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Author Topic: The Magnificent Timelord - Epilogued  (Read 247201 times)


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The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Fifteen.
« Reply #345 on: May 11, 2012, 04:38:01 pm »


Cut the bridge loose, turn it into a boat.

Archimedes is thinking. ROBOSTALIN is getting away, and the bowienauts’ position is coming under increasingly heavy fire from the communist forces. But no! An idea! Even better: a eureka!

“The carrying capacity,” he realises to himself, “Of an object submerged in water is equal to the difference in density of both the water and... oh gods, yes! Yes! Oh yes!” he cries to his nearby companions. “Guys! I have an idea! Crockett, take the east side, and try to cut the bridge loose! Blow the bridge dudes, it’s our only chance to catch ROBOSTALIN!”

Archimedes aims his mirror array and begins cutting the bridge between him and the Nazis with its awesome power. Flames soon begin to appear around the target of the concentrated moonlight.

He glances round to check Crockett is following his lead.

The American seems preoccupied. Archimedes shouts out again.

Crockett tried to recall the words of The Internationale, which was fairly difficult since he had never actually heard of it.  He heard Archimedes shouting something beside him.
Fire a HE shell at the other side of the bridge to cut it loose!

“Stand up, damned of the Earth!”

Davy Crockett is confused. It feels like… it feels like someone is humming something directly into his mind, but he can’t quite make out the tune. It feels like… it feels like someone is etching words directly onto the surface of his brain!

“Stand up, oh prisoners of hunger!”

He vaguely hears his comrade shouting.

“Reason thunders from its crater!”

“Reason… reason… reas-argh! It’s Archimedes! Of course! Must… resist… must… What's that, Archimedes? Cut the bridge? It's a symbol of the oppression of the masses? Okay!"

“This is the eruption of the end!”

“I must destroy the bridge for the workers of the world! It IS a symbol of the oppression of the masses!”

Swivelling on his human foot to face the opposite direction to Archimedes, busily firing his moonlaser, Davy loads a high explosive round into his arm mounted tank turret.

“Let’s make a clean slate of the past!”

Loading finished, he aims at the communist end of the bridge.

“Enslaved masses of the world unite!”

Davy Crockett fires his arm mounted tank turret at the bridge of oppression! ...A huge chunk is torn from the surface, and a great groaning of concrete and steel begins. The bowienauts on the bridge struggle to keep their balance as the roadway starts lurching into the murky waters below!

“This bridge is about to change its founda-a-a-ation!!”

Suddenly the golden voice of an anti-capitalist freedom fighting angel with an acoustic guitar splits the communist heavens apart, and a burst of golden and silver light floods the sky!

"My heart is like an open highway,
Like Bowie says, you fight your own way
I just wanna live to see the light
'Cause it's my life"

Crockett wonders, all of a sudden, if maybe his fellow workers had it coming to them. Perhaps a struggle for freedom will only inevitably result in further oppression? Perhaps the modern world has no place for such airy romanticism? Perhaps the modern world has no place for such violent subjugation? Perhaps… perhaps OH GOD YES! The Beatles have saved Davy Crockett from communism!

Paul McCartney, watching RoboSTALIN fall off the bridge and into the water, saw a great opportunity. Though he didn't have time to compose a tune, he made a mad dash past the communists and Davy Crockett as he sang a catchy tune he could have sworn he heard playing in the Timelord's space infirmary!

...For yea!

Yon minstrel of freedom, Paul McCartney, hast been struck by the angelic muse of anti-communist inspiration! Feeling the ground wobble and sway beneath him, he realises what he must do. He dashes past Crockett and the approaching communists!

"It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live to see the light"

Whirling his guitar above his head, McCartney leaps off the bridge, aiming at the vast metallic chest of the robotic dictator struggling in the dark red tainted waters below. ROBOSTALIN sees him coming and raises both of his cold steel fists to swat the falling Beatle out of the sky, but his fearsome bellow of challenge is drowned out by McCartney’s semi-holy chant!


