I didn't find anything on this using the search option, but I was wondering if anyone besides me wanted a real time option for Adventure Mode, as opposed to turn based. I am not against turn based in general, and some games I've really enjoyed over the years were turn based (like Vulture's Eye (graphical NetHack), Alpha Centauri, Age of Wonders, etc) but I really feel like turn based doesn't do a complex game like Dwarf Fortress justice. Hear me out. one of the things I (and probably many others) really enjoy about the Dwarf Fortress mode of DF is watching all the hustle and bustle of hundreds of dwarves running around and interacting with each other and their environment like a busy ant farm. I miss that in Adventure Mode. Theoretically, there is just as much stuff going on there (or planned to do so), busy cities teeming with elves, men, and dwarves, vampire and necromancer cults, wildlife, but turn based mode doesn't really represent that well, because everything seems static until you do something, and then its only dynamic for one step, until you do something again. I would just love to stop somewhere, and watch stuff happen without necessarily doing anything, or clicking anything. A game like NetHack, which probably inspired DF's adventure mode somewhat, is fairly simple at heart, everything is random, there are no deep underlying simulations, so it's not like anyone would want to stop in the 14th level of the dungeon and observe ogres interacting with each other. But in DF, it's a completely different story. Also, real time adventure mode would mesh better, I think, with the real time dwarf mode. So anyone else feel that way?