This is the closest I could find. Doesn't look legitimate, though.
Thanks for trying. I believe you're correct, it looks shady as hell. I mean think about it, if you were going to set up a criminal organization what better disguise could you choose than that of a hippie? A cop might think that you had a little weed on you or something, but they would never even consider that you might trafficking child soldier organs* or whatever.
While I'm here... Does anyone know of something to keep your feet warm that is not socks or a blanket? I find socks uncomfortable; and blankets get too hot, and are hard to get just right. The alternative is cold, bluish feet, which is more uncomfortable than socks. I'll be interested if anyone knows about something like this.
I offer the following suggestions:
1. A hot water bottle wrapped in a towel. Preferably a thick fluffy towel for best results.
2. A small electric blow fire. You know, one of those fans with a heating element. In the UK they cost less than £10. Should be dirt cheap anywhere. Make sure to get a small one and experiment with the angle, settings and distance etc. I used to live in a huge house that was slowly falling to pieces with, needless to say, fuck all to speak of in the heating department. It had power though. I perfected the positioning of my little blow-fire so that I could sit with my laptop in a perfect little circle of warmth in a corner with a couple of huge cushions. But with a tiny bit of fiddling you can set it up so the hot air warms your feet.
3. A personal servant with a car battery powered electric heating element, trained to obey you're every command such as "Warm my feet up!" and "They're warm enough now, bugger off" and similar. You made need to employ a second servant for the purposes of changing the car battery, unless you don't mind occasional power outages.
Meanwhile the search for a genuine antediluvian psychic power granting crystal skull continues....