I'm sorry if it has been asked and i didn't noticed, but as i have been playing Adventure mode since a few weeks, and noticing the many new additions to it from the various development logs, i would like to ask :
In current version, i have observed that when i play the Fortress mod , performance is very good, it even surprised me that i could run full forts with stockpiles filled with crafts, foods etc.. while getting besieged by big goblins army and still the game is very responsive to my command, i do not observe "commands lag", each keypresses got the expected answer from the interface.
But in Adventure mode, the situation is very different, in town performance can take a hit in areas like the markets or when there are lots of shops and houses filled with citizens. And sometime when the character, with a few followers, enter in a keep located in those towns (and keeps have very few people in them), performance drop a lot more suddenly and the "commands lag" become very noticable.
So my question is
In regards to all the additions that will be for the Adventure mod, what will become of the performance for the Adventure mode, will the game run much better due to some bugfixes and optimisations or should we expect roughly the same and possibly worse ?