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Author Topic: The Magnificent Timelord - Epilogued  (Read 247265 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Seventeen.
« Reply #390 on: May 18, 2012, 02:36:00 pm »

Yeah, Irwin is 2 turns from death- he could REALLY use some healz.

Same here, actually, but the main heroes are more important for now...I suppose.
Well, I'm sharing an infinitive medkit, come and heal yourself.

Then again, the turn has been partially written up already, so I don't know if you can change actions,.

Well if I don't die this turn I'll make sure to do that...


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The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Eighteen.
« Reply #391 on: May 19, 2012, 03:11:48 pm »


“Oh! Darling! Look what they’ve done to me! My arm is gone, my ear is bleeding; my rugged beauty is ruined forever!”

“Joseph… Joseph… It’s ok… It’s over now. Come here. We’ll get my finest shurgeons to shee to your wounds. Come, give me a cuddle. You know I’ll always love you, even if your face is shmashed to shmithereens, it’s what’s inside that counts, Joseph! Come, step into the light.”

There is a pause.

“Oh, Jeshush…”

From deep within the yellow submarine there comes the sound of muffled sobbing as Stalin cries into his lover’s shoulder.

Climb atop my bear, which of course knows how to swim.

Mild panic engulfs the intrepid squad of freedom assassins. Their target is getting away, merely terribly injured! As the segment of bridge disappears underneath them, they begin to flounder in the Volga.

...Tesla mounts his bear.

The bear sniffs a passing thigh with great curiosity; Tesla notices the habitual skittishness that comes over his loyal companion whenever he is getting hungry.

Dive after the thigh and reattach it.

Steve notices the bear’s interest with sudden alarm.

"Crikey! I need that thigh to wrestle proper-like!"

He propels himself through the water as violently as he can, throwing himself upon the errant thigh as if it were a prize crocodile threatening to escape from his loving grasp and smashing it a few times with his elbows before he remembers it isn’t.

“Come on, you beauty! Come to daddy! Oh yeah, that’s a real prize specimen right there, eh fellas?” He looks around, surprised to suddenly notice his film crew have long since fled. “Oh, what the bloody hell, mates? That was a bloody privilege to see! You just don’t get a wild Aussie thigh floating about in nature every day, mates! Oh, crikey.”

Trying to remain stationary and floating on his back, Steve Irwin points his mutilated stump to the sky.

...He grits his teeth and pushes his thigh down hard.

“Oh, crikey mates! It’s a perfect fit! Who’d a thought, eh?”

Stuff the other arm through my face to make DOUBLEARMFACE!  Doublearmface blast a hole in the Yellow Submarine!

Maybe it's the blood loss, maybe it's the inspirational Aussie floating about beside him, but Crockett sees his path clearly ahead of him.

This strange boat that can sail underwater must be SPEEDOSTALIN'S escape method. If he gets away, they may never have another chance to stop him. It’s now or never, and he knows just what to do.

Suddenly he stops, stumped.

“Oh, blast. How the devil am I meant to perform such delicate surgery with no functional… Hmm… Can I bend this one round? Tarnation. Damn. Boone? I’ve er… I’ve got a job for you, son. You’re gonna have to be real careful, you hear me?”

Davy Crockett jerks his head forward and tosses his severed arm towards where he guesses his feet are floating. There’s a sudden flurry of water, a snap, then nothing.

There’s a worrying pause.

...Suddenly Boone leaps out of the water like some kind of crazed gazelle, arcing through the night sky and kicking Davy Crockett violently in his face!

Crockett feels complete once more.

Enhancement Acquired! Doublearmface!

There’s only one thing left for Davy to do.

Squeezing his eyes shut with concentration, Davy Crockett attempts to sink the enemy submarine  with his… severed arm? His grimace becomes such that the watching Archimedes reaches inside his first aid kit in search of some fast acting laxative, fearing a fatal faecal impaction!

...There’s a sudden pop, a brief splash, a rush of movement through the water and a definite snap.

...Boone pops back up to the surface. His eyes flit from side to side like a naughty puppy.

