2032 now...
Well Things have gone pretty badly. I'm a fail romney. NatWest basicly went under. It just dived and eventually I sold the stock for a loss, but I still had some capital to throw around.
Peak holdings is still around, I basicly looked at emerging industrys, Aerospace and defence along with pharmaceuticals it seems are the order of the day.
Watson Pharma - I took this company, fairly small one of the bottom 4 in pharm's, injected capital, bought their bonds back and paid off some debt. Then crash course of 40% growth PA for about 2 years so far, they're doing phenomenal. The only way I could be pleased more with this company is if the interest rates would ease off so the borrowing isn't quite as costly. Still, the stockprice has skyrocketed from around $12 in 2029 to around $50 in 2031. We 100% own this company.
Dassault Aviation - A mid-low range Defense industry, was up to its eyeballs in debt, injected abit of capital here too paying off some of the debt, a very good company. Stockprice is hanging around 45, but the company is making gains. I'm holding off rapid growth, about 5-10% for dassault until I can pay off a chunk of the debt. Interest rates are rising again