I have a little problem with a creature I wrote. A immobile monolith, that doesnt want to do the interactions it can do. It should raise corpses around it, but it does not. The raise-corpse interaction itself works well, I use it on other creatures as well, but the Monolith doesnt use it. Maybe because its missing a brain, eyes, something like that?
[DESCRIPTION:A black monolith. It seems to hum in a frequency just below hearing. Tendrils of green smoky light search the area around it, gently touching and probing its surroundings for anything that once hold a spark of light, animating it to eternal unlife.]
[NAME:black monolith:black monoliths:black monolith]
[CASTE_NAME:black monolith:black monoliths:black monolith]
[SOUND:ALERT:20:8000:NONE:resonate:resonates:a resonating tone]
[CAN_DO_INTERACTION:RAISE_CORPSE] => should animate dead.
[CDI:ADV_NAME:Animate corpse]
[CDI:TARGET_VERB:shudder and begin to move:shudders and begins to move]
[CAN_DO_INTERACTION:MAKE_VAMPIRE] => to make them friendly to undead.
[IE_ARENA_NAME:Animated corpse]