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Author Topic: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)  (Read 16241 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #90 on: February 26, 2012, 08:01:34 pm »

...Out the door? Wait, how long had they been at this?!

Muttering an "Aw, cwap!" around a mouthfull of sandwich, Lillian focuses for a moment, before her tablet rises above her cubicle, comes hurtling towards them, and finally settles down on the table in front of her, screen flickering on and wobbling drunkenly as she races across the clock and to her e-mail.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa whyisitalreadynoon?!" Turning slightly in her seat while hammering out a quick message, she calls back to the retreating staff member.

"Hey, uh, how much is it for a ticket to... Hoover dome?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Also, think I can borrow like-" she paused a moment to cough, "-ahundredbucks from the guv for... investigative overheads? I can give back the change probably!"
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #91 on: February 26, 2012, 08:28:26 pm »

The staffer laughs. "We can print tickets for official government business, free of charge. I'll run some off for you. Pick them up on the way out the door."

You get a quick email back:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Powder Miner

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #92 on: February 26, 2012, 10:11:46 pm »

Alan wolfed down his breakfast- even cold, it was far better than was he had had back at the castle. And then a tablet of sorcery suddenly went over the cubicle. "Whoa! ...Sorcery! ...or more of the'"powers' that everyone is telling me about but still magic!" Alan remembered about how someone was going to come and pick him up. He turned to a staff member. "Er, when was The Spirit of the Indus Tree- I mean Spirit of Industree supposed to come?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #93 on: February 28, 2012, 03:48:25 am »

"We ambush a foot soldier. Suddenly an anonymous tip. Convenient. Obvious trap. I bet Tyler alerted his higher-ups." Kevin thinks about his options for a moment. "I guess I could learn something. I'll check it out. No use letting them know we're working together though. I'll do it without the suit. Incognito." He gives Green a mock salute and heads back to the bunks to get dressed. He throws on some black jeans, a black T-shirt, and his favourite black trenchcoat. He slips his new ID in his wallet, grabs his tablet, and removes a tracking device from one of his custom bolts, shoving them all in the deep pockets of his coat. He pauses momentarily considering his selection of grenades. No use taking a smoke grenade to a smoke shop. Ha ha. Kevin grabs a flashbang and stashes it too.

All the other heroes seem to already be off doing their own thing. Kevin looks around and spots the Golden Knight still hanging around, chatting with a staffer. Hmm. The walking anachronism's on his feet again. I bet he's having fun. Gold weapons. Impractical. Weird kid. Wonder what he thinks of space.

Call a cab, get a ride to the mall and check out the smoke shop. If it looks like a legitimate business (with, you know, customers and stuff), head inside. If it looks like a shady front business, lurk around and observe for a while.

The Fool

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #94 on: February 28, 2012, 11:21:22 am »

Doppel woke up, and grabbed his cellphone off the folding desk in his makeshift room. He didn't know exactly where Shadowcaster was, but he needed to talk to him. He went through his contacts list and prepped a text message. "It's Doppel. I need you to see if you can pull either a phone number or a house number from Tyler's phone. I'm going to squeeze the truth from him this time, even if it kills him. At this point I don't really care if he lives. Text me what you can find." With one final press of a button the message was sent. Now he just had to wait for the reply.

He stood up from his bed and stared down at his leg where a bullet wound once was. It was shameful that his interrogation went so poorly. He wanted his revenge.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #95 on: February 28, 2012, 07:36:55 pm »


You hitch a cab ride to the mall and get a message from Adam along the way. It would seem that he wants you to give Tyler's phone a more through search. Having nothing better to do on the ride you oblige him. You find a folder on the phone labled 'Old Phone Data'. It is password encrypted. With a slight chuckle you quickly program an app to launch a brute force attack on the folder and set it to run. You figure that unless the dealer put together some crazy password of 12 random characters you should have access in a few hours. You email Adam to inform him of this development.

