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Author Topic: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!  (Read 103815 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #45 on: February 18, 2012, 06:03:42 pm »

Lord W: wow, what an epic! Not sure it would fit on a single page but it (and the others) are added to the pile, thanks all.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #46 on: February 18, 2012, 10:58:03 pm »

Here's a poem I did for Kulettogum, a ways back.

Adil the engraver decided to float
Her wonderfully crafted felsite toy boat.
So she brought it down to the filling moat
But swim she could not, so her corpse did there bloat!

The story behind it is rather self-explainatory.  At the end of the great moat cleaning project, the levers were pulled to refill the moat with water.  At this time, a random dwarf decides to wander into the still empty moat for reasons unknown.  She's caught by the slow flood of incoming water, and, despite having ample opportunity to simply climb back up the conviently placed stairs back out, somehow manages to get herself cornered by the approaching rising water and drowns.
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2012, 05:55:27 am »

One of my more memorable ones was when this guy showed up:
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My dorfs were tucked safely away in the fort while he explored the countryside, then I got sieged. My fort was at the top of a waterfall with a bridge across the river. The gobbos were on the bridge when the titan jumped them. He knocked a couple off the bridge, over the waterfall then chased them down, killing them before they hit the river down below.

More recently, I embarked in a terrifying zone to try to see some zombie action. I embarked with 5 armed and trained axedwarves and immediately dug a bunker to hide in as I'd heard horror stories about the rain and fog in those type of zones. I'd just got settled in my bunker when I noticed my livestock starving. I pastured them outside and a cloud rolled in that instantly turned a mule into a zombie. He chased down and killed the rest of the livestock, then headed for my bunker. I stationed my military in the entrance hallway and thought I was ready for him. He completely demolished everyone except one child who ran out screaming ... right into the zombie cloud.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #48 on: February 19, 2012, 05:57:34 am »

[edit]double post, sorry[/edit]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #49 on: February 19, 2012, 07:27:31 am »

In my most recent fortress where I'm focusing most of my resources to building a shrine to a volcano goddess overtop of a volcano, a Minotaur showed up and started beating everyone to death with a sheep's wool hood, until a random Beekeeper managed to punch it through the skull to insta-kill it.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 07:31:09 am by twilightdusk »
A man would see that as a difficult challenge.
An elf would see that and despair.
A dwarf would see that and say, "Bring it on."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #50 on: February 19, 2012, 10:03:37 am »

The whole early history of my fortress was pretty entertaining, but I'll confine myself to the story of the bronze colossus, and the militia commander...

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Socks inspire the same sort of emotions in dwarfs that Helen of Troy inspired in the Achaean Greeks. Although it is said that Helen's face launched a thousand ships, socks have surely launched a million ultimately-fatal Store Owned Item tasks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #51 on: February 19, 2012, 02:45:04 pm »

My most fun ever.

