> eat the giant bipedal things.
your fools jump forward, but something prevents them from eating them...the big vibrations have something as armor! are they maybe a force of invasion!?
still, they run away. You hear through your antennae's.
Oh my god!!!
HELPPP I'm going to dieeeethough a couple of fools did manage a bite, most of them were unluckily stomped.
-23 fools +pissed off mob running awayyou strain yourself in an attempt to attach yourself to all the possible roots around you.
And that you do.
-30 filaments +3600 food it actually came easier, since it seems many of them are intertwined by themselves at a lower level underground.
in the meantime, the remaining scout is running in your direction. He seems followed though, by a smaller vibration. Still enormous, but smaller.
Energy Storage:24 (earn 6X from hivegrass+2 hivespawn)
Food Storage:4224 (earn 4280 a day)+(random from hivespawn)+(random from hunter group)
Filaments specialized: 203
Filaments available: 56
Minimum Filaments to keep: 48
Unfertilized eggs: 0
Hivemind :everything beneath that is not after the =
1 Overseer called "Overseer Primant" -Nauseous/incapacitated-
4 Vanguard/Acid Guard=one is a rearranged slave "veteran" 10 cm width and 9. something tall
2 Glander
9 Gatherers
33 Fool
1 scout (in alert)
3 hivespawn (advanced)
428 Hiveroots (assimilating tree roots)
Now...decisions, decisions decisions...something is coming you way. you could either build up you filaments and keep them to try and fight it, or order the scout to commit suicide, or do something else entirely...in any case, your size is now smaller...merely a 16 circa cm*3 sphere.