When will metals diversify across races? I can understand if adamantine remains a Dwarven thing (usually), but you'd think humans and goblins would pick up steel. Of course, there's the question of other rare resources for other races, but i suppose that will have to wait until you get to randomized metals. Until then, however, why don't goblins who take out a fortress with adamantine at the least nick the stuff you've made, and with the introduction of non-lethal combat, you'd think they'd try to take the smiths alive, which would add an interesting dynamic as to balancing who you should teach the craft, as well as dwarven civilizations trying to crush or at least remove all evidence/knowledge from the thief's before the knowledge spreads (with what i wouldn't be surprised to be a dedicated sect), which every now and then they should pull off. It would also make for an interesting infiltration quest in adventure mode (with some badass companions), with only time to tell if you've succeeded. It could also make for some interesting conversations with the dwarven liaisons, either trying to hide it from their knowledge or their wroth at it's waste or uncloaked use. Which leads to masking, concealment... yes, i like where this is going. The same could go both ways if the goblins discover something they wish to keep for themselves. It also would make long-term goblin sieges more challenging (with the explanation that they give the weaklings trash), as well as escalating the annoyance of Kobolds, who by all rights should have a black market by now.