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Author Topic: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)  (Read 16228 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Begin!)
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2012, 05:34:53 pm »

Mini-Turn Adam and Shadowcaster:

Adam makes his way down the hall, unknowingly shadowed by Shadowcaster. He asks around the mansion until he is pointed to Governor Green's office. As the pair of you approach the office you can hear a loud argument within. This carries on for several minutes, before a small man of Indian descent storms out the door and shoots Adam a dirty look before leaving.

Adam enters the room to find Governor Green at his desk, annoyance and anger cloaking his ancient face. "You can come in as well Shadowcaster, I can sense your pulse lurking in the shadows you know."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Begin!)
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2012, 07:03:53 pm »

Finishing the final button of his costume Chuck stared deeply into nothing for a moment. Show time!. After picking up the deck of cards from his dresser Smokescreen dramatically swept his cape as he left the room making his way back towards the eatery. Heh, I doubt parlor tricks are going to impress anyone around here, still I wonder if I can make some money from any of these suckers. Hopefully that weird looking chick is the only psychic around here.

Wandering through the hallways and habitually shuffling his cards he could not help but be impressed. Man you really have to see these places to believe it, can't believe they have farms in one of these domes. As he walked Chuck could not help but stare at the few people who wandered by , there sure were indeed some interesting characters aboard the Roosevelt Dome.

There were few people at the eatery but the staff might have some spare change, besides Chuck was always home talking to working class folk anyways rather that great heroes and administrators.

Head back to the eatery and look for rumors about anything going on around the districts. Also see if they are willing to wager any money on a few 'games'.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 07:42:04 pm by Flintus10 »

The Fool

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Begin!)
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2012, 08:47:21 pm »

Adam blatantly ignored Shadowcaster altogether, and started talking to the governor. "Adam Able, codename Doppel, reporting in sir." He saluted in a semi-formal fashion, without tensing himself. "Until I hear otherwise from CSIS and the Canadian government I am now officially under your control. I'm looking for a mission."

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Begin!)
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2012, 10:41:53 pm »

RP MODE @ Adam/Shadowcaster:

"Yes. I have read your file boy. Quite impressive. Your skill set reminds me of Split Seasons, a Japanese heroine from way back in the day. Nice girl, all four of her. Pity we had to bump her off back in Kyoto." Governor green closes his eyes to remissness briefly.

Snapping back to attention the old man produces a plastic bag full of grey powder. "So anyways work for you. The other week one of my aids came into work with elevated endorphin levels and blood pressure. Found this bag on him. Some new fangled designer drug they call 'hairball'. At first I thought it was an isolated case, an import if you will."

He pauses and scratches his head. "But then the police started to catch more and more people with this stuff, a few dealers even. They are making it somewhere on Truman and selling it off here in the Roosevelt Dome to snotty upper middle class kids."

Henry glances into the hallway with a grin. "A drug case. Funny considering where we last met before today Shadowcaster, eh? I got a few leads, so you two can each take one and start your own investigation, or go it on your own."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Begin!)
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2012, 12:10:14 am »

"You can come in as well Shadowcaster, I can sense your pulse lurking in the shadows you know."

Kevin gives an acknowledging grunt from beneath his mask, enough to confirm his presence without showing himself.

Adam introduces himself to Green, who then briefs him on the drug situation.

Kevin appears in the doorway, standing straight with arms crossed, to address Green directly. "Schoolyard slingers? Not my usual targets." He grumbles, "But it beats sitting around. You said you caught some dealers. I'll have a talk with one. Be nice to see the prison anyway. Educational. Field trip."

Kevin shifts to face Adam, his expression imperceptible beneath his gas-mask. "You're a Govvie boy, right? Ever done the interrogation bit?" Kevin uncrosses his arms and lifts his mask to reveal a somewhat emotionless grin. "I'll let you be 'Good Cop'".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Begin!)
« Reply #35 on: February 08, 2012, 12:57:15 am »

Green shakes his head. "That fine gentlemen you saw storm out of my office was Charles, the attorney general. Poor guy spends more time investigating me than cleaning up the streets. I guess given my past some scrutiny is acceptable but this guy is obsessed... Point being we don't get along and he just told me, in no uncertain terms, that the local justice department will be giving no aid to any 'pet freaks or nutjobs' I bring in."