You arrive at the mall and head to the smoke-shop. The mall is crowded, and even if the store was explicitly trying to avoid attention you figured it would still see more than its fare share of costumers. Glancing inside you see a clerk, several college students looking at bongs, and two men in their thirties just standing around. One of them makes eye contact with you, and you can tell by their alertness and posture that they must be guards.

The offices on either side of the Smoke-shop have blinds covering the windows and doors, preventing you from seeing in.

Deciding that the goons have no reason to jump you until you start asking questions you head on into the store and pretend to browse as you look around. There is a door to a back room, but you doubt you can get in without doing something sneaky or rash...


You get an email from Kevin. It seems that he needs some time to get information off the phone. Perhaps you should find something else to do in the meantime.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #96 on: February 29, 2012, 01:19:42 pm »

"Uh... thanks." That didn't exactly help, since it wasn't the bus ticket she was worrying about per se... but bugger it, it'll work out somehow.

Lillian stood, thoughtfully tapping her chin with her tablet as she headed back to her cubicle to change out of the fencing kit. There was also this bunch of groupies/wingmen she'd forgotten about... she sighed as she packed things for the trip. 'Bloody fanboys. Buggers're only going to get between me and her..."

Oh, and things could get hairy pretty quick if she showed up being the only person not covered in powered armor, too. Probably for the best if she dragged Alan along... or Doppel, since he seems to also have been a late riser. Emerging shortly thereafter with cane in hand, costume bag over her shoulder, and pockets lined with their totally legitimate cargo of high-powered drugs and sharp, pointy objects, she called out to Alan as she headed for the door, pausing only long enough to TK her sandwich over.

"Oi, forget about Spirit and c'mon, you're with me now! I've got a da-- appointment to get to, and we're going to be running late!"

Too late to back out now, even if it's a trap! Let's rendezvous with Synthetic Kiss.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #97 on: February 29, 2012, 01:44:53 pm »

'I better get in the costume. It's... been awhile,' Symon said. That was putting it mildly. Aside from some routine system purging and exercises just before leaving Earth, he hadn't used the suit at full power in years.

He looked at the suit, bound tight against the back of the truck. It looked old, worn-out and battered, obsolete in this age of discreet augmentations and genetic engineering. Rather like himself, then. He'd made a few upgrades, sure, but sometimes he thought he'd better off with a completely new design. Perhaps now he'd have a reason to make one. He'd have to talk to Green or someone else about getting access to a lab or mechanical workshop.

Symon undid the binds and ran his fingers along the surface of the armor, feeling the extensive damage of years of use. There was particulary large cut, with rough, jagged edges, just under the left arm, a remnant from fighting Autarch's goons in the long days of 1988. A patch of scrap metal over a burnt hole in the chest plate told of emergency repairs in the wilderness of Georgia, testament to the fearsome power of the traitor's weapons. Countless cuts and scratches from combating the remnants of the Lycan Project over the nineties crisscrossed across the legs and arms. He hoped he wouldn't have to take out this 'Raptor's Sickle' while here.

He'd had a long career, compared to the kids he was travelling with. Theirs was not a profession where you tended to live old, or one that produced invididuals of great mental stability. He would've preferred to go out in a blaze of glory fighting this new Doomlord... but perhaps cleaning up this lousy excuse for a colony of Earth would suffice. He'd see what he'd do once the job was finished.

Symon smiled and reached for the armor.

Symon puts on the armor and begins exercising and running system diagnostics to get everything to perfect condition
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

The Fool

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #98 on: February 29, 2012, 01:59:56 pm »

Physically fit or not Doppel screwed up. He got too far ahead of himself, and let someone talk their way out without getting the vital information he needed. Since bleeding the man to death wasn't an option at the moment he needed something to take his mind off of it. What he needed was another job.

