Oh, now I remember my vital questions...
1. I am right that if you have for example permitted reaction for steel making, this entity will always have steel? Even if they don't have any other metals? Because I like to make entity which have only few selected metals. I assume cheat-reactions also gives those materials for them?
2. Where is dwarven sweat word mod/files? Original if possible. Self-made words don't have The Feeling...
3. Duh, what was again interaction for self-transmutation?...
1. Yes, a reaction that can supply a civ with certain materials will mean that they will always have access to it. This is why a dwarven civ will always have access to steel, even if they do not have access to iron.
2. Words are located in the language text files in the raws. The dwarven word for sweat is sined.
3. I can give an example of what it might look like.
What it will really look like will depend on what you want to use the transformation for.