I've been using a free checking account at my local bank (no monthly charges and whatnot), however, as a more reliable means to having tangible funds, I try to keep hold of as much cash on me (got a nice little safe/banking case like sales people use, with an accompanying excel spreadsheet to monitor it all) for as long as I can.
However, I've practically been becoming a household bank, so many cash loans have been taken from me in such a short time by my siblings anytime I pull in anything (especially in cash). They've been running quite a debt with me, and actually cutting into my funds to pay off my bills. I don't think they realize that I actually keep track of every cent that goes away. For their sake, be happy I don't charge interest or act like banks today.
Personal financial issues aside, I recall that my mom has essentially been bullied by Bank of America nearly for hours on end for charges she already paid off, or for charges that are not even due yet, or non-existent ones that "a recent bill" came up with, and also jumping her cost 5% or so at a time (possibly worse, from a worse base amount already in-process of numerous other buildups. I lost track. Short story, it's really bad.), regardless of the fact that she's been loyal to them for at least 20 years, never been late paying off or paying back her charges, and even taking a hit or 2 from them to keep them off her back. Despite the fact that they've nearly broke her bank account, they still charge her ridiculous amounts she can't afford due to like hidden charges or some bullcrap of the sort, demanding near-constantly. I mean, this is how they treat their most-loyal customers that actually DO pay their bills, and stay out of overdraft territory.
Thank God I didn't setup an account with them, but seriously. Even my mom has gotten so fed up with them, she willingly refuses to pay them off. At least a handful of times, they were pestering us at all hours (even as late as 2AM), we were ready to disconnect our phone lines just to shut them up. Alternatively, I could setup an amp and a microphone together, and respond with my version of feedback.
Looking at all this, I don't know how effective a modern-day Robin Hood would work. I think the FBI would have them captured/executed before they even become known publicly online.
To be fair, at least I try to cut breaks where I can accept the loss, and move on. Plus, I usually don't go into demanding a return unless I really need the money myself (getting late to pay off a debt myself (very rare) or a bill).