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Author Topic: The Space Race: Forum game(6/8 Players) Turn 24: 1969-1970  (Read 123712 times)

Nirur Torir

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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #660 on: April 18, 2012, 03:50:59 pm »

Uh. Does that have life support? Is it possible for his launchpad to have two near-simultaneous launches? If so, there's no real need to transport the shuttle beforehand, and, if he don't mind, I could just land it at my facilities afterwords (I'm assuming we'll want at least four launches per year available for crew shuffling).

Toaster: I think one joint test launch will be enough this year. With your shuttle's payload, we should even be able to use real station modules.


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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #661 on: April 18, 2012, 03:57:30 pm »

Uh. Does that have life support? Is it possible for his launchpad to have two near-simultaneous launches? If so, there's no real need to transport the shuttle beforehand, and, if he don't mind, I could just land it at my facilities afterwords (I'm assuming we'll want at least four launches per year available for crew shuffling).

Toaster: I think one joint test launch will be enough this year. With your shuttle's payload, we should even be able to use real station modules.
If with near simultanously you mean same week, then yes. Please note that just stacking up loads on the space shuttle whitout dedicated cargo space might result in a loss of cargo.

Nirur Torir

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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #662 on: April 18, 2012, 03:59:53 pm »

If with near simultanously you mean same week, then yes. Please note that just stacking up loads on the space shuttle whitout dedicated cargo space might result in a loss of cargo.
Hmm. Not good enough. How much would normal transportation cost?

Is improved duct tape a possible tech? Duct tape always works. Oh yes.


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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #663 on: April 18, 2012, 04:01:33 pm »

If with near simultanously you mean same week, then yes. Please note that just stacking up loads on the space shuttle whitout dedicated cargo space might result in a loss of cargo.
Hmm. Not good enough. How much would normal transportation cost?

Is improved duct tape a possible tech? Duct tape always works. Oh yes.
In order to bring the spaceshuttle to you. Lemme see. About 5000. ( 0.5 per kg)

As for improved duct tape. Um yeah. I'll let you research that if you want. For now I think there's a more then 50% chance of some cargo loss.


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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #664 on: April 18, 2012, 04:07:48 pm »

What are the odds of researching something to hold cargo that doesn't itself take up space on the rocket?

Too bad- my current shuttle loadout fits so nicely.

Can I launch a shuttle then land it elsewhere, assuming the recipient agrees?
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #665 on: April 18, 2012, 04:10:45 pm »

What are the odds of researching something to hold cargo that doesn't itself take up space on the rocket?

Too bad- my current shuttle loadout fits so nicely.

Can I launch a shuttle then land it elsewhere, assuming the recipient agrees?

You could make a cargo only shuttle?( Ie throwout cockpit)

Yes. You can even try to do it if the recipient does not agree, but that might result in accidental antiaircraft fire.


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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #666 on: April 18, 2012, 04:39:20 pm »

Well, everything seems to be going nicely (except for US relations with Scotland :() so I have a few questions before I make my turn:
  • Are the thrust penalties for my new reusable rocket the same as my old disposable rocket?
  • Have I reached the maximum thrust for solid fuel?
  • Has the cost of researching solid fuel increased for me?
  • How can I repair relations between the US and Scotland?
  • Regarding the capability of my SEA satellites to do "basic observational research", can this be improved and if so what effect exactly will this have?
  • How much does my computer monitoring system cost?
  • How do objects with a lifetime greater than 12 months work in terms of game mechanics?
Nirur Torir, I have a reusable launch vehicle which may be able to help with your space station project. I am still not sure how much I should charge for its use but are you interested?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 10:29:33 pm by RulerOfNothing »

Nirur Torir

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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #667 on: April 18, 2012, 05:35:03 pm »

Nirur Torir, I have a reusable launch vehicle which may be able to help with your space station project. I am still not sure how much I should charge for its use but are you interested?
Fail chance:1%+70%(reentry)
I, er, think I'd rather stick with Toaster's 10.9% failure chance vehicles until I get my own.