He sighs and drums his fingers on the table. "So with that in mind I don't think I can get you into jail. I do however have the name and residential address of one of the dealers the AG turned loose this morning... if you both get my drift."

He pauses for a second. "Of course it goes deeper than just a few dealers getting the local pre-teen population high. On Truman most of the crime can be traced to some major gang or another. The forensic number cruncher guys tell me that these drugs are likely being produced in a good sized facility in one of the poorer domes. I know from experience that such a facility could never exist here without some group of scumbags green-lighting it. I'm more interested in seeing that plant, and perhaps even the creeps running it, shut down than putting a few more dealers back in jail."

Green gives a slight smile. "Alot of the warehouses and factories in Eisenhower and Hoover, where the drugs are likely being made, are modular in design. If you can clear one out, and provide enough evidence for the colony to confiscate the property, I could have it retrofitted into a proper base of operations for you lot out of pocket at little cost. Its likely the only way your getting out of my house if Charles wont let me spend public money on you all."

Suddenly the old man's eyes shoot open wide. "Crap. It just occurred to me that he might just try and hold up the paperwork to get you all travel passes. I'd best head down to the DMV and apply the gubernatorial bludgeon to the rusty gears of bureaucracy."

The governor quickly pages his secretary; instructing her to provide the both of you with the contact information required to track down the dealer. He then departs for his waiting car.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Begin!)
« Reply #36 on: February 08, 2012, 01:28:44 am »

Well, a little peek wouldn't hurt, anyway. After all, everybody seemed to be pretty anti-social at the moment- and they weren't even really a group, except insofar as they all happened to be associated with the ISU, and happened to be packed off on the same ship. Besides, they all knew she was a psychic, but she was listed as a telekinetic, right?

Lillian leaned back against the wall of the little cubicle as she popped a handfull of the pills, and reached out to graze the nearby minds.

"...make some money from any of these suckers. Hopefully that weird looking chick is the only psychic around..."

'Okay so maybe he
suspects it.' She frowned as she broke off contact. It was a valid concern, though... psychics weren't exactly common on Earth, but she had no idea what the super demographics were like here on Truman, and other telepaths could be... trouble. Anyway...

"I will snuff out crime, like a stormcloud crossing over a full moon. I am Shadowcaster."

...Okay. Moving on...

"..."Young Gadgeteer Raids Assembly Plant in Mechsuit"..."

...Well now. Figures that the Spirit of Industry would be the first to start doing anything productive, but this sounded interesting... She reached into her luggage again to extract and boot up her own custom tablet while eavesdropping on Symon reading the rest of the article, broke off the link after he finished, and plugged in a quick search to skim the article (and the subsequent Meblab page) herself. Rescuing hostages and beating up fellow communists (or more likely making them crap themselves and capitulate when they realize who he is) sounded right up his alley, anyway.

As the screen obligingly morphed to give the photos the illusion of depth and translated the text into braille, Lillian let out a low whistle- this "Synthetic Kiss" character seemed to be almost her age, but also some manner of famous teen heartthrob/super-criminal/misunderstood (?) genius with a slick suit of powered armor not unlike the Soviet Super Suit™ the ISU guys had been loading onto the shuttle earlier. Either someone was helping her, or this was a tragic waste of her talents...

'Or, maybe, someone's forcing her into it, and she's gotta make a circus out of it to keep the heat off the real villain.' There were any number of possibilities, and Lillian continued to muse on them as she changed out of her formals (she didn't much care for the pseudo-military ISU formal-wear anyway), and into  her casuals- today, a pair of cargo pants (forest, rather than the urban camo pair she reserved for her trademark costume), a crimson T-shirt with "TRAFFIC HAZARD" across it in bold white block letters, and solid black sunglasses.

She peeked out of the cubicle as she looped the tablet's strap around her neck, switched it to privacy mode (turning the entire screen black), and grabbed her cane from where she'd propped it up in the corner.

"I'm gonna go out and catch some sun, guys! Seeya in a bit, yeah?"

Of course, a quick sweep of the room while she tied her hair back revealed that pretty much everyone had buggered off already, but oh well. Tapping her way out of the gym by ear, she set her mind (literally) on further browsing.

