I pander to my OCD and micromanagement tendencies. All (non-temporary) rock constructions made of stone blocks. And of a particular kind of stone blocks.
(Forgot to say,
temporary constructions, e.g. access walkways from which to build corner and otherwise inaccessible-to blocks) are generally also
all of the
alternate-colour-du-jour material (albeit non-block), and that is usually bright and distinctive. E.g. microcline, ovaline, cinnabar... Assuming I'm not using that material (or material of that colour) elsewhere. Does sort of become less obvious when building in a snow clime, but
I still know!)
I would probably do this too, if only it was easier to make things out of specific materials. I must be less OCD than you, since I can't make myself go through the trouble of setting up custom stockpiles and restricting workers to burrows containing only the correct materials...
Easy enough to do. Easier than it was in 40d time when you had to trick masons behind some doors that you'd then lock, and have to pre-equip with food and drink. Burrows can be set to cover food'n'drink areas, or the food'n'drink area burrow can have the same dwarves added, depending as to preference. Custom stockpiles are also a lot easier, since they were rationalised a bit.