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Author Topic: The Space Race: Forum game(6/8 Players) Turn 24: 1969-1970  (Read 123720 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #855 on: May 09, 2012, 03:20:03 pm »

sorry Ill fix it.
Starting marching band will not be able to post everyday.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #856 on: May 09, 2012, 06:59:40 pm »

Besides, my plan is to mass driver my way into orbit.
I honestly thought this was going to be about veterinarians.
Ermey: 26/4/13


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #857 on: May 09, 2012, 07:11:02 pm »

I intend to stuff Vasimirs into booster rockets. It would be insanely powerful.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #858 on: May 10, 2012, 11:14:57 am »

Update probably this weekend.
I intend to stuff Vasimirs into booster rockets. It would be insanely powerful.
Don't forget that Vasimirs need power too.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #859 on: May 10, 2012, 11:19:11 am »

I am aware of that. 'tis what batteries are for right?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #860 on: May 10, 2012, 11:20:52 am »

I am aware of that. 'tis what batteries are for right?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(6/8 Players) Turn 19: 1964-1965
« Reply #861 on: May 12, 2012, 07:49:00 am »

Turn 22: 1967-1968
World news:

Spain-Us relatios deteriorate.

Spoiler: Perks (click to show/hide)

County relations:
                 US                Spain         Scot                China                  Austria         Wales        Britain     
US:           Neutral,        T-Embargo, Bad                 Neutral,               Neutral         Neutral      Neutral       
Spain:       T-Embargo,  Neutral        Neutral,           Neutral,               Neutral         Neutral      Neutral         
Scotland:   Bad              Neutral,       Neutral,          T-A    ,                 Neutral         Neutral      Neutral         
CHina        Neutral,        Neutral,       T-A   ,            Neutral,                Neutral         Neutral      Neutral         
Austria :    Neutral,        Neutral,        Neutral,         Neutral,                United          Neutral      Neutral           
Wales:      Neutral,        Neutral,        Neutral,         Neutral,                Neutral         Neutral      Neutral 
Britain       Neutral,        Neutral,        Neutral,         Neutral,                Neutral         Neutral      Neutral

Spoiler: Austrian armamanent (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Spanish governement (click to show/hide)

Dr Smith will attempt to develop nuclear technology (with emphasis on thrusters and reactors) (free) Work progresses slow
Lab 1 will develop a reusable external fuel tank with the help of Konrad Becker (-$1000) Work progresses a bit.
Lab 2 will improve the lifespan of the solar cells (-$1000) Work goes fast.
Lab 3 will improve the communications ability of the solar powered comms satellite with the help of the electronics expert (-$1000) A minor lab accident causes no progress to be made.
Research cost:$3000

None this year, although the Hyperion design should be modified to take into account the fact that I have 100kg/m reusable hulls now.

Repair Dr Smith's lab (-$5000)
Construct an aerospace department (-$5000)(Like the same thing Nirur has ?)
Construction cost:$10000

2 LTSEA satellites (-$3000)
Production cost: $3000

Launch the 2 LTSEA satellites with a Hyperion into a stable LEO and have them study Earth's weather. Attempt to get the US government (and other governments if that doesn't work) to support further launches of this nature.
The launch is succesfull, but a minor error causes the Hyperion to burn up in the atmosphere. The American governement is mildly interested.

Announce that ASTRO will launch an advanced communications satellite in the next 3 years. Your announcement goes by unnoticed.
Talk to various governments to see if they want some comms satellites launched. You find no interest among them.
Release our moon map and our map of Mars to the world at a level of [1]. No reactions on this either. (3 Near failure Pr rolls)

Total cost: $16000

C.H.A.S.E. Yearly report

Liang Chou had smoothly taken over command of CHASE. His first goals involved independence: Both for the space station from as many expensive supply launches as possible, and from DWARF's launch vehicles. They were adequate, but CHASE needed a specialized launch vehicle. A safer method of upgrading or repairing the station would also be helpful; he didn't like risking the taikonauts on spacewalks multiple times per year.