Go out and catch some sun, while deploying Google-Fu (or it's Trumanian (?) equivalent) to dig up everything I can about Synthetic Kiss.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Begin!)
« Reply #37 on: February 08, 2012, 01:52:40 am »

Kevin steps aside as Green departs, pulling his gas-mask down back over his face.

"Huh. Good enough. This Charlie guy, he sounds like a dick."

Note to self. Charlie could have an angle on Green. We should talk. Maybe informative. Guy doesn't like supes, but I'm not a supe. I'm totally normal. Totally normal. Talk to him later.

Kevin walks down to the secretary's desk, and call's back to Adam, "Guess I'm off to shake down a pusher. Coming along?"

The Fool

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Begin!)
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2012, 02:01:53 am »

Adam called after Green, but he was probably too far away. "I'll take the job, but I'll need some intel on the domes. Can I see the layout of the area, and power consumption from the warehouses? I don't want to walk out after the job only to be shot from a secondary lab a building over." He figured that Green wouldn't turn back for something like that. It was too small a job for him to be pulling strings like that.

He turned to Shadowcaster with a subtle glare, "You may not like me, but we're going to need to work together, and by work together I mean we shouldn't shoot each other. Are we clear?" He stepped back, and started for the door. "We'll interrogate the dealer, and get a rough idea which dome the lab is in. We can get satellite imagery of the dome once we know which one, that should be publicly available. We should then make a plan on how to sweep the entire district, we'll have to improvise the rest. Sound good?"
« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 11:18:13 am by The Fool »

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Begin!)
« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2012, 07:07:58 am »

Symon read the latter article aqain. Extremists. He should've guessed. No matter where you went, you could never get rid of the fanatics and mindless zealots that clung to any cause like a drowning man to a rope, confident that letting go would be the end of their lives. The ideals of the Soviet Union had been hammered into him throughout his training and even before, of course, but as they now knew it was only a matter of time that the greed and evil of the idle rich would bring capitalism crashing down by its own accord. Terrorism and random acts of violence only harmed the cause. But they would never see that.

He glanced around the apartment. Most of the others had left, with only 'Quicksilver' still in the makeshift apartment. The girl had just left a few minutes ago. According to the briefings he'd been shown, she was a proficient mind-reader. That was slightly unsettling - back when he'd still been active in the Union, he'd once attempted to learn some exercices of mental fortitude meant to shield against this sort of thing from the lovely Miss Majestic, but nothing had come out of it.

Well, let her look. He had nothing to hide.

His attention returned to the tablet. He'd scout out the area first and speak with the local law enforcement. They could have valuable advice on how to deal with the situation - and, of course, it was best to make sure they knew he intended to go in.

Symon checks out the location of the hostage crisis and heads there, in civvie clothes and unarmed.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Begin!)
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2012, 09:59:18 pm »


Google, as it turns out, indeed has a presence on Truman. You set to work searching up information on Synthetic Kiss, and quickly find that there is more information about her on the celebrity gossip and conspiracy theory sites than there is on proper news and law enforcement pages. There is alot of information, and you can't quite be sure which sources are credible. As you work you get the feeling that lots of people are staring at you. You hope that there are pleanty other one armed-blind girls on Truman to blend in with...

After several hours of work you produce the follow facts  and theories on Synthetic Kiss:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Satisfied with your work, and feeling compelled to pop some drugs, you head inside to contemplate your next move.


The first step to solving the hostage crisis of course is to figure out exactly where it is taking place. The Sacred Heart Dome is only a two hour bus ride through the tunnels, and as a private dome run by the generally inclusive Catholic Church you don't need a visa to get in. However the article notes that the hostages are being held somewhere in the tunnel system, and the news site doesn't give the exact location out of fear that some will meaning citizen might try to get involved.

You decide to hop the bus to the Sacred Heart Dome. It is small, encompassing only eight square miles, and containing a few small housing areas, a university campus, a cathedral, a couple monastery looking buildings, and a small market place. The area is beautiful and well kept. You wander for a bit, buying an overpriced but yummy noodle meal in the market, before you manage to find and talk your way into a temporary FBI command center that is working the case. The agent in charge goes by Ryan Doe, and the two of you break the ice over a Spirit of Industry action figure that happens to be one of his many superhero themed desk toys.