   I had build a small stable fortress and was besieged by a Titan(it was a cyclops) real early on.  I only had a few Dwarfs and no military even prepared so I quickly equipped an ad hoc militia.  Not realizing it, I made the Squad captain a female dwarf.  She and her husband charged into combat with around five other dwarfs.  They all died in the combat but her.  She had one of her hands torn off in the combat but she managed to keep consciousness long enough to kill the titan.  Her body was recovered by my newly promoted Doctor.  A trail of blood and vomit lead from the combat site to the front gate of the fort where she passed out from blood lose and dehydration.  It took many medical procedures but she pulled through and the loss of her husband grieved her almost to the point of death.
   She was cared for and tended too by the other dwarfs, who fed her and gave her water and changed her bandages for over a year of recovery.  One dwarf in particular was always doing this and I was not surprised when it came up they got married, and later, she had a child.  This whole time, she being the most skilled warrior in my base, stayed the captain of the guard.  Good fortune in trading and mining had help my fortress grow and my militia was starting to get some good weapons and armour of iron and steel.  The one armed captain of the guard wore all iron gear except a steel breastplate, and silver helmet.  A shield was strapped to her nub arm, a buckler to her other and in that same(and only) hand a she held the only steel weapon in the fort, a gleaming battle axe.
   The growth of my fortress had not gone unnoticed and goblin thieves started to appear. Most were killed by my Captain of the guard - in a few instances they were killed while she cradle her baby protectively behind the nub ended shield arm. These skirmishes pushed her skill up and thankfully it would soon be tested.  For in the lull of goblin raids a second Titan appeared.  It was a slow moving giant armored beetle with hundreds of legs. It's capriced body was as strong as iron and it was heading right for my fortress.
my militia now about 20 strong - a mix of crossbow dwarfs and heavy infantry head out to stop the beast.  Their bolts could not pierce its hide, and the maces and spears of the infantry could only dent its shell.  The captains axe however bit into it again and again.  As her troops attacked and died in vain, hoping to give her the time she needed to injure it.  She repeatedly slashed and hacked into it's massive head.  More than once the axe became stuck in the head and she had to hold on with one hand to dislodge it to attack again.  Finally the beast was bested and only herself and a single sword wielding squad leader were left standing.
Again the captain of the guard had bested a titan, but not without loss.
   That loss would be the downfall of the fortress. For as she laid resting in the hospital with a broken leg and ribs from the battle a goblin army ambush attacked and slew a traveling trader who was on his way to the fortress.  The trader and his guards were all murdered and the bloodied squad leader with a handful of new recruits attacked the goblins.  In the melee the squad leader having bested many of the goblins fell.  Only a couple of the ragtag militia survived that skirmish.  The body of the Squad leader was entombed in a legendary engraved marble tomb created by my master crafts dwarf in a grand chamber at the end over the burial hall. No sooner was the body laid to rest than a goblin horde appeared.  They stretched across the whole of the mountainside and they were supported by crocodiles, giant toads, and even a few ogres .
    The alarm was sounded and all the secondary doors were locked.  Every dwarf except the medical team scrounged for weapons and armour.  As dishonorable as it seems even the foul goblin corpses were raided for their gear to arm the young and old alike.
   A  group of hunters/crossbowmen were the first to die while attempting to slow the horde while defenses were prepared They were brought into hand to hand by a group  of pike and whip armed goblins.  A lone newly enlisted woodcutter held a last stand defending a unbarred water entrance.  his body lay mutilated over a pile of dead goblins and giant toads - a true hero.  The assorted militia squads waited milling around in the fortress behind the barred double great doors .  Soon a pair of ogres bashed down the front gate and the army poured in.  The front gate became a butcher shop of lost limbs and body parts, blood and vomit soaked the engraved floors and walls and the wounded and dead heaped on top of each other.  But even still the dwarfs were being overwhelmed.  Cunningly built traps skewered and caged those who had managed to come in secondary ways, but the main hall was being attacked.  With dwarfs dying everywhere the Captain of the guard hobbles with a broken leg into the battle creatures, ogres, and goblin fell before her might. So long was the battle and so great her pain that she was forced to leave it to go back to the hospital and have the doctors patch her up mid-fight.  She could not however stay away long and bloodied and in pain she hobbled out again to support the last of the wounded defenders.  With one last push she single-handedly slew every last enemy inside the fortress.   
With every bed in the hospital filled with wounded she began to drag the wounded into bedrooms and bandage, feed, and water them.  As she attempted to drag back the body of an unconscious and bloody crossbow dwarf she was ambushed by a dozen goblin archers who held the high ground on the side of a hill.  With no were else to go, a broken leg and ribs, and many untended wounds she charged up the hill, a couple of militia seeing the combat ran to help her.  Again and again the goblins shot her body and still she came up.  With dozens of arrows imbedded into the body she made it to the top of the hill and slew three of the goblins before their cruel blades hacked her down.  She gave her life however not in vain as the militia hacked down the remaining goblins and sent them fleeing.
   A great lamentation went through the fortress as everyone suffered the loss of loved ones and friends.  Many were buried, most died of their wounds as there were not enough medical dwarfs left alive to treat them.  The walking wounded fed the starving dying and hauled the corpses of the dead out in mass piles outside the broken front gates of the fortress.  The stink of the rotting bodies was so strong as to sicken any who dared to come close trying to recover fallen loved ones to bury them properly in the expanded catacombs.  A lone engraver not knowing what else to do, went back to work engraving the hallway he was working on before the battle.  Each section of the floor and wall was adorned with macabre and heroic images of both the captain of the guard and the squad leader.  He never finished the hallway as grief overtook him and in a fit of madness he murdered the last of the doctors. A wounded militia soldier killed him in the great hall.  With everyone wounded, dying or dead.  Slowly the last remnants of the fortress fell to their wounds, starvation, infection, and dehydration.

The last dwarf alive, a dying one legged craftsdwarf, watched in delight as the traps that lined the hallway to the great hall went off killing and injuring the goblin horde that had regrouped and now entered the fortress unopposed.  Before he was killed, standing amongst dead bodies, discarded belongings, and pools of blood, his last thought was a happy one... Dwarf recently enjoyed the sight of a well made trap.

That was the end of Diamondmirrors


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #52 on: February 19, 2012, 04:49:06 pm »

Wow! Epic!


