From within adv world generation, DF v34.01 produces inconsistent crashes to the desktop at the 4th row, Forming lakes and minerals.... This particular world has a mineral scarcity of 1750, but changing that doesn't seem to affect the inconsistent crash. Unsure if its related to seed, or directly related to that step, in world generation. Hope that helps. My guess is that the crash to desktop occurs from something at the start of the next step, Growing veggies... I betcha if a fella were to isolate those new parameters, and run from the command prompt. "Dwarf Fortress.exe" -gen 1 RANDOM DISCWORLD, over and over, he'd be able to find the erroneous parameter.
[CUSTOM_NAME:Bad Ass Mtns]
I have yet to collect a gibberish seed, for this crash. But I'll try and post one as soon as I can. Why did he move away from numeric seeds, all these extra characters and cases are confusing. Did he need more variety, couldn't Toady just extend the numeric seed string? I don't like the change to gibberish seeds. Hope he goes back to simple numeric seeds. It makes troubleshooting much simpler, course I guess some of us can just copy and paste out of that window, I haven't figured how to copy and paste RANDOM seeds out of DF v43.01, yet. The null isn't working for Seed Text in the parameters. A user has to hit enter, then null it out himself, by the looks of it. Could be a GUI bug? Here's hoping!
Sincerely, Knutor