He dressed hastily, loaded his pistols, and headed for Green's office. The walk seemed to drawl on. Would Green actually give him another job after royally screwing up the last lead he was given? He might get handed grunt work, but he hoped for more, maybe a violent job to test his reflexes. He smiled at the thought, but it quickly faded as he reached the office. What would be the decision? He knocked at the door, daring not to delay himself further.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #99 on: March 01, 2012, 01:04:34 am »

Spirit of Industry:

You apply the armor. It is a slow process, taking about 15 minutes total before the helmet goes on and you boot up the primitive computer within. You hold still for several minutes while the suit runs a check on the power core and the engine, before breaking into a light warm-up jog around the back of the field office. The readouts are all mostly normal. You have minor blockage in one of the backup fuel lines and a knee joint that will need replacing within the next couple hundred miles, but that is nothing compared to the damage you would have to deal with back in the heyday.

As you go through your warm-ups a small crowd gathers to watch over the fence on the upper floors of the nearby college dorm building. Judging by the demographics of the assembled group, and the fact that the school is a catholic university, you quickly come to the conclusion that it is an all girls facility. They cheer at first, and one even tries to throw a pair of panties at you (missing by a good distance). Eventually however they seem to pick up on the fact that the hero they are watching as actually an agent of the godless soviets. They fall silent, and many of them disperse.

You figure the few girls who remain at the window are likely potential stalker material, and take your act out to the office's front lawn. The office faces the market district, and although a small crowd gathers most people are content to gawk briefly before going about their business. It is at this time you spot him, sitting in an outdoor cafe and enjoying lunch. The monk garmets that he wears throws you off at first, but you are fairly certian that no more than a stone's throw away is Segey Pavlov; The human form of Raptor's Sickle.

There is no way in hell that he don't notice you, but the lycan dose a damn good job of seeming to pay you no mind. Could he be after you? It can't be ruled out. The Attorney General leaked your presence on the planet to the press yesterday, and it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that the legendary Spirit of Industry would involve himself in this particular hostage situation. Of course Sickle could be in town for that as well; The Lycan's have a disturbing love for battle and he could just simply be waiting to involve himself in the situation when it becomes violent. The monk outfit offers yet a third theory to his presence here; man of the cloth has been a popular secret identity for Meta-humans since the dark ages. For all you know the Sacred Heart Dome could be his home.


Green beckons you into his office with a smile. "Back for more already are ya? I like that. I got just the thing for you. Well... that is not true entirely. You are one of those no nonsense intelligence guys huh?"

He sighs. "Do you buy into the supernatural Adam? I'm not talking about those crazy theroies that us supers are blessed by god or whatnot. I'm talking about truly ancient beings and artifacts of profane power. Things that are usually above interaction with mortals such as yourself."

Placing his hand on your shoulder the old man laughs. "I actually don't care what you believe. All you need to know is that there is a small shard of a tablet, covered in Mayan script in the private collection of one Tobias Reynolds. Rich local lobbyist who has no clue the danger that he has exposed himself and his neighbors to by bragging about the rock. It needs to be moved to a new owner, and the transfer of ownership cannot be consensual, lest he boast about who he sold it to. I need you to swipe it for me."

Green takes a sip of his water bottle and thinks to himself for a few minutes. "If you want to keep an open mind, I'll answer any questions you have about the shard to the best of my ability. Sadly I can only provide an address and outdoor pictures of Mr. Reynold's home, so you will have to find where he keeps the valuables without the benifit of blueprints. Good luck and try not to catch any bullets this time."

(Lilian stuff coming once I find out if Alan is going with her)

Powder Miner

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #100 on: March 01, 2012, 01:51:21 am »

Alan thought for a moment. The Spirit of the Indus Tree surely seemed to not be coming. He had nothing else to do, and truth be told he was a bit bored.

"I... guess I'll be coming. I need to grab my sword and armor." Alan immediately went to his bag of stuff and grabbed his golden armor, golden sword, and shield, putting them in a seperate bag and hurrying off to follow Lillian. Alan didn't want to stay in this building. Looked like he had been rusty too. Perhaps this would help?

Follow Lillian.