“Oh, Boone…”

Enhancement Lost! Doublearmface!

Quote from: The Officially Endorsed Voice of McCartney
Sing a catchy tune while attempting to smash the submarine's engines.

Quote from: The Rival and Unauthorised Voice of McCartney
Paul McCartney attempts to teleport the Bowienauts inside the submarine through the power of song!

Meanwhile, Paul McCartney is not sure what to do, but knows that something must be done! ...He’s about to smash the submarine’s engines when he realises he can’t reach them: he must penetrate the enemy vessel first! Still hovering on his futuristic Clayboard, he swings his guitar round.

In the town, where I was born!
Lived a man, who sailed to sea!
And he was a dictator!
And his downfall will, be messy!

We all live in a Yellow Submarine,
Yellow Submarine,
Yellow Submar- oh good lord what the hell?!

...The unfinished chord hangs dissonant in the air. McCartney has teleported a pack of Blue Meanies from the Yellow Submarine!

They swim towards the bowienauts, faces contorted with anger.

Attempt to climb onto the sub and get inside

“Bloody cosseted westerners!” harrumphs Rasputin to himself. “All talk and no bloody action! Too much bloody feelings! Not enough umph! Come on!” he announces, again, seemingly to himself, “Let’s get that bastard! I’m not letting my arch-enemy escape!”

His powerful arms chop through the water, propelling him towards the slowly moving sub. He catches it up with no great exertion, and heads directly for the small rungs below the conning tower.

...He begins to climb the hull.

“So far so good… If you need someone killing properly… Damn it…”

Divide by Zero

This is it, realises Archimedes of Syracuse, the greatest mathematician of the Ancient World. Logic has failed. Communism is prevailing. Freedom has fallen. Even the united forces of good can't stand up to this monster. The Fate of the universe is being decided this very moment. I must… Oh dear Timelord, may the gods forgive me. I mean no harm...

Archimedes decides he must use his ultimate weapon. A secret unknown for ages. A weapon never meant to be used. A weapon so dangerous it could damage the fabric of time and space itself. He stands as tall as he can in the freezing water, turning to face the enemy submarine and readying his incantation.

Something feels wrong.

He waits.

Suddenly there’s a deafening burst of thunder! A dramatic spurt of lightning! That’s better! The silhouette of this ultimate mathemagician is burnt upon the eyes of the many observers and his words, few but chilling, echo in their ears for all eternity as he speaks forth with an unnervingly confident voice.


The thunder returns, its loudness increased tenfold. Bolts of lightning shoot from the sky, seemingly from every direction at once, their epicentre the radio mast of the submarine’s conning tower.

Then the lightning ceases. Everything is black.

There is silence.

Deathly silence.

Silence that is suddenly broken by a wail of maniacal giggling laughter!

”Ahahahaha! Heeheehee! I’m not dead! The world still exists! Time still exits! Space still…” Archimedes stops his maddened cackle to glance from one side to the other. ”Yes… space still exists… Eheheheheheheheheh! So… SPEEDOSTALIN… is…?”

“Uh…” The Magnificent Timelord’s voice comes over the neural interlink and crackles over the joyful giggle of the Greek. ”Uh, did someone… did someone just manipulate time and space? I er… hold on… reviewing situational recordings…” There’s a pause. ”Oh shit, Archimedes! God damn. Well boys, you gotta go in there and ID the body… though I doubt there’ll ever be one… At least check he’s not still –“

Bowie’s instructions are suddenly interrupted on the ground.

There is an awful screech of tearing metal.

Suddenly a vast sheet of steel is ripped out of the yellow submarine as it is opened from the inside as if it were a tin of furious sardines! The submarine comes to a halt as it bobs about on the surface; a great flat hole appears in the hull above the waterline, and the steel sheet is flung in the direction of the bowienauts!

...A distinctive Scottish voice booms through the Russian night.


A figure steps into the breach created in the hull of the submarine.