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #53 on: February 19, 2012, 09:33:19 pm »

I posted these ages ago on Reddit. They involve the same fortress in a badlands valley.

The Tail of a Curious Ratwoman
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

ScorchedCasket the Burial of Heroes
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The fortress:

Hope there aren't too many mistakes, I haven't modified them since they were submitted a long time ago.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #54 on: February 19, 2012, 11:23:54 pm »

While playing Legendary Lands, I once found myself confronted by what I remember as a Dark Shadow.  Either way, the beast was practically formless, quick, and incredibly powerful.  My militia of twelve legendary wrestlers got decimated in five seconds flat.

I barricaded inside the fort and bid my time.  Maybe the beast would leave on its own.  But no.

Somehow it found its way inside a completely sealed fortress, and it was tearing everyone a structurally superfluous new behind!

I drafted absolutely everyone and zergrushed the foul beast, giving way to an immense cat-and-mouse game within the confines of the fort as the pack of dwarves sought to somehow tie the shadow in a knot.  Practically every corridor was streaked with enough blood to make my people think I was filming a new episode of Berzerk.  There were body parts everywhere, precursor to an epic mushroom cloud of miasma.

With 90% of the fort killed and blown to pieces, we finally destroyed the beast, now down to only a handful of dwarves in a bad mood.  My only respite came in the form of a new, massive wave of migrants.

It wasn't even the end of it.  On the heels of the shadow was a lava wyrm, who proceeded to set the entire woodland on fire.  Barricading myself once more, I made preparations: an unholy corridor studded with spikes linked to a lever, all this within a room that could be sealed and then filled with pressurized water.

I lured the beast inside and quickly sealed the door.  The wyrm effortlessly melted my traps on the way, a pile of useless spikes in its wake.  It finally arrived at the center of my beautiful, red trade depot, and casually demolished it into bricks.

I pulled the lever.

Gallon after gallon of water poured out faster than Ron Jeremy could ejaculate inside a movie star.  I absolutely drenched the creature, intending on putting it out - but no no no, fuck no.  The thing was generating an ungodly amount of steam, and no amount of water could put that thing out.  I had completely immersed it in water and all it did was turn the trade depot area into a biblical-sized pressure cooker.  Unfortunately, I wasn't in the mood to prepare Thai chicken or express shish kebab.

I kept myself locked in, as more megabeasts arrived on the premises.  I drafted nineteen able-bodied dwarves and put them through the longest, most rigorous training regime ever to be seen to man.  They emerged as demigods, so skilled in the ways of the blade and blunt that they could shatter bones with a butter knife and slice legs off with a golf club.

the ensuing battle went down in history.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #55 on: February 20, 2012, 03:58:44 am »

It's been a while since this happened, so I might have some of the details slightly wrong, and I don't remember any names.

I've never been good with the military. Most of the time I keep my dwarves safe through trap-lined corridors or by turtling with drawbridges and walls. In one of my fortresses, a human caravan arrived with trade goods. I had just been attacked by snatchers and goblins a few times, so I knew goblin ambushes were probably around. I was hesitant to lower the bridge. The humans lingered on the edge of the map, and it wasn't long before they were set upon by not one, but two goblin ambushes. The goblins slew some pack animals, and eventually disappeared from the map. Thinking they might have been chased off by the humans, I lowered the drawbridge to seize the now-abandoned trade items. Dozens of dwarves poured out in a constant stream of hauling jobs.

Of course, the goblins had either hidden or left before returning, for soon my haulers were ambushed (in retrospect this would have been an obvious trap in real life). The military eventually took care of them, but took heavy losses, and a handful of my dwarves had been injured. A good samaritan managed to rescue a young girl who had lost a leg and her parents in the fighting and her brother to a snatcher just before. She spent several years in a coma-like state, to the point where I was beginning to doubt that she would ever recover (it might be noted that this was before hospitals, so maybe that helped her chances). Caring dwarves continued to bring her food and drink, however, and she finally recovered.

When she awoke, the accumulated weight of these tragedies--losing her brother, her parents, and her leg--hit her all at once. I like to think she was also traumatized by the revelation that years had already passed. The burden proved too much, and in an instant she threw a tantrum, smashing furniture and attacking those around her. Before her loyal caretakers could calm her down, the Fortress Guard rushed past them and cut the girl down where she lay.

So ended a story of kindheartedness and futility.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #56 on: February 20, 2012, 08:47:35 am »

Well I suppose little vignettes could be made from the anecdotes on the front page of the magma wiki. They're updating them more with the new version I think.
How sad, imagine what they would've come up with... Booze proppelled rocket bayonets
Quote from: Dylan Moran
You know what you are? You're a beard with an idiot hanging off it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #57 on: February 20, 2012, 09:24:19 am »

Here's mine.