"This is for the ones who stood their ground
For Davy and Irwin, who never backed down
Tomorrow's getting harder, make no mistake
But I think life's still living, gotta make your own breaks"

The Last Beatle swerves acrobatically through the air. Paul McCartney lands on ROBOSTALIN! He sprints along the chipped paintwork of the CHEST OF STEEL, swinging his acoustic like a dervish before leaping into the air and somersaulting up to the evil fiend’s face.

"It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live to see the light"

Still hurling out his words of freedom, ...Paul McCartney brings his second hand up and smashes a fierce two handed blow down on the defenceless ROBOSTALIN’S head, breaking the skull and bruising the brain!

Wound Acquired: ROBOSTALIN: Broken Skull!

Enraged at the pain, ROBOSTALIN grumbles and cranks his gears and rises suddenly to his feet, sending McCartney flying off his face towards the water. Paul McCartney backflips through the air, calling out to his frog allies as he does so.

“Come to me, my frogs! We’ll all stand together!”

McCartney slowmotions through the air towards the surface of the icy Volga, slow enough for his frog friends to unite below him. The frogs form a compact mass of green, stabilising together and creating an independently moving floating platform in the river! McCartney executes a perfect landing, and brings his guitar across his body in an imposing defensive stance.

ROBOSTALIN rises to his feet before him, stretching his metal body to its full forty feet.

Suddenly he crouches with surprising dexterity.

Quote from: ROBOSTALIN’S subconscious
ROBOSTALIN: Enough is enough. Strike goofy giant robot poses like that of Japanese live-action movies, craft a frogchuk and exhibit your martial prowess by spinning it around and being generally awesome. Proceed to go Bruce Lee on the enemies.

...ROBOSTALIN snatches the frogs from underneath McCartney before he can defend himself or his amphibian allies!

Paul McCartney somersaults back into the air, twisting and turning through the night sky as slowly as he can to give him time to think, but even though he twists and turns, he can’t avoid seeing the horror unfold before him! ROBOSTALIN stretches and squeezes, and crushes his beloved frogs into… INTO A FROGCHUK!

ROBOSTALIN strikes a menacing pose whilst activating his spiky hair implant, and swings the frogchuk around his terrifying ELBOWS OF STEEL!

Fifty feet in the air above, McCartney falls through the air seemingly as slow as a feather. There is nowhere below to land. He cries out in desperation as he crashes into the surface of the water.

"I will avenge you, John Lennon!"


Suddenly, the spirit of John Lennon appears above the Volga, walking on the water’s surface and dual wielding his trademark pair of claymores!

“All right our Paul, haven’t seen you around for a while eh mate! I though I told you to stay away from terrifying totalitarian ROBOTROOPERS? Me and the lads sacrificed ourselves so you could escape and further the message of love, man!”

But Paul can’t hear. The icy water rushes about his body and fills his ears. He struggles to stay afloat. He gasps and splutters, and his head sinks below.

“Oh shit,” mutters Lennon. “Here I am, back in the USSR and I’m gonna have to get me arm wet like. I can't bloody stand river water, it's a well known piece of Beatles trivia.”

Stevo dived after it!

Suddenly a piercing cry rings out across the already cacophonic city of Speedograd.


... Steve Irwin’s brain turns to see the source of the pained cry. He sees Stevo ...floundering through the water towards him and gets out his surf board! He starts paddling furiously away from the crocodile hunter until he gets going enough to totally ride the green wave, dude! He’s riding on frogs! Whoa, like, ROBOSTALIN is totally lifting the green wave into the air, man, he’s… whoa! Oh shit! Frogchuks ahoy! Taking evasive action, man! Yeah man that’s totally rad, bro, whoa, arg, shit, ouch, whoa, yeah! That’s some serious air! Whooooooo!

Suddenly ROBOSTALIN swings his frogchuk and hits Steve Irwin’s brain dead centre! The brain flies through the night sky, totally getting some serious air, dudes!

Quote from: Steve Irwin’s brain’s subconscious
Get out a surf board from nowhere hammerspace and ride the green wave dude! Start to speak in stereotypical surfers' lingo, because that's totally rad!

