Turn 32: Return to base.
Panel 1:After consulting
Olof you find out that the
large axe, although crude is slightly sharper then the swords so you decide to take it with you.
You grab everything you can. You leave behind two
longswords so you can take the
body as well.
Panel 2:You get
Gurdy to carry the chest and have
Shelby watch her to make sure she doesn't run off.
Panel 3:You exit the cave and Gurdy is visibley upset at the sight of another dead comrade. You realise you may have killed her friends, or family.
You talk to Gurdy (with Shelby translating).
Mayard: "How well did you know them?"
Gurdy: "Not very well, they are war partners not friends. My brothers told me to join this group, they told me that I have to do my duty and protect Oor's name."
Mayard: "Did your brothers come?"
Gurdy: "No, all the positions for warriors were taken."
Mayard: "How did you join if the positions were taken?"
Gurdy: "I don't fight I fix the weapons when they are damaged. I do not like to fight, not because I cannot. I do not like to see dead war partners and brothers."
Panel 4:You make it back to your home.
Olof: "Well then, I think it is time for a lesson. Since you already figured out how to enhanced already existing spirits (when you put energy into Shelby) I will teach you how to choose what aspect of the spirit you improve. Then I will teach you a bit about the gods. And finally I will teach you something of your choosing:"
You have 210 trust points.Magical skill tree of ultimate destiny:- Basic Golem Crafting: Olof will teach you how to create golems. Golems have to be inhabited by a spirit in the same manner skeletons do. Making a golem requires bones, some blood and clay.
- Advanced Golem Crafting: Olof will show you the secret to making golems out of materials other then clay.
- Crystaline Spirit: Olof will teach you how to give spiritual energy a physical form. Combined with Crystal Use (4) this allows you to store spiritual energy for reuse at a later time (Although this can be impractical compared to other storage methods as it takes up a lot of space). Crystaline Energy is crucial to growing familiars(5,9).
- Crystal Use: Olof teaches you how to use crystals in rituals.
- Imp Growing: Imps are lesser familiars that are grown in corrupted ground using a small amount of flesh, bones and a single Crystal spirit.
- Imp Strength: Olof will teach you how to grow your imps so that they are stronger.
- Night Vision: Olof will teach you how to make imps that can see well in dark areas.
- Imp Control: Olof will teach you how to command control over your Imps. This will allow you to use less energy keeping them in check.
- Onger Growing: Olof will show you how to grow Ongers. Ongers are a type of greater familiar and are often refered to as Ogres despite the two creatures being seperate.
- Skeletal Possesion: You already know this! This is the skill of using a spirit to inhabit a skeleton.
- Bone Feast: Olof will show you how to imbue your skeletons with the power to consume bones to replenish their health.
- Skeletal Magic: Olof will show you how to create spirits that are more magicaly inclined. When these spirits inhabit a vessel they are capable of using their spiritual energy as a weapon. The abilities they can use vary with their magic skill level. Low levels will allow them to occasionaly throw balls of crystiline energy or shoot small amounts of semi magical flames. Higher levels allow them to enhance their low level skills and learn stronger ones.
- Skeletal Muscle: Olof will show you how to make spirits capable of causing a skeleton they inhabit to grow skeletal muscle. This gives them a health and strength increase.
- Skeletal Flesh: Olof will teach you how to give skeletons the ability to grow skeletal flesh. This gives them increased health.
- Bone Spikes: Olof will teach you how to make skeletons with skeletal flesh or muscle the ability to grow bone spikes.
- Spiritual Shield: A skeleton that can use magic has the ability to strengthen their bones against attack.
Author Notes:I changed the description of the skeletal magic skill to fit in more of my idea of how magic is going to work.
You have quite a few trust points so you have a lot of choice. Personally I wouldn't suggest advanced golem crafting since it requires you to actually have the better materials and equipment to make them.
On top of the things you are going to learn I will up your spirit-control-cap-thing to 65 or so.