The fort was an aboveground fort called Tradedaubed. A baby lost both of his parents in a siege, and became depressed. The baby climbed up to my highest skyscraper and jumped down in an act of suicide. The baby fell on top of my prison building, but dwarves had no access on that roof so no one could find the corpse. Including me. I only found the corpse when a second depressed baby also jumped to his death from the same spot, and that's when I noticed the prison roof. I built a ramp leading there, the dwarves went and took the now-skeletal remains of the first baby, and what was left of the second baby, into their tombs.

Here's a picture of the fort to illustrate better. The babies jumped from Burj, down to the prison roof below.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Second story, takes place in another fort called Gillhames, this time an underground one with a small archer tower and small trap corridor above the entrance:

A dragon arrived. Thankfully I managed to kill it. Sent the soldiers with the highest shield using skill against it, backed up by a marksdwarf. The shield pros blocked the dragonfire and hacked it to pieces when they got close. The dragonfire that went past the soldiers unfortunately hit the shieldless marksdwarf that literally vaporized on the spot. His equipment is intact but he himself is nothing but a pile of ashes. Reminds me of comics. The dragon also managed to also destroy my drawbridge.

Soon after, a siege arrived. One of the axedwarves had gone very unhappy because his marksdwarf buddy got vaporized previously.

This is where shit started to go wrong.

1) Thanks to a pathing bug, another marksdwarf had ended up on a 1 tile size wall/pillar in the middle of my archer tower. I had built it there so the archers would stay on the edges near fortifications instead of sticking in the middle where they can't shoot. He was on top the pillar, with no way down and no way up, a perfect target for the approaching goblin bowmen. It's a strange bug that results in dwarves "jumping" to spots where there's no access to, with no way back down.
2) After the dragon had destroyed my drawbridge, I had built a new one. But I had forgotten to link it to a lever, so I couldn't pull it back to stop the goblins.

The archer got made a pin cushion with no way to escape.

3) The very unhappy axedwarf became miserable because another of his buddies died. Tantruming or berserking became highly likely.

The trolls rushed over the bridge first, in order to bash down my doors. I ordered my dwarves to build a wall in the hallway behind it in order to stop them. But they didn't build the walls because they are lazy fucks. My traps killed about half of the trolls, but the rest managed to destroy the doors, and together with 1 goblin spearman squad + 1 bowman squad led by a spearmaster and elite bowman, rushed into my fort through the opening.

This is where shit started to go right.

I sent my military to take them on. 3 axe lords, 1 pretty good swordsdwarf and 1 axe recruit. All of them have iron+steel+bronze armor, except for the recruit who is clad in full copper (good quality though).

A huge battle ensues in the 3 tile wide corridor leading to my main areas. The bowmen shoot a couple of my escaping civilians in their limbs, while my soldiers are killing them left and right, somehow managing to dodge most of their attacks. The silver arrows that did hit my soldiers hit the very few steel armor pieces, dinging off harmlessly, which was lucky on my part - they would have gone through if they hit iron or bronze. A couple of trolls got past the slaughter and slumbered into my bedroom district, where they promptly died of blood loss caused by the soldiers right before, without staying alive long enough to injure any civilians.

The recruit is being one lucky bastard, killing a couple of goblins and somehow not getting hit a single time, despite being dabbling in every single military skill including dodging, and not even using a shield, and being attacked several times.

The rest of the enemies start escaping, and GLORIOUS VICTORY. The miserable axedwarf became "fine", because of enjoying the immense slaughter. I fixed the doors and linked up the bridge for any future attacks. And removed that fucking pillar from the archer tower to prevent other dwarves bugging on top of it

Final casualties, a couple of civilians with arrows in their arms + legs, only death being Pillar Dwarf.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 10:57:02 am by Orkel »
Quote from: madjoe5
Dwarf Fortress: The game in which people place abducted children in a furnace to see what happens.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #58 on: February 20, 2012, 02:33:39 pm »

Well I suppose little vignettes could be made from the anecdotes on the front page of the magma wiki. They're updating them more with the new version I think.

Yeah, that kind of thing is probably going to work best.

Powder Miner

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Re: Your Dwarf Fortress anecdote - Illustrated!
« Reply #59 on: February 20, 2012, 02:38:26 pm »

A shield was strapped to her nub arm
Poetic license?
Because that's actually impossible. If she was carrying that, she was carrying it in the same hand.
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