Almost as suddenly, the Aussie National Hero’s brain smacks against the burning bridge and bumps along to a halt.

It doesn’t move.

Viciously scrub my hands, face, and the bear's face.

As a brain flies through the air towards him Nikola Tesla starts screaming! Oh God, gum! Hands! Filth! Saliva! That used to be in someone's mouth! OH MY GOD SOMEONE’S MOUTH? It could be anyone’s mouth!

...He pulls out a swathe of SCIENCE WIPES from one of his many scientific pockets and crouches down, cleaning all before him!

He cleans his hands! He cleans his face! He cleans the bear’s hands! He cleans the bear’s face! He cleans his own hands and face again just to make sure!

He eyes the strange and grubby Russian a few feet away.

Attempt to use my philosopher's stone to crush the ROBOSON of a bitch where he is by increasing the water pressure to deadly levels

“Oh shit!” mutters Rasputin as he ...appears to frantically rub his chest. “My bloody philosopher’s stone’s cooldown period isn’t over yet. Blast! I shall crush that ROBOSON of a bitch with the power of my MIND! Ah! Arg! What the hell are you doing, electroboy?!”

Suddenly Nikola Tesla jumps on the Russian, knocking him to the floor and rubbing the corners of his mouth with his SCIENCE WIPES.

“Dirt is sign of communist!” screams the scientist. “Of evil! Of badness! Of… OH GOD YOU’VE GOT TOAST CRUMBS IN YOUR BEARD!”

Tesla leaps off the Black Monk. He starts wiping down his own eyes!

...The bewildered Rasputin kicks him in the groin, and runs off to punch communists in the face! He leaps over a widening crack in the bridge and smashes the nearest onrushing commie! ...He punches his guts out! Rasputin dodges nimbly round the blow of the next soldier, ...sticking out a crafty leg to trip him as he runs and then ...jumping on his skull and crushing his eyes out! Another charges towards Rasputin’s back, but with some kind of sixth sense the Angry Monk ...raises his right elbow, and juts it through the communist’s nose, fracturing the brain and bruising the spine!

Rasputin turns towards the east. The bridge is empty but for two remaining communist soldiers.

...Suddenly they rip off their clothes to reveal the unmistakeable uniform of the Avenging Russian Noble beneath! They draw their rapiers and charge towards Rasputin!

And just then!

Just then there is a burst of light and heat behind Rasputin and the two nobles stand amazed before him.

He looks over his shoulder to see half the bridge crash to the river below!

...It floats!

The shockwave of the impact sends the troubled water trembling outwards away from the epicentre and the churning waves shoot the spluttering head of Paul McCartney above the river’s surface! He tries to tread water with one hand on his ever-present guitar, and looks up to see the angry ROBOSTALIN stomp through the water towards him, towering above him even whilst half-submerged.

ROBOSTALIN whirls his deadly frogchuk towards McCartney! ...He smashes him into the water!

Wound Acquired! Paul McCartney: Bruised Shin!

Paul struggles back to the surface with both arms wrapped desperately around his guitar, and looks up only to see ...ROBOSTALIN’S deadly FISTS OF STEEL pound down towards him once more!

Wound Acquired! Paul McCartney: Bleeding Chest!

Falling nearly unconscious, almost unable to hold his instrument, Paul McCartney barely comprehends as he hears a familiar Scouse voice above him.

“Leave our Paul alone, you big Stalinist ROBOBASTARD!” yells John Lennon. “I died to save him once, I’m not afraid to die again, you cheap ROBOSHIT! Have this, ROBOFIEND!”

Shouting his avenging warcry, Lennon hurls his left hand claymore directly at ROBOSTALIN’S eye! ...It pierces through, sending the ROBODICTATOR reeling backwards in pain.

Wound Acquired! ROBOSTALIN: Pierced Eye!

With his other hand Lennon reaches down and grabs hold of his bandmate’s collar, hauling him out of the water and holding him safely in the air as he levitates above it.