“My love! Joseph! What have they done! Where have you gone! I’ll get you, you shtupid bastards! I shwear on my mother’s life, I will kill you all! JOSEPH!!!”

The neurolink crackles back into life.

“Oh shit guys.”

The ensuing silence is broken only by the continued rantings of the enraged Scotsman a dozen metres away.

“We only wanted to be happy! We were shoulmates! I was going to take him away from this shordid life and show him a world of beauty! A world of luxury! A world of chest hair!”


“I’ll never feel his hot breath on the back of my neck again! I’ll never shmell his manly magnificence! I’ll –“

“Er, Mick? Can we uh... can we mute the incoming signal? The thought of their intertwining moustaches is making me kinda queasy, man. Right, that’s better. Now listen up, bowienauts. Sean Connery is a foe far beyond your abilities; if I’d known he and Stalin were still together I wouldn’t have sent you in there. We’ve identified an emergency extraction landing zone half a mile to the west – it’s a large stadium, head towards the red point on your neurodisplay that I’m about to show up and you won’t be able to miss it. It’s big enough for Marcus to land and currently free of both Nazi and Communist activity. Get out of there before Connery catches up with you, I’m gonna send someone down who should be able to give you the time to get away. Ready to beam down T? And oh yeah - Rasputin? Tesla? I don’t know what you’re doing in this timestrand but if you can get to safety with my boys I’ll take you under my protection. None of you are safe now until either you or Connery is dead. His vengeance will last beyond the grave and reach beyond the limits of space. Now go!”

Spoiler: Detailed Map (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Archimedes of Syracuse (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: 60s SEAN CONNERY (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Eighteen.
« Reply #392 on: May 19, 2012, 03:35:55 pm »

((I saved the day. I ruined it further then I saved it, but whatever. Now what are my options?))

A. Tell Sean Connery was only dimensionally translocated( Wormhole and such) (Don't tell him that he probably arrived in tiney meaty bits at the other end)
B. Tell Sean Connery that Stalin still exists. This because the fact that we only see an image of some thing. The Idea is persistent and undestroyable.
C. Climb on Paul McCartney's clayboard. Heal team mates. Set up laser and prepare for chase scene.

Come'on. We need to get out of here fast. Archimedes hitches a ride on Paul Mcartney's clayboard, then sets up his solar laser and a small field hospital treating everyone who asks for treatment, and himself."You lads focus on him, I'll tackle the important problems". He aligns his solar laser in such a way as to heat the air/water behind the board, turning it into a laser powered rocket board."

Hitch a ride, Set up a field hospital and Set up Solar laser. Boost Board with laser.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Eighteen.
« Reply #393 on: May 19, 2012, 05:30:34 pm »

Heal with the medkit for the love of god!


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Eighteen.
« Reply #394 on: May 19, 2012, 05:55:02 pm »

Paul McCartney: Send a beam of pure love song(preferably related to Stalin) at Sean Connery, and then attempt to smash him while singing a catchy tune.


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Eighteen.
« Reply #395 on: May 19, 2012, 09:08:46 pm »

Okay, Endless RTD experts- is my white speedo likely to heal or harm

Also, it was glorious while it lasted.  Awww.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Eighteen.
« Reply #396 on: May 19, 2012, 09:21:37 pm »

Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Eighteen.
« Reply #397 on: May 20, 2012, 12:19:00 am »

Detach the Coil from the Bear and wear it myself, so that I can fire backwards while we swim away.

I could really use a heal, if you guys can spare one.


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Eighteen.
« Reply #398 on: May 20, 2012, 12:20:35 am »

Detach the Coil from the Bear and wear it myself, so that I can fire backwards while we swim away.

I could really use a heal, if you guys can spare one.
I'm setting up a small fieldhospital on the clayboard. Just state that you get yourself healed in your turn. Probably in black. There's only a 33% chance that it'd go either horribly well/good.


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Eighteen.
« Reply #399 on: May 20, 2012, 09:03:55 pm »

Too risky, eh.

Use various scattered body parts to patch up anyone who needs it!

My poor double armface.   :(
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.