The Fool

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #101 on: March 01, 2012, 01:55:24 am »

"I don't really care what the tablet is. It's a job. It's all I need to know." He stopped talking for a moment before continuing. His eyebrows raised slightly as if he tried to show concern but nearly failed in the attempt. "Are you sure this is the best job for me? This kind of espionage isn't exactly my strongest skill. It used to be my job to clear buildings quickly, and get out. I believe the popular term was 'smash and grab'. I can get you the tablet, but I can almost guarantee that I'll be spotted in the process." Adam went silent for a second, and shifted his weight from one foot to another as if he was thinking.

"There is another alternative though. I've always been good at imitating voices and quirks of people. If you can set me up with someone to make me a prosthetic face of the client, and a few sound clips of the person I can have him hand me the tablet as if I just came to pick it up."

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #102 on: March 01, 2012, 02:01:57 am »

Infiltrate the giant's farm and if I run into him then try a few magic tricks and see what his reaction is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #103 on: March 01, 2012, 02:14:55 am »

Kevin pretends to examine a particularly ornate hookah as he sizes up the goons out of the corner of his eye. Those guys aren't mall security. I could take 'em. Probably more muscle nearby though. Lots more if it's a trap.

Kevin shifts his attention to a small purple blown-glass bong, and makes a point of examining any security measures that seem to be in place on the main entrance. Pretty risky setting up an operation somewhere so high-profile. But makes it tricky. Can't act during office hours. Don't want bystanders. I'll come back tonight. And when I rise from the darkness to snuff this flame of evil, the scum will know nothing but shadows. Feeling resolute, he gestures towards the counter, and then to the bong.

"How much for the water pipe?"

Kevin ignores two college student's chuckling as he purchases the bong and leaves.

Check for back entrances to the office buildings (anything out of view from the mall customers).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)
« Reply #104 on: March 02, 2012, 11:54:01 pm »


Green ponders you sugestion for a second. "Smash and grab works. I don't care if you are seen, I just don't want you being identified as Doppel. I can hook you up with some masks and gloves."

The old man takes a sip from his cup. "Of course, I doubt the people who would kill for the fragment are actualy on planet right now, so I wouldn't call this task high priority. If you want to just check the place out, and start piecing together a plan, go right ahead. I'd rather you work on the drug case as soon as you get another lead, if you don't feel comfortable smashing and grabbing feel free to just work on this job at your own pace."

Alan + Lilian:

The pair of you grab the tickets on your way out the door and walk to the station. The Hyper-sonic tram gets the pair of you to Hoover Dome in under 30 minutes, but Alan, unacustomed to such transport, spends most of the trip in the bathroom loosing his breakfast. Just as the tram is starting to slow down a message comes in from Synthetic Kiss.

"At train station! I'll be waiting out front in my hotrod! Let me know when you show up, and what kind of food you want to eat! I know where all the good noms are in this dome!"


Deciding to be sneaky you call upon your powers to phase through the grate as smoke and enter the giants property. A quick search lot reveals a huge customized tractor, a large and tightly locked shed, and a ton of mushrooms. Feeling bold you enter the giants shack.

The buildings interior consists of a single large room. What appears to be a large makeshift toilet crafted from scrap metal sits in one corner. On the wall across from the 'bathroom' are lots of news clippings in some Latin based language. In the middle of the room sits a table covered with documents written in both Mandarin and poor English. An envelope on the table catches your eye.

It is white, and unlike the other documents on the table, not covered in dust or grime. Papercliped to the envelope is a picture of the very man who lead you to your powers with the promise of real magic, all those years ago.

After gawking at the picture for several minutes, and wondering how the giant could have gotten it, you are snapped back to reality by loud snoring. You notice a huge tarp hammock hung from the rafters on the ceiling...


You purchase the bong and head out back to look for alternate entrances. You quickly spot a loading dock for the smoke shop, flanked by several more obvious goons. You think the dock may also connect to the two offices, but you would have to brave the thugs and get closer to find out for sure...
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