He turns to speak.

“Paul… I told you before, man. I don’t know how many times I can come back to save you. I know you’re only doing the right thing, but you got to be careful man. ROBOEVIL is a dangerous thing to fight, and your fate is to spread love and harmony through peaceful means, not through violence. When you’ve helped the Timelord achieve his destiny, promise me you’ll settle down and spread your message of love, harmony, and meat substitutes.”

“Meat substitutes?”

“Yeah. Don’t ask, man, you don’t know about this yet, but thanks to Bowie I have seen the future, man. It’s pretty sweet, but that’s another story. Will you promise me you’ll settle down? I need you alive to finish recording all our songs, brother.”

“John, I promise, man. I promise. I’ll… oh shit, John, no way. I can’t take your last claymore! How will you fight your way back to the spirit world, man?”

“Don’t worry about me Paul, just take this. It’s not a claymore, anyway. It’s a clayboard. You can use it to surf to safety across the Volga.”

Item Acquired! Paul McCartney: Clayboard

Suddenly John drops his clayboard onto the surface of the river, and gently lowers Paul onto it.

“I’ll see you around, our Paul.”

John Lennon raises both arms straight into the air. He begins to levitate higher, and then a ball of golden light begins to form around him, appearing to drag in energy from the surrounding air and water until suddenly Lennon disappears into the golden ball.

The Lennon-ball bursts towards ROBOSTALIN, rocketing at the red dictator as he stomps towards the now hovering McCartney.

John Lennon hits ROBOSTALIN!

John Lennon explodes!

McCartney and the bowienauts floating on the nearby piece of bridge shield their eyes at the enormous burst of energy, Archimedes diving to the floor to dodge a huge incoming piece of shrapnel. It’s ROBOSTALIN’S arm! A terrible moan of pain erupts from ROBOSTALIN as flames and smoke spurt from multiple fractures in his ROBOSUIT. The sound of shattering steel screams through the night!

But then!

Suddenly Stalin’s mecha-suit splits from head to groin, each half falling apart into the water on either side, causing vast clouds of steam to rise as the burning metal submerges!

As the last piece of mecha-suit sinks below the icy Volga, a hideous form emerges. There’s a blur of motion as something backflips through the air towards the bowienauts on their floating piece of bridge.

The steam clears. The bowienauts can see. ...Tesla screams in horror and faints to the floor!


Spoiler: SPEEDOSTALIN (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Detailed Map (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Archimedes of Syracuse (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: SPEEDOSTALIN (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)


Also still taking suggestions for Steve Irwin’s brain’s actions, although the poor critter might be dead. Who knows?
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 02:58:20 am by lawastooshort »


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Fifteen.
« Reply #346 on: May 11, 2012, 04:51:48 pm »

SpeedoStalin laughed. His laugh was deep and unnerving, the laugh of the old men in gym locker rooms. "Did you think you would beat me easily bowienauts?" he spoke through his guttural accent. "I will show you what happens to those who dissident to the will of Marx." Moving at a speed only applicable to a dictator in a speedo, he rushed Steve Irwin, and struck him with a mighty pelvic thrust!
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 06:18:38 pm by Spinal_Taper »


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Fifteen.
« Reply #347 on: May 11, 2012, 05:37:55 pm »

Steve Irwin's brain attempts to implant itself in the head of the most powerful person it can find, so it can take over the WORLD!


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Fifteen.
« Reply #348 on: May 11, 2012, 06:16:11 pm »

Tesla: Wake up so you can wipe that speedo off the face of the earth!
Bear: Do what comes naturally.


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Fifteen.
« Reply #349 on: May 11, 2012, 08:37:55 pm »

Crockett shakes his head.  The red in his vision fades... besides the blood, of course."

"Ugh, why did I care about workers so much all of the sudden?  Who are Marx and Lenin?  Who is thaOH GOD SPEEEEEDO"

Shoot the SPEEDO!
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Fifteen.
« Reply #350 on: May 11, 2012, 09:04:28 pm »

Paul McCartney briefly considers striking SpeedoSTALIN with his Clayboard, but remembers Lennon's words.