Phantom of The Library

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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Eighteen.
« Reply #400 on: May 21, 2012, 06:56:08 pm »

In an attempt to get rid of the blue meanies Paul McCartney sings:
Because you're blue and mean things I'm creeped out by you,
Because you're blue and mean it's true,
I want you gone more than ever I do.
I want you gone this moment things, I'm creeped out by you
At the moment I'm starting to feel like I'm blue,
I'm living ev'ry moment in fear of you.
I've been creeped out from the moment I saw you,
You looked at me that's all you had to do,
I feel it now I hope you feel it too.
Because you're blue and mean things I'm creeped out by you,
Because you're blue and mean it's true,
I I want you gone more than ever I do.
I'm really creeped out by you.
Gnosis - Torn Ajar -- Text Suggestion Games.
This is what happens when we randomly murder people.

You get attacked by a Yandere triangle monster.


  • Bay Watcher
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The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Nineteen.
« Reply #401 on: May 22, 2012, 04:55:51 pm »


Hitch a ride, Set up a field hospital and Set up Solar laser. Boost Board with laser.

”Come on. We need to get out of here fast. You lads focus on him, I'll tackle the important problems. You know, like, the blood and everything and the approaching sharks.”

...Archimedes jumps up as Paul McCartney swoops by on his flying Clayboard, clattering straight into the sharp point and narrowly avoiding severing his legs!

“Shit! The approaching sharks! How on earth didn’t I notice them before? I wonder if I'll remember them in several paragraphs time?” he wonders as he wobbles to his feet and the severed bottom half of his robes wafts gently to his ankles. He doesn’t seem to notice; busily balancing his solar laser array on the hilt of the Clayboard, he’s just spotted Nikola Tesla swimming by wearing some kind of fancy hat! Blood seems to be spurting from his eye!

Status Acquired: Archimedes of Syracuse: Half-naked!

Detach the Coil from the Bear and wear it myself, so that I can fire backwards while we swim away.

Paddling through the River Volga with his Tesla coil duct taped to his head, Nikola spies Archimedes of Syracuse and Paul McCartney circling the battlefield on a giant flying sword distributing bandages and plasters. ...He waves to signal them over and treads water as well as he can whilst Archimedes stuffs cotton wool into his eye socket and fashions an eye patch out of a length of bandage.

Tesla can’t help noticing Archimedes is naked from the waist down. It helps take his mind off the pain.


Unfortunately for Steve Irwin his blood can’t wait for Archimedes to finish with his new companion! He’s bleeding severely! He’s bleeding heavily! He’s bleeding from the eyes! He staggers blindly about in the water, somehow managing neither to drown nor to get any closer to the furious ball of Scotch rage dancing about on the yellow submarine. ...Suddenly he feels a friendly hand on his shoulder.

Use various scattered body parts to patch up anyone who needs it!

“I say, mister, you sure look like you’re bleeding heavily there!” says Davy Crockett to his Australian friend. “Here, let me drag you to safety!”

Crockett grabs hold of Steve Irwin’s arm and violently tugs him towards the bank. ...Stevo's broken arm comes clean off!

“Eh! Crikey mate, careful with me arm there fella! What the hell you doing?!”

“Er, nothing, Irwin, don’t worry about it. Your arm’s fine. Totally where it’s meant to be. Probably just shock or something, making it feel weird. Say, your eyes look hurt pretty bad, son. Can you see at all?”

“No, mate. Can’t see a bleeding thing. In fact the pain’s so terrible I’m completely delirious! Crikey!”

“Hmm… interesting… Oh! Hey! Damn it! Get away! Get lost, you fiend! Oh, God, sorry Stevo… a passing shark just ate your arm! I tried but I just couldn’t fend it off! Oh, wait, no! Actually I think it was more like an eagle. Or something. An eagle shark. Yeah.”

Enhancement Acquired! Doublearmface!

In an attempt to get rid of the blue meanies Paul McCartney sings.