He asks how he can help you...

-59 USD (Busride + Snack)

Shadowcaster and Doppel:

Adam returns to the locker room to change into his costume while Shadowcaster gets the information on their mark. His name is Tyler, an aspiring hip hop artist who goes by the street name "$treetwi$e'. He lives in an apartment complex across the street from an elementary school in one of Roosevelt Dome's few bad neighborhoods.

The two of you hop a cab to Tyler's apartment and check the area out. The Mark's window is on the second floor, and faces a somewhat concealed alleyway; breaking and entering is an option. Several shady looking characters hang out in front of the building, Doppel gets a few strange looks, but Shadowcaster manages to avoid their detection completely. Shadowcaster points out that you have a recent picture of Tyler, and that it would be easy to just find a hiding place and wait for him to enter or exit the building.

You each begin to form a plan... hoping the other dosnt screw it up royally.

-24 USD (Cab fair, split up the cost as you will, I'll just split it otherwise)


You head back to the Chinese place in costume. You chat up some of the workers, who are intrigued by the prospect of a superhero and offer to buy you a few drinks after their shift. You agree and meet up at the bar some time later. You procede to fleece them out of money while listening to their woes.

The local Chinese community is currently being terrorized by a small gang known as the Truman Safety Society. The TSS manages to get by in the well policed Roosevelt Dome through good publicity; although they masquerade as a anti-crime masked vigilance group they run a protection racket that victimizes minority run businesses. The TSS is run by the unholy alliance of Harmony/Insanity a Japanese super-being who claims to descend from the Norse God Loki, and Striped Eagle an American themed white supremist who fights with armor and a nasty utility belt of gadgets.

They also tell of rumors that a 9 foot tall man is living in the tunnels below the city. He works in a mushroom farm and is said to be able to lift a loaded semi-trailer over his head.

Happy with your winnings, both in cash and information, you take your leave.

+87 USD

The Fool

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #41 on: February 09, 2012, 11:44:31 pm »

"I'm not subtle, and I'll generate a lot of attention if I pick a fight outside. If you can't sneak in or don't want to risk it, I can make him run towards you. All you would need to do for that is wait on the other side of the building while I flush him out. Since this is a residential area I won't be using my guns unless I really need to. What do you want to do?"

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2012, 02:08:43 am »

Shadowcaster foots the bill for the cab, because he's loaded. He whispers to Dopple from the shadows of the alley.

"Hmm. Don't want to start a chase scene. Too risky. To much attention. I break in, and he's home, he runs. Same problem. We need more info. Catch him off guard. Hold on."

Shadowcaster stands from his crouch and strides out of the alley. He walks directly towards the shady individuals in front of the apartment and turns to address them. He holds his crossbow at his side, and his mask muffles his words.

Say "Tyler. Goes by Streetwise. Where is he. I want to buy the drugs."

The Fool

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2012, 02:26:34 am »

Doppel watches Shadowcaster walk out of the alley. "Now I just wait for the bullets to start flying." He moves to the edge of the alley, just out of sight of the house. He brushes his suit jacket back to reveal a pair of holstered 9mm pistols. With a click the straps that hold the pistols in place are undone, and Doppel pulls out both his pistols, and pulls back both slides with a single movement. All he needed was some kind of signal, and he'd encircle the house, taking out all opponents by any means necessary. If all goes well he won't need to kill anyone.

Wait for things to go south before splitting and surrounding the house.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #44 on: February 10, 2012, 02:41:04 am »

Placing his cards back in his pocket Chuck stood smiling. "Thanks for the info boys and your money was a nice little bonus. Be sure to give us a buzz if you ever wanna throw anymore away." he stood and left the Chinese place thinking.

Heh suckers. Though I guess we can't have a bunch of non-heroes running around terrorizing this place. Although taking on those guys by myself might be a bit much of an ask. Think I'd best investigate this tall fella' sounds like he could either be a useful ally or at least someone we don't want running around the place unchecked.

Investigate the location and details of this 9 foot man and then try and find a way under the city.
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