"Oh, boy... He was right! I'm not here to bash heads, that's the others' job. I'm here to spread peace, love and capitalism!"

Paul McCartney strums a GENTLE CHORD at SpeedoSTALIN!


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Fifteen.
« Reply #351 on: May 12, 2012, 01:31:57 am »

Multiply that. Take cover behind Robostalins arm and lay down oppressive fire.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 12:04:40 am by 10ebbor10 »


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Fifteen.
« Reply #352 on: May 13, 2012, 09:33:19 am »

Stevo taps his cranium, absent-minded for a split second, before waltzing over to his bereft brain, and picking it up. After a few moments, of throwing the thing up and down... he throws it full pelt at SpeedoStalin! "TAKE THAT YA COMMIE BASTARD! ... Wait, did I just... CRIKEY!" Stevo then proceeds to jump after his brain, accidentally tackling SpeedoStalin on his way!

In other words, get to brain, use brain as weapon, realise how brainless that was and get brain back again! By... tackling some guy in a speedo? Stevo isn't very smart without his brain.
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Fifteen.
« Reply #353 on: May 13, 2012, 07:01:52 pm »

SpeedoStalin laughed. His laugh was deep and unnerving, the laugh of the old men in gym locker rooms. "Did you think you would beat me easily bowienauts?" he spoke through his guttural accent. "I will show you what happens to those who dissident to the will of Marx." Moving at a speed only applicable to a dictator in a speedo, he rushed Steve Irwin, and struck him with a mighty pelvic thrust!



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The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Sixteen.
« Reply #354 on: May 14, 2012, 10:16:38 am »


Multiply that. Take cover between Robostalins arm and lay down oppressive fire.

“Shit lads, it’s SPEEDOSTALIN! The horror!” screams Archimedes, ducking behind the mecha’s fallen arm and ...taking cover just before the speedogroin manages to fully seep in through his eye sockets.

“We need to hit the groin with everything we’ve got, men! Try shooting it at approximately 41 degrees to hit the vulnerable spot!” he continues, ...hoping his mathematical shouts help out his comrades. “Come on!” he finishes, unslinging his M60, “Let’s take this groiny bastard!”

...Archimedes ignores the peril of the speedogroin and leaps to his feet, vaulting onto the mecha arm with his gun in one hand, standing atop the ruined robolimb as he aims at the Soviet speedo-felon and pulls the trigger.

“Take my suppressive fire, you fiendish perversion!”

Bullet after bullet sprays out of the red hot end of the oversized gun towards SPEEDOSTALIN, ...but he just thrusts out his groin, bouncing the bullets back off and at the bowienauts!

One of the heavy rounds ricochets horribly towards the prone Tesla, spinning through the air, piercing the skin and fracturing the ribs before passing right through the body!

Wound Acquired: Nikola Tesla: Fractured Ribs!

Tesla stirs from his slumber just in time to see Archimedes duck and dodge away from a storm of incoming reflected bullets before he suddenly throws his gun to the floor and stops and stares! He’s been transfixed by the speedogroin!

“Aha!” shouts SPEEDOSTALIN, “Your capitalist pig-dog bullets cannot hurt me! I am SPEEDOSTALIN! I am speedo-incarnate! Take this!”

SPEEDOSTALIN unholsters his speedogun in a flash, quick draw firing at Archimedes.

...Archimedes falls to the floor, his legs wrapped together in a pair of sticky sweaty used red speedos!

Wound Acquired: Archimedes of Syracuse: SPEEDOED LEGS!

Shoot the SPEEDO!

Crockett shakes his head. The red in his vision fades... besides, of course, the blood spurting in a comical torrent from his remaining arm.

"Ugh, why did I care about workers so much all of the sudden? Who are Marx and Lenin? Who is thaOH GOD SPEEEEEDO"

Davy draws on his frontierman’s instincts and brings up his rifle before the thought of speedo even finishes registering in his battered mind.