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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #668 on: April 18, 2012, 05:36:01 pm »

Well that's alright then; you can keep my offer in mind for unmanned launches or something. By which I mean that the 70% failure chance is only for reentry, so if you don't care about getting anything you launched back soon it only has a 1% failure chance.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 08:12:49 pm by RulerOfNothing »

Nirur Torir

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Re: The Space Race: Forum game
« Reply #669 on: April 19, 2012, 08:43:46 am »


Lab 1st floor: Research external cargo clamps that take 1m of internal space.
Lab 2nd floor: 10m fuel tanks.
Lab 3rd floor (Shaiming Hu): Improve the spacegym's stay duration.
Lab 4th floor (Specialized for space stations) (Yi shing): 4m sleeping quarters module using my data from the small one. (I'll want to be able to keep people in space for at least three months three years from now. If this can easily be done with two bunks per quarters, good, otherwise keep it at one.)

Design & Production

Upgrade mission control's Taikonaut coordination to improve their success chances. ($5000)

Send Taikonaut One to help Toaster fly an Explorer Mk II to me if possible and wanted.
If everything works out well, launch a joint mission with Toaster using the borrowed shuttle. Taikonaut One may fly with his crew. Taikonauts Two and Six will fly for me, as well as either one of his crewmen for xp, or Taikonaut Eight.
   Both shuttles will carry three space suits, provided by me ($1500)
   My shuttle will carry two 1m station modules, empty save their dual docking bays. ($1200)
   Toaster's shuttle will also carry two 1m station modules with dual docking bays. ($1200)
   The mission is to test running a joint mission with DWARF and iron out any snags assembling stations before the real mission.
   Taikonauts One and Two will remain as pilots and leave the spacewalking to more replaceable personnel. (I realize that they'll all probably have to suit up before anyone can leave the shuttles.)
   The shuttles should each carry two sets of spare batteries and oxygen tanks for the suits. ($600)
   The test structure is expected to have an unstable orbit and burn up in the atmosphere at some point.

Taikonaut Recruitment:

Aerospace department investment (year 4 of 5) ($1000)
Trade with Toaster: Space Stations: Theoretical for an Explorer Mk II.
Pay ASTRO for SEO Space Health Studies ($1500)

Total expenses: $16,000
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 07:52:00 am by Nirur Torir »


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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #670 on: April 19, 2012, 10:49:12 am »

Well, everything seems to be going nicely (except for US relations with Scotland :() so I have a few questions before I make my turn:
  • Are the thrust penalties for my new reusable rocket the same as my old disposable rocket?
  • Have I reached the maximum thrust for solid fuel?
  • Has the cost of researching solid fuel increased for me?
  • How can I repair relations between the US and Scotland?
I dunno, be nice. Give them gifts. Try to stabilise the relations.Depends on how good you roll, actually.
  • Regarding the capability of my SEA satellites to do "basic observational research", can this be improved and if so what effect exactly will this have?
It will unlock more possible research grounds or increase the research gain.
  • How much does my computer monitoring system cost?
I think it was 250. Might need to check.
  • How do objects with a lifetime greater than 12 months work in terms of game mechanics?
Every turn 12 months of lifetime is retracted from their lifetime.( So your sat counted as if 2 sats were launched, 1 with 12 months and one with 6 months lifetime)


Lab 1st floor: Research external cargo clamps that take 1m of internal space.Nice one. Cargo damage chance will still excist though.
Lab 2nd floor: 10m fuel tanks.OoO. That'll be like 4.000 liter tanks. Also pretty expensive tanks.
Lab 3rd floor (Shaiming Hu): Improve the spacegym's stay duration.Another way to increase space stay duration are space health studies
Lab 4th floor (Specialized for space stations) (Yi shing): 4m sleeping quarters module using my data from the small one. (I'll want to be able to keep people in space for at least three months three years from now. If this can easily be done with two bunks per quarters, good, otherwise keep it at one.) Is a month unresearched good?( Upgradeable to perhaps 3months. Add to that the gym and potential spacehealth studies upgrades)

Design & Production

Upgrade mission control's Taikonaut coordination to improve their success chances. ($5000)That's a nice one. Didn't think of it.