Lab 1st floor (Propulsion Expert): XL Safe Thruster fuel efficiency. ($2000) No progress is made, but at least nothing is blown up.
Lab 2nd floor: Cargo Clamp's ability to not lose cargo. Work here goes fast.
Lab 3rd floor (Shaiming Hu): Tripod RC repair drones. Work progresses
Lab 4th floor (Specialized for space stations) (Yi shing): Water recycling system's effect on supplies. Progress is swift.

Design & Production
Refit Explorer Mk II shuttle (3) with a docking bay after its second mission of this turn. ($300)


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Tiruin and Taikonauts 6, 7, and 8 will not be training to improve their skills between station stays.
If Taikonauts die in the line of duty, give $1000 to their families.

Aerospace department investment (year 2 of 5) ($1000)
Use PR on the first crew swapping mission. This didn't go very well, luckly you managed to talk your way out of it. (A non-Lobyist would have lost 1-6 prestige)
Press conference when the ex-leader returns. $2000This didn't work out either.

Total expenses: $(8300 + 4050[missions] +  1870 supplies(cost of supplies: 1/kg))

-Dr Faust stabilises the Vasimirs.
-Dr Barreuco works on making the boosters 3m tall.
-Dr Fuerza works on a method of fuelling the Vasimirs (If I can do it straight from solar cells, then do that, otherwise, batteries).

Relampagos by Alexis Solsona [0.40]
Height: 4m
Weight: 1367kg
Thrust: 1000kg
Payload: 70.9kg (LEO stabilised)
Failchance: 47.6%
Price:1650 (Boosters not included)
-Mano de Ayuda x4 = +445kg thrust
-Vasimir (2m) = 600kg
-4 Solar pannels= 400 kg
-Single Stage Hull (4m) = 267kg
-Small Fuel tank (1m) = 100kg
-1m replaceable payload

1 Mano de Ayuda, 1 Relampagos

Launch the Relampagos, with 4 Mano de Ayuda and a Comm sat to stabilised LEO. If possible I apply PR to this also.

The launch is succesfull. However, the weight of the solarpannels prevented a comm sat from being included. 3 of the boosters were reuseable. The launch did give you some prestige: +1

-The power/Fuel Scientist shall be know as Dr Fuerza.
-Doctor Barrueco resigned today for personnal reasons.

3250 + 1650 (1k Vasimir, 1k Boosters, 1k Solar Cells, 250 Mano de Ayuda, 1650 Relampago)


[Electronics Expert] Continue theoretical work on unmanned rovers.  (1k) Work progresses.

[Thruster Expert]  Let's make an ionic thruster.  (Yes, I'm aware they're only practical in space.) (1k) Research doesn't progress

Design an internal cargo hold for safe transit of items to orbit and beyond.  (1k) I'm afraid I don't understand what you're trying to do. You already have internal cargo holds(with a virtually infinitif capacity for small items and a 100% effeciency for larger items. You can't upgrade that whitout making your rocket bigger on the inside.)

Increase the reusability of the Space Shuttle hull.  (2k) Research here doesn't progress.


Nope, no design.


Upgrade the Labs to add another level. (30k)?


Again, see Nirur's turn.  My launch schedule is in that.

Expenses: 38k (4k research, 30k construction, 4K space lab)

Kingfisher: ASC monthly report


Mass drivers. Work progresses. 2K
VASIMIR engines. Work progresses. 1K
improved sensors. Work here progresses. 1K

Build: Mass driver big enough to fire a panchea. The mass driver isn't capable of launching things of it's own, but it'll lessen the effective weight of the ship by 20%. This is however not enough to launch a panchea. 5K
Other: None.

Business man trait as a perk

Advanced medicine commercialization.Work progresses fast 1k
Continue alloy for 1k  An explosion damages the lab. (Repair costs: 2000) 1k
Computer scientist create learning algorithms 1k A fire destroy the lab and all progress made this year.(Repair cost:5000)1k
Robotics automation 1kNot much progress is made here.1K

have Whales go to local elementry school to talk of the future. You fail to leave an impression.

((Yeahz, that were some bad rolls.))


-Basic Life Support Hub: Recycles air, and water to allow extended stays in space, works well in combination with the Agricultural Hub for my ship. Progress is fast
-Basic Crew Quarters Hub: Houses a crew to maintain the space shuttle, and a few extra. Progress is slow.