...Aiming dead centre at SPEEDOSTALIN’S speedo-clad groin, Davy pulls the… Davy pulls… Davy… realises his entire vision is invaded by invincible communist speedogroin! He throws his rifle to the floor in the traditional gesture of the abandonment of all hope, and flees directly off the floating bridge into the river Volga whilst desperately trying to rub the sight out of his eyes!

Item Lost: Davy Crockett: Rifle!

Paul McCartney briefly considers striking SpeedoSTALIN with his Clayboard, but remembers Lennon's words. He strums a GENTLE CHORD at SpeedoSTALIN!

Seeing his friends cut down around him jabs the normally placid McCartney into a fit of rage! He’s about to strike with his deadly Clayboard before suddenly recalling the final words of his bandmate.

"Oh, boy... John was right! I'm not here to bash heads, that's the others' job. I'm here to spread peace, love and capitalism!"

Paul reaches for a musical cocacola love grenade, but remembers he doesn’t have one! He pulls out his guitar and strums the most peaceful chord he possibly can at the imposingly moustachioed figure before him. ...One of the strings sounds slightly out of tune, but SPEEDOSTALIN’S moustache visibly wilts with emotion!

Steve Irwin's brain attempts to implant itself in the head of the most powerful person it can find, so it can take over the WORLD!

Steve Irwin’s severed brain is suddenly struck by vision of grandeur! Delusions of power! Lust for domination! It waddles over to the edge of the bridge and casts its fevered glance down into the river below. It is energised by the raw speedo-clad power it spies.

Steve Irwin’s brain rushes forth, jumping down off the bridge, hurtling gracelessly through the air. ...It hits its target, and begins the implantation process!

“Arrrrrrrghghgh!” screams Archimedes, “Oh gods! Stevo! Get your brain off my leg! Stop the… OH GODS NO, IT’S WARM! IT’S DAMP!” he sobs as the multi-legged brain molests him faster and faster. “Stevo!!”

Emotional Wound Acquired: Archimedes: Molested Leg!

In other words, get to brain, use brain as weapon, realise how brainless that was and get brain back again! By... tackling some guy in a speedo? Stevo isn't very smart without his brain.

Archimedes of Syracuse struggles to rise to his feet and escape, when suddenly a muscular bundle of Aussie National Hero smashes him to the ground!

The brain flies off the stricken Archimedes and rolls off onto a corner of the bridge. It flashes a lecherous grin at the Greek before hiding its guilt behind its soft puppy eyes.

“Don’t try that one on me, you cunning fella!” warns Stevo, tapping his skull with his stiff manly finger. “You might have more brains than me, mate, but I’m Steve Irwin! I don’t give in that easily, by God!”

His brain licks its lips, briefly revealing a row of sharp jagged teeth.

“You wanna piece of me, you bleedin’ galah? I bet a drowning croc’s got more brains that you, mate!” challenges the foul-mouthed ball of grey matter. “Oh, wait, a drowning FLY’S got more brains than you, eh! You couldn’t even complete community college, mate! Eh? You couldn’t then and you certainly couldn’t now, you backwards country type! That’s why yer-bmfpppgfffpggp!!”

...Suddenly Steve Irwin leaps across, jumping onto his errant brain and rugby-tackling it down. He gets it in a firm headlock and wrestles it on the ground until it submits! He tosses it in the air a few times like he saw that pitcher do one time and then realises he’s Australian, mate! Stevo takes a short run up and cricket bowls his brain right at SPEEDOSTALIN’S face! ...It hits him in the nose and bounces off, getting entangled in the dictator’s mass of chest hair!

"TAKE THAT YA COMMIE BASTARD! ... Wait, did I just... CRIKEY!"

Wound Acquired: SPEEDOSTALIN: Broken Nose!

Oblivious to the grievous wound he’s just inflicted, Steve Irwin dashes forwards to save his brain from Stalin’s hairy chest but ...he trips at the last moment and crashes head first into the forest of sweaty chest hair!

