Sure, but some fortresses have 200 dwarves- at which point, there's 2-4 curly-bearded dwarves out there.
You have a point. However, a)
most forts fail before becoming that populous, b) you could easily get a mismatch with such small numbers (1 gay dude and 1 gay gal, 3 gay dudes, etc.), and c) having 2-4 gay people live together does not necessarily mean that they will pair off. People won't necessarily get along and relationships are more complex than that.
Though, of course, one could code it to ignore compatibility - even though DF already simulates couple compatibility to some degree.
However, I think the interesting story-driven stuff is key, and as much as it is interesting to have a diplomatic kerfuffle because of unusual behavior on the part of the king's consort, it's just as interesting for the king's consort to be a secret night creature, and that's already implemented.
Ah, I was thinking in terms of Fort Mode.
I don't play Adventure Mode or examine the legends often enough for that to occur to me. But I guess you have a point.
There are numerous topics in the suggestions forums (that either get locked or deleted entirely because they can be lightning rods for, shall we say, "violently divergent views").
That's what I was afraid would happen with this subject. And I don't want to see this thread locked and started over just yet.
...this is the guy who initially designed Liberal Crime Squad, and was forced to not release an anti-animal cruelty game due to this very player base. Generally speaking, I am quite confident it will make it into the game at some point.
I had forgotten about that, too. Even as a text game that's not intended to be taken seriously, I couldn't bring myself to play Liberal Crime Squad. It just felt wrong to me.
Again, good point. Yeah, he probably will get to it eventually.
But before then, I'd expect the current fort-mode relationships to get an overhaul or update. Right now dwarves
marry for life. They become lovers and that can lead to becoming spouses. But they never get another spouse or even lover if one of them dies. Is that the way dwarves are intended? Or will they eventually get other lovers or spouses?