Hugo threw this thing onto some thread or other about piling stone and wood into smaller spaces. I know you can dump stone to pile it, but the idea of using a building seems a helluva lot easier.
So could anyone tell me how I should use THIS:
[NAME:Stone Pile]
[NAME:Wood Pile]
I frankly have no idea what to do with it.
You could have PM'd me
I would have responded sooner or later. Ok how to use (step by step)
-Go into the DF raw/objects foulder (not the save because new buildings need a regen to be added)
-create a "*.txt" file and name it "building_XXXX.txt" where the XXXX is your custom name for the file
-Inside the now empty file add this at the very top:
-Insert the new buildings in there
-Add this the the MOUNTIAN entity in the "entity_default.txt":
-Gen a World and enjoy your new buildings that require 25 boulders/logs to build
Now if you want to use those resources simply deconstruct the "pile" of course these are only intended for forts that have a large amount of these reasources (im sure someone can stand to have a stockpile large enough to hole 1-24 boulders/logs) :p
Hope this helps you.
also these are completely customizable. You can make them take 10, or 50. Whatever your fancy is. Or you can copy/paste them and afix a # to the ID name and have different sized piles.