Suddenly a deep, unnerving laugh cuts through the rasp of Stevo’s dry retching.

Quote from: The Will of Speedostalin
Moving at a speed only applicable to a dictator in a speedo, he rushed Steve Irwin, and struck him with a mighty pelvic thrust!

SPEEDOSTALIN laughs. His laugh is deep, unnerving, the laugh of old men in gym locker rooms rubbing their thighs through unwashed cheap nylon shorts with tobacco stained fingers; the laugh of a convicted leerer, of sweat-bathed raincoats and Brylcreemed hair, slick and gleaming yellow on a desolate and feared park bench.

"Did you think you beat me so easily, bowienauts?" he asks in his guttural yet somehow seductive accent. "I will show you what happens to those who dissident to the will of Marx!"

...SPEEDOSTALIN tears Irwin from his awful hairy prison, flinging him one-handed to the floor a dozen feet away. His eyes stinging with chest sweat, Stevo can barely see as he backs away in a terrified crawl when suddenly he feels a horrible slippery sensation at the back of his cranium and a slimy sounding “pop!” In its mortal terror, Steve Irwin’s brain has regained its rightful place! Stevo regains his full mental faculties just in time to-

Suddenly Steve Irwin sees Stalin rush towards him, pushing forth his speedogroin at the fallen Australian before striking him full in the face with a mighty pelvic thrust! ...SPEEDOSTALIN’S speedogroin is burnt upon his memory, soiling his mind and tearing his eyes: it’s the last thing he ever sees!

He crawls to his knees, holding his face in his hands.

Blood pours forth from his traumatised eyes!

Wound Acquired: Steve Irwin: Severely Bleeding Eyes!

Brain Acquired: Steve Irwin: Brain!

Tesla: Wake up so you can wipe that speedo off the face of the earth!
Bear: Do what comes naturally.

Woken by the pain of his broken ribs, Nikola Tesla slowly comes round only to be greeted by a grisly tableau of terror. Davy Crockett is nowhere to be seen as Archimedes weeps uncontrollably on a corner of the bridge, guarded by the acoustic wielding McCartney hovering nearby. SPEEDOSTALIN stands over the previously indefatigable Steve Irwin, kneeling in a heap with blood pouring between the fingers hiding his once-joyous face.

“Hahaha!” gloats SPEEDOSTALIN, before adding, in his lecher’s voice, “Ehehehe!” The arch-communist rubs his exposed thighs before turning his gaze to the shaken scientist, who represses a tiny baby-sick at the back of his throat.


Never one to shy away from danger, Nikola Tesla whips out his SCIENCE WIPE, determined to wipe this filth from the face of the earth! He gets to his feet and runs at SPEEDOSTALIN, SCIENCE WIPE held forth as he jumps at Stalin’s speedogroin to cleanse the monstrosity! ...But SPEEDOSTALIN is the quickest draw in the East, and brings his speedogun up, pulling the trigger and shooting a Speedo out at the flying inventor, covering the clenched wipe and instead turning Tesla’s weapon into a SPEEDOWIPE!

Before he can stop himself Tesla starts furiously scrubbing Stalin’s groin with the dirty Speedo, not even noticing the fiendish red communist power growing within the monster as he does so. He’s transferring the speedo-energy directly back into SPEEDOSTALIN!

Power-up Acquired! SPEEDOSTALIN: Speedo-energy!

Luckily the electric polar bear is totally on point like the man from Wu-Tang and, doing what comes naturally, sees the expanding communist grow before his eyes and realises something is wrong! Horribly wrong! Repulsively wrong! ...Tesla’s bear bursts into a gallop and bull rushes the maddened scientist to the floor, breaking the contact between SPEEDOWIPE and speedogroin!

SPEEDOSTALIN immediately stops getting taller, but his speedogroin pulses with fearsome communist energy!


From atop the bridge, Rasputin watches the scene of horror unfold below.