Things you are designing:
Excalibur I Continue designing this Are you sure, it won't resolve the weight problem, and will only result in a minor safety gain. Anyway, no progress is made on the design.
-Small Fuel Tank (5 Meter Height)
-Small Thrusters (1 Meter Height)
-Single Stage Hull (10 Meter Capacity)
-Agricultural Hub (4 Meter Height)

Building things(If you want to)
Spend 5.000 to construct an Arms Factory  (You can't construct a building for 10.000. It's either 5.000 or 15.000)

Other things
Rent out the spare level of the research lab to Britain. You get 3000 for your services(and near critting the roll).


Sattelites and other things in orbit:

Advanced SEO Atmospheric studies: 1 years left

Advanced SEO: Space health: 1 years left
Advanced SEO: Earth weather: 2 years left
Advanced SEO: Earth weather: 2 years left
Station: Mao Kongjianzhan
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Advanced Seo: Surface mapping: 1 years left
Advanced SEO:Surface mapping:1 years left

Promises:( All due by the end of the stated year)

Open source:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Moon MAp: [1.00]
MArs Map [1.00]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 20: 1965-1966
« Reply #862 on: May 12, 2012, 07:50:43 am »

Player name: Xin Su
Archetype: Lobbyist Political Commissar
Traits: Taikonaut trainer, Scientific
Funds: 23713 (+22250)
Organisation Name: Chinese Assembly for Space Exploration (CHASE)
      -Motto: Ensuring China's dominance of the Solar System.
      -Nation: People's Republic of China

Spoiler: Researched Components (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Assets (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rockets (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Special People (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Taikonauts (click to show/hide)

Player Name:  Urist McLowe
Archetype: Engineer
Traits: Charismatic: Bonus to attracting/recuiting special people, Management
Funds:13650 (+20000+2000)
Organisation Name: DeWard Aeronautical Research Foundation [DWARF]
      Motto: Strike the moon!
      Nation: Scotland
Spoiler: Researched Components (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Assets (click to show/hide)
             - Scotonaut training facility (2/10 people)
              -Security station
             - Space expo: Can hold theme days(5000) which have a chance to attract scientists.
Spoiler: Special people (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Scotonauts (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rockets (click to show/hide)

Player name: Alexis Solsona
Archetype: Engineer
Traits: PR, Manageing talent
Funds: 27250 (13000+1300=14300)
Prestige: 26
Organisation Name: Science, Technology And Research in Space (STARS)
      -Motto:  Vamos a infinito y más allá!
      -Nation: Spain
Spoiler: Researched Components (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: -Designs (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: -Assets (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: -Personnel (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rockets (click to show/hide)

Player Name: Dr James Smith
Archetype: Scientist (2)
Traits: Manager
Funds: 10783 (19100+1910=21010)
Organisation Name: American Space Technology and Research Organisation (ASTRO)
Motto: Exploring space for the greater good of mankind.
Nation: USA
Spoiler: Researched Components (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Assets (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rockets (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Special People (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: astronauts (click to show/hide)

Player name: Franz Herdinand
Archetype: Engineer
Skills: Scientsist, PR
Funds: 425(6000)
Prestige: 10
Organisation Name: ASC Austrian Space Center
      -Motto: 'Screw the rest'
      -Nation: Austria
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rockets (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Assets (click to show/hide)

Player name: Samuel Whales
Perks: Managerial talent
Funds: 4,200(+2000+200)
Organisation Name: W.I.S. Welsh in Space
      -Motto:In space nobody can hear the party.
      -Nation: Whales
      -Researched components:
             Fuel Storage
             - Small fuel tank  ( 125 liters of liquid fuel per meter height)
             - Small thrusters   Weight 100 kg, Failure chance 50%, 1meter high, Can carry 2kg of weight to LEO per liter fuel, Max fuel use: 1000)
             - Single stage hull(75 kg(71.25) weight per meters high, max 10 meters)
           -Nanotech: Allows the research of self repairing steel, advanced solar pannels and nanomedicin(Or attempts at least) [7.76]
           -Computer miniturization:[1.0]
           -Computer commercialization:1000 profit [1.0]
           -Light hull alloy: Lowers weight of hulls by 5% [1.5]
           -Nanomedicin: Can cure small diseases and problems. [1.04]
           -Learning algoritms: [0.6]
           -Nano medicin commercialization.Profit rate: 1000 [1.00]
           -Robotics automation [0.4]
       -Assets:small factory, 4 floor lab, launch pad, and mission control, computer fab
-Special people:
Material scientist( +40)
Computer (+10)