Send Taikonaut One to help Toaster fly an Explorer Mk II to me if possible and wanted.
If everything works out well, launch a joint mission with Toaster using the borrowed shuttle. Taikonaut One may fly with his crew. Taikonauts Two and Six will fly for me, as well as either one of his crewmen for xp, or Taikonaut Eight.
   Both shuttles will carry three space suits, provided by me ($ ???)250 per spacesuit. It's HQ quality, after all
   My shuttle will carry two 1m station modules, empty save their dual docking bays. ($ ???)500 for a 1m, 1000 for a 2m,1500 for a 3m and 2000 for a 4m) 100 for a docking bay.
   The mission is to test running a joint mission with DWARF and iron out any snags assembling stations before the real mission.
   Taikonauts One and Two will remain as pilots and leave the spacewalking to more replaceable personnel. (I realize that they'll all probably have to suit up before anyone can leave the shuttles.)The shuttle doesn't have an airlock, so yes
   The shuttles should carry spare batteries and oxygen tanks for the suits.Spare tanks are 50 dollar and 25 kg each
   The test structure is expected to have an unstable orbit and burn up in the atmosphere at some point. Probably within 2 weeks. Note that because this is a fairly large structure, there's a small change parts may survive reentry.

Taikonaut Recruitment:

Aerospace department investment (year 4 of 5) ($1000)
Trade with Toaster: Space Stations: Theoretical for an Explorer Mk II.

Total expenses: $10,000 + (mission-related production fees.)

Nirur Torir

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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #671 on: April 19, 2012, 11:51:30 am »

Ruler of Nothing: I'm interested in commissioning another pair of SEO satellites set to Space Health Studies, with shared results.

[Sleeping quarters] Is a month unresearched good?( Upgradeable to perhaps 3months. Add to that the gym and potential spacehealth studies upgrades)
That should work well.

Probably within 2 weeks. Note that because this is a fairly large structure, there's a small change parts may survive reentry.
Can we angle the orbit so won't hit anyone important (southern hemisphere :P), or is it completely random where it will crash?

I'll update my turn with the new payment data.


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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #672 on: April 19, 2012, 05:18:19 pm »

10ebbor10, what I was asking about was how I didn't make any progress on the Mercury map or the Moon map since last turn, despite having SEA satellites with 6 months remaining at both locations last turn. Anyhow, my turn:

Dr Smith will further improve our commercial battery technology (free)
Lab 1 with the help of Konrad Becker will reduce the weight of the reusable single stage hull. If it gets reduced to the minimum work on increasing the reuse chance (-$1000)
Lab 2 will improve the sensing equipment on the long term SEA satellite (-$1000)
Lab 3 will increase the maximum fuel of the small AC thruster (-$3000)
Research cost: $5000

Redstone III
Stage 1:
5m 2-stage hull (5*75=375kg)
4m solid fuel tank (4*225=900kg)
1 small AC thruster (1m, 100kg)
Stage 1 weight: 1375kg
Stage 1 thrust: 4500kg to LEO

Stage 2:
5m single stage hull (5*50=250kg)
2m fuel tank (2*225=450kg)
1 small AC thruster (1m, 100kg)
Stage 2 weight: 800kg
Stage 2 thrust: 1406.25kg to LEO
Cost: $750
Design cost: $2250

Upgrade the mission control to support more missions per year (-$10000)
Construction cost: $10000

1 Hyperion RLV (-$1000)
1 Redstone II (-$775)
3 SEA satellites (-$2000)
1 computer monitoring system (-$250)
Production cost: $5025

Launch 1: Launch two SEA satellites into LEO with a Hyperion (with computer monitoring). Have the SEA satellites study space health studies. Share the results with CHASE.
Launch 2: Launch a SEA satellite into Mars orbit with a Redstone II. Have the SEA satellite take pictures of the surface of Mars.

Spend $4000 on getting astronauts of at least 0.7 quality
Astronaut cost: $4000

Spend $4000 on recruiting more scientists (preferably fuel or payload scientists)
Attempt to repair relations between the US and Scotland.

Total cost: $30275
« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 09:42:40 pm by RulerOfNothing »


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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #673 on: April 19, 2012, 11:45:37 pm »

Added missing research data.


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Re: The Space Race: Forum game(8/8 Players) Full. Turn 16: 1961-1962
« Reply #674 on: April 20, 2012, 10:30:00 am »

Now we just need  Kingfisher and ansontan.
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