He totally ignores the two Russian nobles come to assassinate him! ...The first avenging noble rapiers Rasputin in the back, tearing his guts and bruising the skin! ...As Rasputin turns to meet the pair, the second coward’s rapier deflects off Rasputin’s kind of stony armour, bouncing upwards and lightly cutting into the Black Monk’s forehead!

Wound Acquired! Rasputin: Heavily Bleeding Guts!

Wound Acquired! Rasputin: Lightly Bleeding Head!

Taking no notice of the slight discomfort the dastardly assassins have just inflicted on him, Rasputin pushes the pair dismissively to the floor before standing on the very edge of the bridge.

"Alright,” he decides, “Time to die, you SPEEDO WEARING COMMUNIST BASTARD!"

...Rasputin leaps off the bridge like a flying superhero, somehow transforming his fist into a deadly explosive with the sheer power of his iron will as he flies! Blood shoots out of his guts and dribbles out of his forehead as he traces a perfect curve over the Volga, diving on downwards to the dictator on the floating bridge segment below.

SPEEDOSTALIN just has time to look up to see the FIST OF RASPUTIN crash into his face and detonate! The explosion shatters both his arms and blasts off his moustache, visibly weakening the Soviet leader!

Rasputin drops to the floor in front of SPEEDOSTALIN, blood shooting out of his right arm like a decorative garden fountain.

Wound Acquired: Rasputin: Severed Right Arm!

Wound Acquired: SPEEDOSTALIN: Fractured Arms!

Wound Acquired: SPEEDOSTALIN: Severed Moustache!

Spoiler: Detailed Map (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Archimedes of Syracuse (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: SPEEDOSTALIN (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 04:00:45 pm by lawastooshort »


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Sixteen.
« Reply #355 on: May 14, 2012, 10:32:03 am »

Before he can stop himself Tesla starts furiously scrubbing Stalin’s groin with the dirty Speedo, not even noticing the fiendish red communist power growing within the monster as he does so.

Wound Acquired: Toaster:  Broken Brain!


Heal myself!  Stop the bleeding!
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Sixteen.
« Reply #356 on: May 14, 2012, 10:38:00 am »

SpeedoStalins laugh grew only mightier, as a Bowienau(gh)t prostrated himself before the might of the dictator. He put one of his mighty communist fists into the air, then slammed it down. The power of the Speedo and the glorious USSR combined, and put out a mighty burst of fluorescent red energy.


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Sixteen.
« Reply #357 on: May 14, 2012, 10:56:33 am »

Archimedes wordlessly sat down and started to heal his leg. The recent troubles had been to much for him. First, he had to bear the sight of SpeedoStalin, then there was the Brain attack,...
He prayed to his ancestors, the ancient philosphers, for aid. They answered him: The world is made up from undefined matter, all tiny and equal particles, aranged into order by a godly spirit whereup they become defined.
And then, he stood up and with renewed vigour he said:

Stalin, Do you urge for all people in this world to be equal and to be regarded as equals?
((Expected answer Stalin: Yes))
Is it not true that you look upon your people like father to his children , and that they look upon to you as to a Godly and motivating spirit.
((Expected answer Stalin: Yes))
Stalin, if the ancient Greek philosophers said that in the beginning all was equal, and that then a Godly spirit made them into the disorder they are today, then what does that mean? Doesn't it mean that your quest is futile, as your every action further increases disequalness( Disequality??) on the most basic level. Give up Stalin, you are uniting your people into chaos, not into order and equality. 

Fix leg(Let crocket use the medkit too ), have mental breakdown, Go Socratian on Stalin.  If that doesn't work, then throw the robofist at him.


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Sixteen.
« Reply #358 on: May 14, 2012, 11:13:53 am »

SPEEDOSTALIN, noticing his power gain from the SPEEDOWIPE, SPEEDS over to Tesla, striking him in the face with a mighty pelvic thrust and stealing the SPEEDOWIPE. SPEEDOSTALIN then SPEEDily rubs himself with the wipe.


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Sixteen.
« Reply #359 on: May 14, 2012, 01:28:45 pm »

Oh yeah- you forgot to record the STALIN buff.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.
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