Player name:
Archetype: Buisnessman
Traits: Scientific
Funds: 17.300 (+1100)
Organisation Name: S.pace O.rganization
      -Motto: "For the betterment of our knowledge."
      -Nation: Britain
Spoiler: -Researched components (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

-Special people
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 10:17:21 am by 10ebbor10 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #863 on: May 12, 2012, 08:53:48 am »

 Ebbor, have to say really enjoying this game.
Research: VASIMIR, Superconductors, mass drivers.
Launch: Ye olde creeper 1 to get some prestige, not much really.
Other: Announce the intention to have a mass driver launch by 1970.
I honestly thought this was going to be about veterinarians.
Ermey: 26/4/13


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #864 on: May 12, 2012, 01:39:34 pm »

Looks like I have a vacancy..

-Dr Faust stabilises the Vasimirs more.
-Dr Fuerza lightens the Solar Panels
-Floor three commercialises the Solar Panels.

Build 1 Relampago and 1 Mano de Ayuda

Launch the Relampago with the Mano do Ayuda, as far as it will go.

Send another advert to all the universities, looking for scientists. (3000+PR)

4900 + ? (1k Vasimirs, 1k Solar Panels, 1k boosters, rockets, Commercialisation)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 01:43:38 pm by Kashyyk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #865 on: May 12, 2012, 01:42:11 pm »

Commercialization= Research.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #866 on: May 12, 2012, 01:42:59 pm »

Commercialization= Research.

Ahhh, I'll edit that in somehow then.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #867 on: May 12, 2012, 05:50:07 pm »

Alright. A few questions:
  • How many external fuel tanks can I put on a spacecraft?
  • What are the effects, if any, of earth weather studies?
  • In what ways is a detailed map of the moon better than a basic map?
  • With regards to the increased lifetime of my solar panels, do all of my payloads using them get an increase in lifetime too?
  • Having a quick look at the space based studies between this turn and last turn, I notice that aerospatial health studies is still at [1.90]
Anyhow, my turn:

Dr Smith will continue researching nuclear technology (free)
Lab 1 will increase the power of the kerosene fuel with the help of Robert Caldwell (-$1000)
Lab 2 will improve the communications capabilities of the large radio satellite with the help of the electronics expert (-$1000)
Lab 3 will improve the survival chance of the 3 person capsule (-$1000)
Research cost: $3000

None this year.

Add a fourth floor to the labs (-$20000)
Construction cost: $20000

1 solar powered comms satellite (-$1500)
1 Hyperion RLV (-$1000)
Production cost: $2500

Launch the comms satellite into a stable LEO with the Hyperion

Invest $1000 into the aerospace department (year 1 of 5)
After launching the comms satellite, try contacting various governments (especially the US government) to see if they have changed their minds regarding comms satellites.
Inquire further to see what funding the US government wants to provide towards launching further weather satellites.
Other costs: $1000

Total cost: $26500
« Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 09:04:05 pm by RulerOfNothing »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #868 on: May 13, 2012, 01:37:21 am »

  • How many external fuel tanks can I put on a spacecraft?
  • What are the effects, if any, of earth weather studies?
  • In what ways is a detailed map of the moon better than a basic map?
  • With regards to the increased lifetime of my solar panels, do all of my payloads using them get an increase in lifetime too?
  • Having a quick look at the space based studies between this turn and last turn, I notice that aerospatial health studies is still at [1.90]
After launching the comms satellite, try contacting various governments (especially the US government) to see if they have changed their minds regarding comms satellites.
1. One
2. High level of this gives bonusses to geoengineering and terraforming attemps.
3. Biggerbonus to landing attempts.
4. Normally yes, If I don't forget it.
5. Forgot that one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(7/8 Players) Turn 21: 1966-1967
« Reply #869 on: May 13, 2012, 03:20:02 am »

Another question regarding fuel tanks: do they count towards production costs (i.e. will a 10m rocket with a 2m fuel tank count as 10m or 12m for the purposes of manufacturing)?
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