Archimedes and Paul McCartney swoop by on the flying sword, floating over the water and healing first Tesla’s torn up eye and then Steve Irwin’s crotchified face as best as Archimedes’ ancient grasp of medicine allows him to. They fly over the bleeding Russian, throwing a roll of bandages and some antiseptic wipes down before circling round again. Suddenly they come face to face with a horde of blue meanies!

Paul draws his guitar like an old-time guitar-slinger from the west!

Because you're blue and mean things I'm creeped out by you,
Because you're blue and mean it's true,
I want you gone more than ever I do.
I want you gone this moment things, I'm creeped out by you
At the moment I'm starting to feel like I'm blue,
I'm living ev'ry moment in fear of you.
I've been creeped out from the moment I saw you,
You looked at me that's all you had to do,
I feel it now I hope you feel it too.
Because you're blue and mean things I'm creeped out by you,
Because you're blue and mean it's true,
I I want you gone more than ever I do.
I'm really creeped out by you

...The blue meanies turn and flee, running across the water at such tremendous speed that they form a vast wave that shoots into the air, blasting McCartney and the unfortunate Archimedes off the Clayboard and into the river!

Heal with the medkit for the love of god!

...Rasputin is busily covering himself from head to toe in bandages as well as he can given the circumstances when suddenly he sees Archimedes and Paul McCartney crash out of the sky and tumble into the icy waters of the Volga!

Oh well, he thinks. At least I’m not bleeding to death! He starts swimming towards the western bank of the river.

Suddenly Rasputin’s joyous daydream is shattered by the heinous roar of terrible heartbreak and villainy! Sean Connery climbs out of the side of the yellow submarine, climbing over its hull like some kind of Scottish Tarzan and throwing himself onto the top of the conning tower. An echoing boom bursts across the riverscape as he pounds on his chest to express his pain!

“Come back, yer bashtards!” shouts Connery. “I’ll bloody have the lot of you! Come on, yer little scrotes! Oh blasht. Water. Foiled again. You stay right there, you southern bashtards! I’m not getting my shuit wet for the likes of you! Hang on a second please, I’ll be back shortly. Forgot me gadgets.”

Sean Connery disappears into the submarine whilst the bowienauts stay transfixed, staring at the space he just politely vacated. Suddenly they realise: it’s their chance to escape! As one they begin paddling towards the west; bear, guitar and Clayboard in tow.

But then Connery reappears! He points his wrist at the far bank of the river, and a portable footbridge shoots out of his wristwatch! He immediately unsheathes a golf club from behind his back and begins running down the bridge towards the fleeing time assassins, swinging it about his head as he goes. Twenty paces from the submarine he stops, kneels, swirls the golf club one last time and launches it towards the nearest bowienaut.

...Rasputin’s guts are severed as the deadly sports good shoots through the air!

“Oh God,” thinks Rasputin as he comes to a flailing drowning bleeding halt in the water. “I just fixed those up! I refuse to die at the hands of a Scottish Stalin-lover! I refuse!” he shouts. “Refuse! I am Rasputin the Invincible Black Monk! I cannot be slain by a mere toy!”

...Just then there is a bubbling in the water. Suddenly a Russian noble surfaces, attempting to stab the floundering Rasputin in the back! ...But he only manages to stab his severed guts!

Rasputin turns round to face his latest assailant, shooting him a murderous glance and an even more murderous beard. The mighty beard of power leaps out, strangling the Russian noble right in the face! He drops down dead, limp and floating in the water.

Wound Acquired: Rasputin: Severed Guts!

Running past the all but incapacitated floating Russian, Connery continues on down his bridge of vengeful pursuit towards the remaining five bowienauts, drawing another golf club from his back-mounted quiver as he goes.

“Come on, you bashtards!” he bellows, catching up with Nikola Tesla, seemingly impeded by the mighty instrument he’s carrying on his head. “You can’t eshcape now!”

He reaches down into the water, ...pulling Tesla up from the surface to head height with one hand. ...He takes a bite!

