of these. last time we swung left wing/uncaring european harder than any professional baseball player living in America.
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