“Och aye the noo! It’s a braw brich moonlich nich tonich!” shouts Nikola Tesla, suddenly wielding a fearsome claymore in his right hand. “Ooh! Sean! You’re so dreamy!”

“Oh no! Blimey mates!” realises McCartney. “Tesla’s been Scotulified! Let’s scarper lads!”


“Tarnation!” adds Crockett, because that’s what I’ve been led to believe all vaguely southern Americans say. “And dang! Keep swimming boys!”

“No!” reckons Archimedes. “It’ll be quicker on the bridge! Come on, climb up and we can run faster than any man can swim! We’ll have to leave the Scot behind! I’m sorry Tesla!” he shouts behind him. “One bite is all it takes! There’s nothing we can do for you!”

“Nooooooooooooooooo!” wails the scientist, “Don’t leave me! Finish me off! Make it humane! Make it quick!”

Archimedes halts on the bridge. He draws his submachine gun and looks down at the stricken Tesla. He’s almost entirely turned.

Status Acquired: Nikola Tesla: Scotulified!

Suddenly there’s a fuzz of static in the air; a strange sound rings out and a column of particles appears above Soviet Russia beaming down towards the surface. A bowienaut appears from the haze, balancing lightly on the bondo-bridge.

“Connery! You know that Scotulification has been outlawed for all time voyagers! I’ve told you once! I’ve told you many times!”

“Shtep ashide, Mother Teresa. These shcum killed the love of my live, and I have shworn vengeance upon them! They deserve to die! They shall die!”

Sean Connery steps forward. The aging nun raises his right hand before her, grasping a white hand bag that seems to repel the muscular Scot.

“No. Enough, darling Sean. I will always respect you as a friend and a foe, but I cannot let you kill these brave men. They have only fought for freedom. Surely you can understand that?”

“No! Love is more important than freedom! They will die! Step aside, I said!”

Connery takes a few more menacing steps forward.

“No. You cannot pass. I am a servant of the Magnificent Timelord, wielder of the Bag of Hope. You cannot pass. Your dark lust will not avail you, flower of Scotland. Go back to your homeland! You cannot pass!”

Suddenly Connery’s face changes; a dark cloud of rage passes over. He leaps forth! He runs towards Mother Teresa!

She stands her ground.

“You cannot pass!”

She stretches to her full five feet, and then suddenly, with an incredible shaking crashing boom, she smashes the Bag of Hope down upon the bridge! As Connery closes to within striking distance, the bridge shatters into a thousand pieces and throws the Scot into the turbulent waters below. His finely tailored suit will be ruined!

But alas!

As he sinks below the surface, from somewhere in his battered heart he finds the energy to carry on the fight. He realises he is fighting for vengeance! For love! He pushes himself to the surface. He wills his manly chest hair towards Mother Teresa. His chest hair entangles her, and starts dragging her to a watery grave!

She smacks him around the head with the Bag of Hope.

He strikes back, punching her in the knees.

She begins to sink under. Aghast, some amongst the bowienauts step forward to intervene, but as if possessed by supernatural force Mother Teresa fights her way back up! She parries an elbow and dodges a bite before headbutting Connery in the face to gain herself enough time to turn her shoulder and cry out the only words she will speak to the bowienauts in this world.

“Fly, you fools!”

Spoiler: Detailed Map (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Archimedes of Syracuse (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: 60s SEAN CONNERY (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Nineteen.
« Reply #402 on: May 22, 2012, 05:05:28 pm »

Well, everything's going to hell here, so I think I'll just retreat.


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Nineteen.
« Reply #403 on: May 22, 2012, 10:42:28 pm »

Oh good, perfect test subject.

"Can this save him?  Will it mercy kill him?  Let's find out."

Shoot forth the White Speedo at Tesla!
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: The Magnificent Timelord: Bowienauts at Speedograd. Turn Nineteen.
« Reply #404 on: May 22, 2012, 11:15:05 pm »

Paul McCartney sings the U.K. national anthem, in an attempt to make the SCOTULATOR to forget his rage and return his love to a proper love, a love of freedom.
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